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Market Discussions
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
[LOAN] 1-Billion / 12%, uncollateralized, 1 Month term
72,36412017.01.28 03:30
Bobb Bobbington Go to last post
What to do?
Fedo Banker
102,74072017.01.27 13:04
Fedo Banker Go to last post
CLOSED - Supercaps? Are they worth building?
113,90742017.01.26 21:45
Phoenix Pryde Go to last post
Options and possible loan for BPO purchase
Spak Skor
31,25402017.01.26 20:08
Zaha Koto Go to last post
CLOSED - 500 Billion in loans to give... Read here!
72,30702017.01.26 19:18
flakeys Go to last post
How to get started with station trading?
Shodan McDanker
610,16952017.01.26 17:43
Do Little Go to last post
45bil private loan @ 4% per month
probag Bear
92,70002017.01.26 16:24
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
Bondhalla - another Dethmourne Silvermane Debt Instrument
Dethmourne Silvermane
92,44632017.01.25 02:03
Nouva MacGyver Go to last post
Can you make a profit station trading, i struggle too..............
Lucifer Saissore
1912,72922017.01.24 08:11
Bentley Goodfriend Go to last post
Need an example
James Zealot
153,59962017.01.23 17:39
James Zealot Go to last post
Uber Pie Default.
01,07702017.01.22 00:07
Droodid Go to last post
Trading Questions for the big players...
James Zealot
53,70112017.01.21 20:00
Rachel Syne Go to last post
[LOAN] 800M - 10% Interest(uncollateralized)
Raylan Rivers
51,97022017.01.21 18:18
Matthias Ancaladron Go to last post
[LOAN] 5b / 3%, uncollaterized
Dethmourne Silvermane
21,33002017.01.21 01:00
Dethmourne Silvermane Go to last post
Loan Notice - 5b @ 5%/month
Dethmourne Silvermane
62,26932017.01.20 20:34
Dethmourne Silvermane Go to last post
Looking for general information
Sentenced 1989
31,34802017.01.20 16:01
Sentenced 1989 Go to last post
Why am I suddenly rich?
Thelonious Chelda
136,65252017.01.20 14:40
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
PLEX is dropping. How low can it go? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Indy Clone Alpha
228,93842017.01.19 15:17
pinkajoo Go to last post
How to invest 10 Bil
OmahaStationTrades BattleMachin
177,56022017.01.19 11:03
Toobo Go to last post
EVE Item Lost Report
Vile Belief
52,23932017.01.19 02:17
TheSmokingHertog Go to last post
Famine Aligher'ri
01,06302017.01.18 04:42
Famine Aligher'ri Go to last post
200 Bil Loan - 3.15% 10 Months [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
338,856192017.01.17 21:50
Cor'El Dahken Go to last post
realistic isk from different professions [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
5320,216122017.01.17 15:23
Syna Anima Go to last post
How does the market work?
GBTO Nordic
94,30822017.01.17 09:37
Do Little Go to last post
100B Bond - 2.5% - Fully Collateralized <{Bond Closed}> [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
That Broker Dude
4312,67542017.01.16 20:47
That Broker Dude Go to last post
Best Tax Rate you can get?
James Zealot
116,51122017.01.15 11:01
James Zealot Go to last post
Trade Excel Sheets
ThatPaleGuy Lamar
01,09102017.01.15 01:00
ThatPaleGuy Lamar Go to last post
Trit floor at 5 isk?
62,02312017.01.14 23:12
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Looking for another 10B loan @ 5% interest/month
82,29442017.01.14 17:14
Latus Go to last post
LF 10-20 Bil Loan, 10%, No Collateral
Nicholas K Severasse
144,31932017.01.14 10:29
Luthor Ikkala Go to last post