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Market Discussions
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Garde II price spike
Sabriz Adoudel
31,50222016.06.29 13:09
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Help on making an interactive gambling game!
Loksher PhX
41,23702016.06.29 09:14
Loksher PhX Go to last post
Citadels, fees and taxes.
Never Enough
64,933102016.06.24 20:22
Bumblefck Go to last post
Citadel owner loses money to east asian h****** and raises tax?
31,47942016.06.23 11:07
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Looking for investors 1 x 38 bil Bound
Mister Red Bull
51,55322016.06.23 02:59
Grendell Go to last post
123,57692016.06.22 23:08
Duo Roman Go to last post
How Much Does Chribba Charges? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Dosi Kusoni
258,021242016.06.22 19:37
Rhivre Go to last post
Becoming a 3rd Party. V2.0
123,866172016.06.21 06:45
Vaerah Vahrokha Go to last post
Termerity Faceturn
144,485142016.06.20 22:20
Mynxee Go to last post
Compressed ore value going forward
Knitram Relik
11,28002016.06.20 15:23
Scotsman Howard Go to last post
Eternal Montage
188012016.06.19 23:33
Tiddle Jr Go to last post
Geckos in freefall [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Sabriz Adoudel
2812,729172016.06.19 21:35
Areen Sassel Go to last post
What is a Scam Add
Lena Kunzi
61,71102016.06.18 20:49
Bumblefck Go to last post
First Supercapital on the Market | UPDATE: FIRST SOLD
Absolute Trading
168,307132016.06.17 10:34
Tavion Aksmis Go to last post
Update on NIWTHID Corp
Blinky Jimmy
159012016.06.17 06:12
Cista2 Go to last post
Isotope prices crashed
124,11452016.06.15 05:34
morion Go to last post
150B Bond - 2.2% Interest -120% Overcollateralized - {Bond Full} [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
That Broker Dude
6415,326122016.06.14 07:31
noobs market orders Go to last post
How is interest handled on loans in EVE?
Kip Malice
81,96502016.06.11 01:48
Areen Sassel Go to last post
selling to buy orders [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
3113,559182016.06.10 19:30
Prahs Kcirtap Go to last post
15b Loan - 2 weeks - 5% interest - 100% collateral
61,59302016.06.07 21:59
Grendell Go to last post
ISD Max Trix
058402016.06.07 15:41
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
What now?
113,04052016.06.06 20:59
Alexi Stokov Go to last post
[PC] Gotan's Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler
31,28832016.06.06 16:22
shivan Go to last post
Selling/buying PLEX in citadels
March rabbit
104,61302016.06.06 12:40
Marginal Utility Go to last post
Looking for a 1 billion ISK loan at 20 percent interest. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Khelar Udan
256,010122016.06.06 09:49
Nana Skalski Go to last post
Freighter market flooded?
62,31152016.06.03 17:31
Tau Cabalander Go to last post
Helium Isotopes crashing?
Nadagast II
21,62412016.06.03 07:41
Anthar Thebess Go to last post
First public Fortizar with a market, near Jita
Aaron Honk
188,56072016.06.03 07:08
Tertharan Go to last post
The massive Isk supply shortage of Citadel
154,98082016.06.02 19:19
Elenahina Go to last post
30b fully collaterized loan @ 1.9%, 6 months [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
wreck 21
7019,053222016.06.01 21:19
Grendell Go to last post