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Test Server Feedback
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Phantom
3740,41592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Mass Test on Singularity: Thursday, 29th September @ 17:00 UTC
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Habakuk
2811,52752016.10.01 17:33
Amak Boma Go to last post
New mirror for Singularity in the next few days + Citadel cleanup
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CCP Habakuk
319,980222016.10.01 14:32
pajedas Go to last post
Konnor Maklaud
098702016.09.30 19:07
Konnor Maklaud Go to last post
Kadru Vasuki
153602016.09.30 14:41
pajedas Go to last post
Free skillpoints for participants of mass-tests
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CCP Habakuk
683269,7991032016.09.30 14:36
pajedas Go to last post
gordon rivas
157402016.09.30 14:34
pajedas Go to last post
Niki Chanlin
092502016.09.29 14:39
Niki Chanlin Go to last post
Niki Chanlin
091902016.09.29 14:29
Niki Chanlin Go to last post
Uncle Wookie
093702016.09.29 12:59
Uncle Wookie Go to last post
3d party verification?
098802016.09.28 19:00
DreadShard Go to last post
087402016.09.28 18:39
phantom245 Go to last post
Why a new faction?
Daemun Khanid
102,32002016.09.28 14:33
Akrasjel Lanate Go to last post
Super construction
Lynessa Claritas
41,34812016.09.27 23:21
elitatwo Go to last post
test server
081202016.09.27 19:02
Kendle Go to last post
Invalid Username/Password, cannot log in
Organix Crane
098102016.09.26 12:51
Organix Crane Go to last post
mirroring with existing sisi structures
185802016.09.26 09:40
CCP Goliath Go to last post
Niki Chanlin
084502016.09.25 15:48
Niki Chanlin Go to last post
: )
Kaervek Sage
164602016.09.24 22:32
Luke Jensen Go to last post
Cant see my ship control pannel
51,39702016.09.21 18:40
MegaD3ath Go to last post
Confessor Purity skin [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Morgan North
207,91272016.09.21 18:14
Morgan North Go to last post
Cold Iron Skin finalized ?
Alstevar Eastern
11,48512016.09.21 18:13
Morgan North Go to last post
Everything interface wise is broken.
Romana Erebus
175802016.09.21 12:02
Movilion Go to last post
Size/class Restricted beacons please
51,73312016.09.21 11:58
Romana Erebus Go to last post
Singularity training queue not available
Meliel Lazard
52,01302016.09.21 05:27
Romana Erebus Go to last post
black en Distel
281202016.09.20 04:02
black en Distel Go to last post
ETA of next mirror / copy
Rattle Girl
92,05622016.09.18 18:43
Amak Boma Go to last post
Cant log into singularity
090502016.09.16 16:18
ADAM BOHO Go to last post