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EVE Gameplay Center

Market Discussions
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
What would happen if CCP killed Jita?
[ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
4116,40482011.10.01 14:35
malfoy Go to last post
Going into the Angel Investing/ Venture capital business.
Dunbar Hulan
11,53202011.10.01 00:56
Dunbar Hulan Go to last post
Market Mentor
11,27802011.09.30 19:55
AmirKillalot Go to last post
What's up with the faction loot prices?
Umad Bro Questionmark
115,55632011.09.30 13:15
Mr LaboratoryRat Go to last post
a lot of orders changing at the same time (weird market)
Baran Lightfingers
21,69002011.09.30 10:14
Baran Lightfingers Go to last post
Nomad I
62,65902011.09.30 08:55
Nomad I Go to last post
Sam Rocket
21,28502011.09.30 06:23
CCP Spitfire Go to last post
Biggest volume items in the forge (Now in IGB-friendly HTML!)
94,71912011.09.29 13:33
Netheranthem Go to last post
Proton Power Bond Closeout!
Chris Smith
21,66002011.09.29 07:51
Torain Go to last post
Time's running out to gorge yourselves on cheap plex. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Companion Qube
2110,245122011.09.29 04:03
Tasko Pal Go to last post
Check out this noob get scammed $300mil (Dont fall for this scam i a...
Richard Uitoh
114,05132011.09.28 21:41
Amsterdam Conversations Go to last post
NPC Stock market brainstorm/fart
Adunh Slavy
72,75002011.09.28 10:37
Adunh Slavy Go to last post
Bond: 12% per month
Red Teufel
62,05912011.09.27 22:21
Golkan Go to last post
Market prices fix attempth - an idea
Xintri Ra'Virr
52,52502011.09.27 19:57
Zaepho Go to last post
Is moon go starting to rocket?
Utrigas Hakaari
135,22612011.09.27 10:53
Adunh Slavy Go to last post
Eve MSSQL Market Data - stationID & typeID
Chloey Armstrong
43,89012011.09.27 08:32
Chloey Armstrong Go to last post
Capital Investments [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Larana Randie
3410,05412011.09.27 07:21
Loraine Gess Go to last post
Offering Nuclear Reactors Consistant Supply
the raver
31,99102011.09.27 01:56
the raver Go to last post
Ship Base Costs
Reileen Kawahara
136,10622011.09.26 23:27
Brock Nelson Go to last post
Manufacturing, am I doing it wrong? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Tyrion Rayder
208,29322011.09.26 22:57
Barakach Go to last post
URGENT!!! 90 mil loan - (small collateral) 2 days - 100 mil payout
Scarmaker Hiler
31,62602011.09.26 19:00
Scarmaker Hiler Go to last post
Loyalty Point Stores close to collapse?
73,35902011.09.26 14:02
Cyniac Go to last post
Opening an Investment Corp.
21,58202011.09.26 09:55
Xylem Viliana Go to last post
Hexx's Player Run Insurance. Still Active?
Nerdy McButtHurt Trald
21,56402011.09.26 07:42
Magnu Stormhawk Go to last post
Trade Rage
176,26832011.09.26 06:43
March rabbit Go to last post
looking for a loan 1.5 bill 30 days at 10% (~33% colleteral) (f...
fused money
41,59902011.09.26 05:15
Raendel Go to last post
WANTED: Heavyweight trader to teach a total dumba$$ the ropes ect re...
143,69512011.09.25 20:39
EvilCheez Go to last post
I am honest man-business.
Lauren Hellfury
42,29742011.09.25 11:27
flakeys Go to last post
Need savvy trader to move faction items (looking for a long term rel...
155,62912011.09.25 09:36
Alia Ravenswing Go to last post
Who cashed in on the free 2000 aurum?
Kambiri Zoltana
116,17202011.09.25 09:26
Alia Ravenswing Go to last post