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Council of Stellar Management

Jita Park Speakers Corner
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Tian Toralen
72,51972014.06.20 01:13
Mallak Azaria Go to last post
Market interface
Tian Toralen
11,26702014.06.18 16:09
Steve Ronuken Go to last post
Remove NPC corps from employment history
Khadhir Hashul
135,22382014.06.12 15:52
Iain Cariaba Go to last post
Open Q&A with Sugar Kyle on 2014.06.08 at 15:00 & 22:00
Sugar Kyle
31,87702014.06.11 17:34
Anslo Go to last post
Get the Dev's to Actually Respond to their "feedback" ...
Sniper Smith
72,60762014.05.30 12:45
Rek Seven Go to last post
1 v 1
Tian Toralen
73,086112014.05.30 05:27
Draconian Maass Go to last post
Faction Warfare Plexing
BigDaddy Toothbrush
42,37272014.05.29 08:16
ShahFluffers Go to last post
CSM approved slots for Freighters?
Skia Aumer
72,66822014.05.27 12:53
corebloodbrothers Go to last post
CSM Stakeholder Status
177,451172014.05.25 20:31
Freelancer117 Go to last post
CSM member using his know-how to make profit in market?
Baron Holbach
113,98622014.05.24 14:57
Malcanis Go to last post
Does anyone in the current CSM represents Solo PvPers? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
256,909112014.05.23 04:27
DJ FunkyBacon Go to last post
Why CSM?
[ Pages: 1 ... 10, 11, 12 ]
Kara Trix
22961,4962542014.05.21 22:21
KIller Wabbit Go to last post
New player experience
Tian Toralen
52,293152014.05.21 12:51
Tian Toralen Go to last post
Marketing Eve Online and the CSM
104,33242014.05.19 16:36
Freelancer117 Go to last post
Is risk vs rewards for interceptors broken?
Dont Tasemebro
83,44532014.05.16 13:31
Malcanis Go to last post
Nevyn Auscent
104,36232014.05.15 16:22
TheSmokingHertog Go to last post
CSM Feedback to CCP
[ Pages: 1 ... 9, 10, 11 ]
21192,3894132014.05.14 14:50
Bob Maths Go to last post
How to get in touch with CSM9
Mike Azariah
02,74322014.05.12 07:26
Mike Azariah Go to last post
Small improvements
Tian Toralen
21,29002014.05.11 09:42
corebloodbrothers Go to last post
Aggregated CSM Blog
Steve Ronuken
82,66852014.05.10 12:38
Steve Ronuken Go to last post
No Chairperson for CSM9 [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Mike Azariah
6036,497382014.05.09 21:00
Mike Azariah Go to last post
EVE statue
Abulurd Boniface
22,23422014.05.02 17:19
ShahFluffers Go to last post
Sharah Ongrard
113,92562014.04.27 22:40
ISD Ezwal Go to last post
[CSM8] CSM8 Town Hall #6: 26 April 1900 EVE time
Ripard Teg
32,57602014.04.27 05:07
Ripard Teg Go to last post
I want to know the CSM9 positions on Industry Changes [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Killian Redbeard
216,620152014.04.24 22:41
Malcanis Go to last post
Did CSM 8 do anything? [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Frying Doom
6120,164852014.04.15 05:45
Flamespar Go to last post
CSM 9 Candidates - How much mining have you done in the last month. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Abla Tive
3213,111192014.04.14 09:57
corebloodbrothers Go to last post
CSM9 Vote List
Tyrant Scorn
52,68062014.04.13 06:39
corebloodbrothers Go to last post
CSM9 Issue Panel: Development and Community
Alekseyev Karrde
31,81202014.04.11 13:07
knobber Jobbler Go to last post
Semi-serious proposal
Caleb Seremshur
123,65662014.04.10 21:03
Black Canary Jnr Go to last post