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EVE New Citizens Q&A
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Operation Magic School Bus [ Pages: 1 ... 8, 9, 10 ]
Mike Azariah
18987,0903312017.07.07 09:04
Boldly Gone Go to last post
Missions / Ratting in Caldari Space
Maxi dela Tierra
129,266162017.07.07 00:26
Chainsaw Plankton Go to last post
LF pvp fit cuiser(s) suggestions
Papageno Imperium
166,62682017.07.05 17:00
Papageno Imperium Go to last post
setting a warp point/waypoint
Shawn Delazar
28,97332017.07.05 14:13
Memphis Baas Go to last post
Caldari - LowSec / NullSec Combat Exploration
Kestrel Inkura
43,92012017.07.05 06:40
Netan MalDoran Go to last post
Lost Skillbook
Memduh Tekin
21,53042017.07.05 00:19
Fluffy Moe Go to last post
What would you do with 40 million SP? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Merias Tylar al-Akhwa
2111,267312017.07.04 23:58
Fluffy Moe Go to last post
Did all players receive free plex?
22,69042017.07.04 18:23
BREECE SUNDARES Go to last post
Cross-Corporation Fleets, Wardec, and being CONCORD'ed
62,98832017.07.04 17:54
Memphis Baas Go to last post
leadership tips thread
21,47002017.07.03 16:24
Donnachadh Go to last post
Account banned for no reason (Still have to find out why?)
Joachim1981 Mangeiri
53,68312017.07.03 12:29
Gregorius Goldstein Go to last post
What's to stop players from simply buying better ships?
74,67522017.07.03 12:27
Memphis Baas Go to last post
I have a question about the Premium Edition of EVE on Steam
Vanko Huntz
43,79902017.07.03 01:23
Freya Sertan Go to last post
Dscan- When, where, and how do I use it?
44,80952017.07.01 19:45
ergherhdfgh Go to last post
Gnosis Combat Scanner
Kestrel Inkura
64,58932017.07.01 04:50
Chainsaw Plankton Go to last post
What's the deal with daily maintenance?
Kingsley Delvecchio
1012,445102017.06.30 08:07
radkid10 Go to last post
PLEX vs Omega time - an old vet question
Liu Bu
35,97612017.06.29 16:51
Honrado deQuiros Go to last post
Looking for a buddy invite with ISK reward after subscribe
HwSeeker Windsore
31,69802017.06.29 14:18
HwSeeker Windsore Go to last post
What to do after the first missions? Industry and business
33,16502017.06.29 11:51
Memphis Baas Go to last post
Opinions needed: 2 billion isk on a 1 million SP old timer
Harrison Lee
84,45432017.06.28 02:50
Vortexo VonBrenner Go to last post
Citadel Name Change
Mello Yello
11,74902017.06.27 23:35
Mello Yello Go to last post
Standard Pack
Kamil Uanid
73,94012017.06.27 18:49
Kamil Uanid Go to last post
Question on multiple accounts
Cody Locke
54,00812017.06.27 14:00
Merias Tylar al-Akhwa Go to last post
Rookie Help
Murkalael Arbinger
32,72722017.06.27 12:56
Memphis Baas Go to last post
Some concerns regarding the my pilot's development
Xenoth Chivay
115,824102017.06.26 20:27
Vortexo VonBrenner Go to last post
Forming an Alliance
Alias Tatan
33,38802017.06.26 01:54
Keno Skir Go to last post
Brand new Alpha player. some questions
Dave Winterbottom
83,60192017.06.24 18:42
Dave Winterbottom Go to last post
Can I ask this game can be traditional Chinese?
nomth Booold
32,08432017.06.24 02:19
ergherhdfgh Go to last post
Buddy program with steam?
11,34402017.06.23 18:10
Memphis Baas Go to last post
How many skillpoints per skill level
Maxi dela Tierra
510,95822017.06.23 17:54
Memphis Baas Go to last post