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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,40392017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,36752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
172902016.11.08 14:47
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
Please reactivate for SiSi
Vendictus Prime
185302016.11.08 14:47
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
Reactivate for Singularity
Servantis Storm
183302016.11.08 14:46
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
cannt log in
Johnathen Hudson
165702016.11.08 14:42
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
Request for activation
Xykyc Hukuc
167802016.11.08 14:41
Jarno Midumulf Go to last post
067602016.11.08 09:04
shyshkanov Go to last post
Massive FPS loss even with lowest settings.
089302016.11.07 16:48
Rezard Go to last post
Attaching screen shots in and out of game to bug reports is not work...
31,68012016.11.07 13:56
CCP Goliath Go to last post
Laboratory Module Doesn't Allow Research Options
Jita Hoar
055102016.11.07 09:41
Jita Hoar Go to last post
Looking for a Definitive answer on Docking in for Eng Complex
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2521,671152016.11.07 08:15
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
/Omega eats my SP
090702016.11.07 04:44
Tragar Go to last post
New Hulk
Faye Plaude
154612016.11.07 02:13
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
Aura Dialogue Box
045002016.11.05 15:49
ACESsiggy Go to last post
The new Executioner hull models
Helene Fidard
114,32892016.11.05 12:58
ColdCutz Go to last post
Test Server unable to log in after last big update on it
kev kammer
51,67002016.11.04 23:41
Pocket Ninja Go to last post
Can't connect to test server "Verification Failed"
Zero Davahum
174402016.11.04 23:17
Zero Davahum Go to last post
stuck in aura? there is some chance to get free and continue progre...
Amak Boma
22,03002016.11.04 18:10
Amak Boma Go to last post
Can you reactivate my account on the Test Server Please
049902016.11.04 10:05
dragonstar1 Go to last post
Cannot connect to the Test Server
164602016.11.04 10:04
dragonstar1 Go to last post
First test of new command bursts
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CCP Habakuk
5522,841112016.11.03 19:48
Tribal Trogdor Go to last post
please re activate account
Zen Keio
051002016.11.03 17:46
Zen Keio Go to last post
Alpha clone state skill training -- borked?
Fribain Magnusson
51,77902016.11.03 17:37
Mama Carebear Go to last post
Logi drones bugged?
168102016.11.03 15:53
Jiggs Casey Go to last post
PANIC Module Repair
21,87702016.11.03 15:38
Flashmala Go to last post
Sound - New Aura
Regan Rotineque
065902016.11.03 06:08
Regan Rotineque Go to last post
First Impressions - New Player Experience
060012016.11.02 17:54
NextDarkKnight Go to last post
More fleets needed?
Khan Wrenth
047302016.11.02 15:04
Khan Wrenth Go to last post