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EVE New Citizens Q&A
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
How to dscan deadspace area?
Malcolm Smoot
72,28382017.05.30 07:51
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
zkillboard or other killboards
Murkalael Arbinger
95,810142017.05.29 22:33
Murkalael Arbinger Go to last post
Planetary interaction Hi-sec
Joan Maetsuycker
1214,57502017.05.29 20:49
Sara Starbuck Go to last post
Sisters of Eve Arc Issue
Aurelia Erdrich
65,82142017.05.29 07:20
Rexxar Santaro Go to last post
How do massive wars start
Landsman Landsman
126,360152017.05.28 16:38
Nana Skalski Go to last post
59,946102017.05.28 13:24
Singur Augurao Go to last post
Using Plex to upgrade to Omega clone
Lee Franks
523,49492017.05.28 01:08
Pimpin Drones Go to last post
About Little Ones
Xavi Mendosa
41,83052017.05.27 21:07
Ralph King-Griffin Go to last post
What are planets, stars and moons for?
Cosmic Wintry
134,667182017.05.26 21:31
Sitting Bull Lakota Go to last post
Titles and Roles
Asian Driver
42,04602017.05.25 21:53
Asian Driver Go to last post
Who buys scrap and why?
Sophs Monster
26,03132017.05.25 13:24
Marcus Binchiette Go to last post
Noob question [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Anja Nukky
218,826132017.05.25 12:37
ISD Stall Go to last post
I don't know what to do
Jonny Flex
94,20702017.05.24 10:28
Sophs Monster Go to last post
Eve big wars?
Aron Kolt
114,70632017.05.23 20:23
Mara Pahrdi Go to last post
Corporation Bounty
7 Sin
84,87882017.05.23 18:51
Tau Cabalander Go to last post
So I may not be new but I'm still a noob...
72,41062017.05.23 14:56
Rexxar Santaro Go to last post
The mail works fast around here
Tormen Soth
52,20372017.05.23 02:28
CaseyLP Go to last post
Cash and Cruisers for beginners? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Lancourn Darmazaf
3412,771512017.05.22 16:56
Keno Skir Go to last post
Videos to watch for new players
fart Hemanseh
62,13782017.05.22 16:32
Blade Darth Go to last post
On buddy invites
Giannissim Nimineni
21,20522017.05.22 07:24
ISD Stall Go to last post
Can you discover/explore new planets, etc.?
Slick Executioner
84,45612017.05.21 22:56
Dark Reignz Go to last post
41,79372017.05.21 21:14
Trevor Dalech Go to last post
Average wait time for tickets? Mine seems to be getting ignored.
Cetria Trem
63,64182017.05.21 00:46
ISD Stall Go to last post
Few questions from returning player
Fluffy Moe
72,81902017.05.19 20:36
Buoytender Bob Go to last post
Returning player with bit of a problem
83,06692017.05.19 19:16
Vortexo VonBrenner Go to last post
Help me understand what happened.
Wander Mimmikri
62,67732017.05.19 18:06
Teneveve Zhjenaal Go to last post
How a secure container in ship’s cargo works?
Rexxar Santaro
69,129112017.05.19 02:41
Shallanna Yassavi Go to last post
UI/Overview configuration suggestions?
Cosmic Wintry
63,24752017.05.19 01:22
CMDR-HerpyDerpy Hurishima Go to last post
What do you anticipate the market price for PLEX to adjust to? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
218,84362017.05.18 12:26
Padegejas Go to last post
Can a Orca heal miners in highsec when being atacked
kev kammer
124,32232017.05.16 20:05
Tau Cabalander Go to last post