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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Phantom
3740,38992017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,36752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29502014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
SiSi launcher [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Piper Halliwell
2911,97442011.11.21 20:53
Socomar Go to last post
CCP, please FIX THIS - T2 gang links - mining help!!!
Elanor Vega
73,60402011.11.21 19:56
bornaa Go to last post
New patch crashing the sisi client?
Dr Karsun
095202011.11.21 19:50
Dr Karsun Go to last post
Lonetrek - Markets not open yet...
Hiram Alexander
11,32302011.11.21 18:40
Dalloway Jones Go to last post
Can't Login to Singularity...?
Captain Skarlet
01,40602011.11.21 17:47
Captain Skarlet Go to last post
Graphics Devs, before you finalise engine trails...
52,39012011.11.21 14:38
Pyre leFay Go to last post
What's up with Minmatar
186,14562011.11.21 13:48
SMT008 Go to last post
Black screen while flying in space.
Renan Ruivo
11,21702011.11.21 13:42
Renan Ruivo Go to last post
Not a dealbreaker but,...
Kievan Arakyd
21,59402011.11.21 13:20
Logan LaMort Go to last post
Trying nullsec on Sisi, Need advice
42,32012011.11.21 13:10
CCP Goliath Go to last post
SiSi client crashes
Phobos Vortex
093402011.11.21 12:38
Phobos Vortex Go to last post
Ships and mechanics to balance next? - fast and simple suggestions
Pinky Denmark
185,26162011.11.21 12:23
Pinky Denmark Go to last post
Not a bug, but still annoying, Channel Config Window still blocks al...
085902011.11.21 11:54
Stralow Go to last post
Cant get into SISI? read this (worked for me)
Chuck Do Ceti
42,09212011.11.21 11:05
Pithior Anarchist Go to last post
New font doesn't support all the wierd symbols we like to put in...
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
2116,147142011.11.21 08:59
COMM4NDER Go to last post
bookmarks in overview
Chuck Do Ceti
087202011.11.21 08:23
Chuck Do Ceti Go to last post
Reactivate Cyndrogen
31,72402011.11.21 06:51
Cyndrogen Go to last post
Sisi Launcher Tries To Update and Updates An Old Version Of Incarna
Alexei Tourani
93,63122011.11.21 05:43
Bayushi Tamago Go to last post
waypoints list and starmap ?
53,87712011.11.21 05:21
Bayushi Tamago Go to last post
Active Modules bug - fails to deactivate
32,19312011.11.21 02:24
Ohh Yeah Go to last post
Suggestion on current Raven/Caldari and other ships
Aurelius Valentius
62,37132011.11.20 23:11
Pyre leFay Go to last post
New Turrents Effects
72,75542011.11.20 22:27
Jack Dant Go to last post
Patching Problem -- Error -3 while decompressing data [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
4214,98522011.11.20 22:16
Hiram Alexander Go to last post
Graphics bug at Customs Office
Hiram Alexander
099102011.11.20 21:42
Hiram Alexander Go to last post
Link/Items linked are back with Yellow:)
Eru GoEller
11,27902011.11.20 21:40
Hiram Alexander Go to last post
I get this message when I try to...
63,50412011.11.20 21:35
Missile War Go to last post
The new stars
Covert Kitty
103,65192011.11.20 20:49
Covert Kitty Go to last post