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Test Server Feedback
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,39192017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,36752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29602014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
CCP please, reconsider the last supercarrier changes
73,22032011.11.24 12:58
Shaak Ti Go to last post
0.0 Anomalies. You did not fix them, you made them worse.
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RaZor Flash
5820,876382011.11.24 09:48
Esunisen Go to last post
Changing Output Location for Patching and Downloads?
Ricara Reesh
41,99312011.11.24 09:02
Count NULL Go to last post
Tier 3 BCs feedback [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
205,77782011.11.24 06:16
non judgement Go to last post
Repeatable bug, windows flying all over the place
Covert Kitty
060902011.11.24 04:36
Covert Kitty Go to last post
crucible music
41,82032011.11.24 02:49
Mekhana Go to last post
Want option to disable ship self-rotating in hangar view
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Pierced Brosmen
3011,803222011.11.24 01:02
Mr LaForge Go to last post
Are Interdictors gettting the changes made to Destroyers? [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Jon Marburg
4414,759152011.11.23 23:22
Tanya Powers Go to last post
Singularity thinks my account has expired....
21,41402011.11.23 22:46
Cyndrogen Go to last post
096802011.11.23 21:58
Denidil Go to last post
Quick question regarding the new POCO timer
Kor'el Izia
31,59902011.11.23 21:14
Kor'el Izia Go to last post
POS Clarification
Arttemis Prime
195402011.11.23 20:30
Max Kolonko Go to last post
X-large Capacitor Battery
078002011.11.23 18:45
Miriiah Go to last post
Patch Notes
070102011.11.23 18:15
HELLBOUNDMAN Go to last post
On Missiles
069602011.11.23 18:10
HELLBOUNDMAN Go to last post
Thank You For Station Ambiance
Commander A9
62,45052011.11.23 17:40
Oberine Noriepa Go to last post
new clothing?
Lojak 2501
193312011.11.23 13:03
Andreus Ixiris Go to last post
Show meta lv on item icons directly
Temuken Radzu
82,57322011.11.23 12:47
Daedalus Arcova Go to last post
Solved: cant connect to sisi, (wrong protocol, common.ini wrong?)
01,09102011.11.23 12:02
L0ngcat Go to last post
Bugs with last Singularity Patch
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2611,52232011.11.23 11:50
CCP Sputnik Go to last post
Server status?
21,16502011.11.23 09:47
Headerman Go to last post
booted to desktop
31,52202011.11.23 07:59
COMM4NDER Go to last post
Engine trails missing? - Paladin
197902011.11.23 06:42
Headerman Go to last post
New Condor/Crow/Raptor?
Aurelius Valentius
52,22502011.11.23 05:59
Aurelius Valentius Go to last post
Wtb other pirate BS for market seeding
Cephas Boaz
72,51902011.11.23 03:29
Aglais Go to last post
Drag and drop fleet window.
Gods Smight
074802011.11.23 03:15
Gods Smight Go to last post
Feedback on Radar/Mag sites for Winter Expansion?
03,98102011.11.23 02:05
Cypermethren Go to last post