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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Phantom
3740,39592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,36752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Shader Quality
62,86502011.11.28 19:31
Xenial Jesse Taalo Go to last post
Windows not movable or resizable
164,222102011.11.28 19:27
CCP Anthelios Go to last post
Gallente ships now have glossy reflections?
21,09102011.11.28 19:04
Xenial Jesse Taalo Go to last post
The Unknown now Known?
92,74922011.11.28 18:55
Astrid Stjerna Go to last post
Dread changes - Do they still require 'capital drone bays?' ...
Danny Centauri
21,04112011.11.28 15:56
Danny Centauri Go to last post
Increased Player Ship Salvage - clarification requested
Fon Revedhort
153,63332011.11.28 14:51
Fon Revedhort Go to last post
063302011.11.28 07:06
Headerman Go to last post
The new Eagle / Vulture / Buzzard / Etc Skins are fugly :\
123,75372011.11.28 05:39
Anah Karah Go to last post
The Naga, From My point of View...
154,96972011.11.28 05:26
Cloora Go to last post
The Gallente Shuttle [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Inir Ishtori
215,985242011.11.28 05:16
Inir Ishtori Go to last post
Vote for Winter - Round Up on PG and CPU
Aurelius Valentius
185412011.11.28 04:52
Varve Go to last post
Wrap around glasses + No texture = AWESOME
183802011.11.28 04:42
Mirei Jun Go to last post
Unusual Reports
Naso Gomez
294702011.11.28 04:35
Pyre leFay Go to last post
Warp to 0 and jump button
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Deviana Sevidon
2511,445232011.11.27 21:42
NUXI7 Go to last post
(please delete)
049302011.11.27 21:03
Palovana Go to last post
Character creator
31,28502011.11.27 20:58
Palovana Go to last post
Stuck windows
92,24542011.11.27 18:05
Razin Go to last post
UI corruption bug
Herpus McDerpus
42,26712011.11.27 16:15
Dewatts Go to last post
Problems connecting to sisi.
Valea Silpha
41,75122011.11.27 12:29
oldbutfeelingyoung Go to last post
Balancing: Caldari Hybrid Shield vs. Amarr Laser Armor [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
7627,040462011.11.27 01:27
Cloora Go to last post
Time Dilation and Aggression timers
41,85302011.11.26 20:23
Bienator II Go to last post
Radio Chatter missing (No it's back again lol)
Blue Harrier
21,30002011.11.26 17:58
Xenial Jesse Taalo Go to last post
Missing TEST SP
31,02602011.11.26 15:58
Archare Go to last post
090102011.11.26 13:00
STURN342 Go to last post
Feedback: Loot All {improvement!} , Drone Hordes
32,06012011.11.26 12:14
Sellendis Go to last post
i know this is stupid but
92,63802011.11.26 06:03
Dewatts Go to last post
Can't seem to launch to SiSi
170002011.11.26 05:39
Moonaura Go to last post