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Market Discussions
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Market changes 2006-2016
72,10722016.04.04 21:45
Mijel Riak Go to last post
Looking for long term ISK opportunities [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
235,11022016.04.04 21:12
Bierat a Vindelicorum Go to last post
Fin Udan Bond No. 4 10b/12%/28 days(Repaid and closed)
Fin Udan
184,54912016.04.03 16:19
Xtreem Go to last post
Loan 200m isk, 15 days, 220m isk back
Jill McMoney
41,54612016.04.03 06:08
Makeleth Riatu Solette Go to last post
SKINs Spreadsheet
21,13952016.04.01 23:40
Tau Cabalander Go to last post
The MD investor phonebook
152,94592016.04.01 10:25
flakeys Go to last post
Interest check, uncollateralized investment, citadel manufacturing
Ivona Branovich
61,68922016.04.01 10:23
virm pasuul Go to last post
Investment Opportunity - "Micro" Loan Bonds - 1 Week Uncol...
Griffin Exponential
31,15322016.03.30 18:42
Bumblefck Go to last post
Indigo Spacelanes - Earnings Report for March 2016
Flying Squidwolf
31,34732016.03.29 18:26
Bumblefck Go to last post
Aaron Honk
9128,248422016.03.28 17:54
Cista2 Go to last post
Fin Udan Bond No. 3 : 5b/15%/28 days(Paid up and closed) [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Fin Udan
236,05462016.03.28 07:11
Fin Udan Go to last post
[Repayed] 2b uncollateralized loan, 12% interest for one month
Bobb Bobbington
61,97202016.03.27 21:38
Da Apprentice Go to last post
Show your Trillion(s) (Isk, not assets) [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Zahara Cody
256,641232016.03.27 11:11
Bierat a Vindelicorum Go to last post
stuff for sale
Michal Jita
31,21302016.03.27 01:28
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post
T3 Subsystem prices
Ayn Randy
11,04922016.03.26 19:11
Star Killer14 Go to last post
Plex be wierd
Lasisha Mishi
11,04102016.03.25 21:18
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
Market browsers not working properly?
41,81722016.03.25 16:47
Cynthalla Go to last post
Market Trading Beginner Support
Rashid Mercator
41,58222016.03.25 06:14
Xanato Kaso Go to last post
Delinquent Loanee list?
Makeleth Riatu Solette
102,47552016.03.24 23:40
Xylem Viliana Go to last post
[MOVED] Deactive ship skins
ISD Decoy
037102016.03.24 10:33
ISD Decoy Go to last post
2B Loan request at 12% [FILLED 10/02/2016]
162,36592016.03.23 18:02
noobs market orders Go to last post
FanFest 2016
Angelica Everstar
112,34042016.03.22 10:01
Angelica Everstar Go to last post
So, what should I be mining in hi-sec right now?
Ivan Krushchev
811,479132016.03.22 07:39
Wombat65Au Egdald Go to last post
Better to find or start a 10-15% margin market for item
Drone Bei
175302016.03.21 15:09
Cista2 Go to last post
[Moved] Looking for Quick sale - Strats
ISD Fractal
033502016.03.21 14:58
ISD Fractal Go to last post
[Private Bond] 30 Billion
Star Killer14
21,06002016.03.20 19:41
Star Killer14 Go to last post
Looking to Sell Rare item
Luke Skywalking
62,03542016.03.20 18:18
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post
EVE Credit Bureau - Insight into your Universe
Gyliam Maddox
71,83952016.03.20 13:11
Rhivre Go to last post
There's ISK and there is Indigo Bank
174,462132016.03.20 10:25
Arianne Kass Go to last post
Aaron Honk
71,38862016.03.19 22:44
Alexi Stokov Go to last post