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Test Server Feedback
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Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
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CCP Phantom
3740,39592017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,36752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29702014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Need activation
Sokarad Mangeiri
161302016.12.28 17:56
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Need reactivation
Avedis Arabetyan
156002016.12.28 17:56
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
activate my account pls
brass nuggets
172702016.12.28 17:55
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
CCP, don't you see people use SiSi a lot? Do something already
Verlaine Glariant
299512016.12.28 17:55
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
283012016.12.28 17:54
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Need reactivation
Dmitry Bykov
266502016.12.28 17:54
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Laputta Laputaa
162802016.12.28 17:53
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
cant log in
Morbius Karlock
284702016.12.28 17:53
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Need Reactivation
163002016.12.28 17:52
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Need Activation for Sisi
Zen Crow
159902016.12.28 17:52
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Please reactivate me.
31,19002016.12.28 17:52
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Testing exploration sites
Zarek RedHill
055902016.12.27 16:11
Zarek RedHill Go to last post
Can't log in two accounts at once
Colonel Sniff
177102016.12.26 20:29
Derek Kanjus Go to last post
Designated structure testing system.
Romana Erebus
065302016.12.24 19:22
Romana Erebus Go to last post
Need Activation or reactivation
046502016.12.24 18:04
Felisity Go to last post
Need reactivation
Mr Bowers
057702016.12.24 15:10
Mr Bowers Go to last post
Email change
046602016.12.23 20:48
Skerdyklele Go to last post
verification email
Amak Boma
048502016.12.23 18:27
Amak Boma Go to last post
Account E-Mail
Amely Arkson
047202016.12.23 11:03
Amely Arkson Go to last post
Reactivate please
Vanilla Jizzer
166302016.12.22 20:04
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Hi. Please help me
DD Piper
158902016.12.22 20:04
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Please unban/reactivate me on sisi
Shadea Kavees
172702016.12.22 20:04
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Need reactivation to Singularity - says my account is not Omega
Onyx Torch
173002016.12.22 20:04
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Activation SISI
Jony Bigodes
21,04902016.12.22 20:03
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
How to activate my account?
Tacitus Brohan
168102016.12.22 20:03
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
62,79702016.12.22 20:02
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
172802016.12.22 20:02
ISD Max Trix Go to last post