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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,24292017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,29152017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,27102014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
incompatrible(release) error
Captain TwoToes
72,39402013.04.05 02:34
destiny2 Go to last post
how do you add guns to a station you build?
92,03722013.04.04 23:54
Amara Feuta Go to last post
Account reactivation
Jedi Master06
041102013.04.04 23:09
Jedi Master06 Go to last post
Reactivate Please
Pink Delivery
033302013.04.04 22:17
Pink Delivery Go to last post
Character Activation Issue
Captain Copper
037602013.04.04 21:59
Captain Copper Go to last post
mirror question
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299,09882013.04.04 18:17
hellswindstaff Go to last post
Testing Alliance
Samantha Renn
290502013.04.04 12:13
CCP Goliath Go to last post
Requests for account reactivation
sweating fire
260602013.04.04 12:08
CCP Goliath Go to last post
Wrong Password
Eduardo Vieira
174,06702013.04.03 20:36
Eduardo Vieira Go to last post
login the server
286902013.04.03 11:34
odsx Go to last post
Whatever became of this?
21,20702013.04.02 21:55
ISD Suvetar Go to last post
Singularity Mirror
Jason Amelana
123,04142013.04.02 20:59
Tonto Auri Go to last post
Popping sounds from zooming and stuff
Lea Swiftfoot
392302013.04.02 14:01
Jason Amelana Go to last post
ataccking on the station with no reason!
kuldar skjiem
92,08322013.04.02 02:23
Tzu Wu Go to last post
killing on station with no reason
kuldar skjiem
046302013.04.01 07:40
kuldar skjiem Go to last post
Seems very long since last mirror
Waka Takaki
41,45212013.03.31 16:30
Eduardo Vieira Go to last post
When are the changes hitting?
Alexa Coates
277902013.03.30 19:14
CCP Habakuk Go to last post
Test server
Katastrofi Theos
155002013.03.30 19:04
Vin Ott Go to last post
144902013.03.30 08:12
Tonto Auri Go to last post
Capital V3
Nolove Trader
165,148122013.03.29 14:25
marVLs Go to last post
Dio Papa
036302013.03.28 10:28
Dio Papa Go to last post
test server and ship rebalances
034902013.03.28 01:04
JetCord Go to last post
Please reactivate the account of character "Taran Burst" o...
Taran Burst
152602013.03.27 21:47
Derath Ellecon Go to last post
Account problem.
Miss Fired
481502013.03.27 11:04
CCP Goliath Go to last post
155202013.03.27 11:04
CCP Goliath Go to last post
Wormhole Testing
Vigilant Oversight Actault
61,71912013.03.26 16:33
Derath Ellecon Go to last post
Logging In
Cribba Sebiestor
042502013.03.26 15:54
Cribba Sebiestor Go to last post