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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,41592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
When Will The New Items Be Available For Purchase?
Destiny Dain2
61,97512016.10.16 17:58
Destiny Dain2 Go to last post
Missing Quad Mega Laser II icon in inventory
Lamajagarn McMyra
071702016.10.16 01:52
Lamajagarn McMyra Go to last post
Nelus Cadelanne
074202016.10.15 17:35
Nelus Cadelanne Go to last post
Proxy not conneting PLEASE HELP CCP
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Kal Draken
205,60982016.10.15 12:45
Mar5hy Go to last post
Dump the Omega Upgrade spam and gold borders on items
Soleil Fournier
11,44812016.10.15 09:33
Kal Draken Go to last post
Seeding of supercarriers in singularity?
95,00602016.10.14 13:41
Steveo Mowi Go to last post
Black screen on log on Singularity
daren Nevarez
113,36422016.10.14 13:28
Soldarius Go to last post
Accounts are Alpha Clone locked despite being subbed
i pvp
72,57622016.10.14 11:56
TigerXtrm Go to last post
UI color themes
Smuff Gallente
41,77832016.10.14 08:22
Nana Skalski Go to last post
Could you please reactivate
Riba mrRibnik
080802016.10.13 22:44
Riba mrRibnik Go to last post
Daemun Khanid
152712016.10.13 15:41
The Economist Go to last post
Van Saladin
079702016.10.13 10:06
Van Saladin Go to last post
Gerald Mardiska
174802016.10.12 15:17
Nam Dnilb Go to last post
alpha clones and sisii
Amak Boma
114,23802016.10.12 14:34
Minerva Arbosa Go to last post
New Orca and Porpoise on test server when?
41,72812016.10.12 14:27
Minerva Arbosa Go to last post
new skill window
Smuff Gallente
31,25702016.10.12 05:14
Smuff Gallente Go to last post
My Thoughts On The New Skill Tree
Destiny Dain2
077002016.10.12 04:31
Destiny Dain2 Go to last post
New clone states/character sheet/skill sheet on Sisi
085502016.10.12 01:11
Salpun Go to last post
Ghost fitting
293502016.10.11 12:40
CCP Goliath Go to last post
Spleen Wrath
050802016.10.10 00:06
Spleen Wrath Go to last post
GUI: Windows Blur issue
064802016.10.09 12:50
SysteMGhosT Go to last post
How often does the automatic account reactivation script run?
Christian Sandsvaer
397812016.10.07 16:28
Jiggs Casey Go to last post
New ship explosions
Yadaryon Vondawn
32,52862016.10.06 08:07
marVLs Go to last post
Heat damage on XL Launchers
172632016.10.05 14:50
Jiggs Casey Go to last post
Thoughts about the ghost fitting
Destiny Dain2
087402016.10.04 20:13
Destiny Dain2 Go to last post
Niki Chanlin
081202016.10.03 14:05
Niki Chanlin Go to last post
[BUG WORKAROUND] Character picture doesn't transfer from Tranqui...
Jeffrey Ozark
292922016.10.01 21:43
Elenahina Go to last post