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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,24592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,29252017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,27102014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Skill Changes and Sisi
167412013.04.12 01:15
Captain Copper Go to last post
578 players online and a queue?
Celestial One
41,08302013.04.11 22:57
sten mattson Go to last post
Graphic Glitch
Syn Man
162102013.04.11 18:54
Velarra Go to last post
New capital V3 retexture looks amazing, armor/shield hardeners do no...
Sirran The Lunatic
071422013.04.11 12:11
Sirran The Lunatic Go to last post
400mb patch... what's in it?
Space Wanderer
276402013.04.11 07:09
chaosjj Go to last post
V3 Station Interiors
Jiji Hamin
075002013.04.10 22:03
Jiji Hamin Go to last post
Mass Test For Mac Users?
Jason Amelana
263002013.04.10 20:42
Jason Amelana Go to last post
Cant log onto Singularity
Colgate Breeze
31,14202013.04.10 18:51
Solhild Go to last post
Why oh WHY CCP!
71,62532013.04.10 15:23
Officer Nyota Uhura Go to last post
SP for mass testing
268012013.04.10 10:10
Idgo Thara Go to last post
shooting on station
Enceladus Erquilenne
049902013.04.09 08:30
Enceladus Erquilenne Go to last post
Archon bug. Triage?
61,56912013.04.09 01:09
Stan'din Go to last post
Customs Offices on SiSi?
Hyperspatia Lee
31,04202013.04.08 17:16
CCP Habakuk Go to last post
Patch Notes
045412013.04.08 10:45
Stan'din Go to last post
Capital booster+wrecks grahpics omission
Tarsas Phage
51,62462013.04.08 10:31
Stan'din Go to last post
New Rhea is awesome! Is there a chance....
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Denuo Secus
214,088342013.04.08 10:27
Stan'din Go to last post
Medieval Ballbuster
Medieval Ballbuster
171802013.04.07 16:39
Twilight Runner Go to last post
Sov Boosting?
037802013.04.07 13:39
deathfacade Go to last post
Sov Boost on SISI
054302013.04.07 02:56
Era'kanath Go to last post
Shield Boost Amplifiers & Capital Module Interaction
Alexander McKeon
83,30922013.04.06 19:39
Alice Katsuko Go to last post
Good idea for new testing grounds to get more pilots on SISI
152302013.04.06 11:39
YuuKnow Go to last post
v3 hangar view and spherical distortion
Utremi Fasolasi
165512013.04.06 08:17
Stan'din Go to last post
Vangels, Vangels everywhere.
Alexa Coates
71,64772013.04.05 22:46
YuuKnow Go to last post
Triage Module Graphical Bug
Strata Maslav
147722013.04.05 15:31
Vincent Gaines Go to last post
re-activate Iceman21
Idgo Thara
275032013.04.05 15:08
River Zapata Go to last post
256812013.04.05 08:54
destiny2 Go to last post
Fast fix for sisi client problems.
039302013.04.05 08:53
destiny2 Go to last post