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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,41492017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,37452017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
mining drones and mining boosts
the eyeinthesky
21,31502016.10.28 04:35
vikinghero Go to last post
the new NPE experience bugs
Amak Boma
171402016.10.28 00:11
TigerXtrm Go to last post
How to disable 'Aura' popping up?
Ded Akara
43,62002016.10.27 23:00
Mark O'Helm Go to last post
Why with the T2 Ice Harvestor Drones?
Destiny Dain2
11,12502016.10.27 14:46
CCP Lebowski Go to last post
Mining dronen and NPC
296702016.10.27 13:11
Amak Boma Go to last post
Activate this account, please
272902016.10.27 12:14
Zhunya Go to last post
Unable to fly Comand Ships anymore
Vabanaz Arjar
124,229102016.10.27 11:22
oiukhp Muvila Go to last post
Rouge cloning site broken
Jackson Ikkala
159902016.10.27 07:05
Zhunya Go to last post
Industry Jobs Gone
Jiggs Casey
102,01802016.10.27 02:40
Jiggs Casey Go to last post
industrial jobs lost
Jackson Ikkala
155502016.10.26 21:25
Jiggs Casey Go to last post
cant test anything because the marked dont work on the testserver
21,04922016.10.26 14:58
Faxtarious Go to last post
People & Places not working
Fred Strangelove
057302016.10.26 14:24
Fred Strangelove Go to last post
Mass Test on Singularity: Tuesday, 25th October @ 17:00 UTC
CCP Habakuk
167,060152016.10.26 11:35
CCP Habakuk Go to last post
major lag after update
Jackson Ikkala
158302016.10.25 20:10
Jackson Ikkala Go to last post
Jackson Ikkala
049302016.10.25 19:36
Jackson Ikkala Go to last post
New Explosions with added flavor?
Martin Vanzyl
289002016.10.25 18:56
Martin Vanzyl Go to last post
Voice feedback
Amanda Orion
165702016.10.25 18:04
Rhivre Go to last post
launcher update ; new version loop
Amak Boma
038502016.10.25 16:53
Amak Boma Go to last post
sisi is stuck in starting up
Jackson Ikkala
51,22202016.10.25 16:42
Jackson Ikkala Go to last post
Sigularity Down?
Marcus Longfellow
275102016.10.25 16:35
Marcus Longfellow Go to last post
Excavator Drones and Mining Drone Specialization
Niomi Kunst
11,00402016.10.25 13:31
Arronicus Go to last post
Jesus Chan
045602016.10.25 11:08
Jesus Chan Go to last post
testing the porpoise and the other industrial command ships?
82,41502016.10.25 08:47
Chan'aar Go to last post
Issue loggin multiple characters
Cable Uta
41,80402016.10.25 05:38
Younglist Souljah Go to last post
Invalid username / passwordd
Ya'akov Hebrew
21,00202016.10.25 05:20
Ya'akov Hebrew Go to last post
getting less m3 on sisi then tq
Daniel Jackson
052502016.10.25 02:53
Daniel Jackson Go to last post
'Excavator' Mining Drone no skill book !!
Zomparxos Armani
183502016.10.24 14:13
Amak Boma Go to last post