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Market Discussions
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Notify You cannot do that because you are not piloting the ship and ...
31,11302016.09.16 12:21
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
Buy orders change
Garr Gateway
31,37902016.09.15 16:51
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
Before I play the market .................
Sissy Peesux
103,39312016.09.15 12:40
Cista2 Go to last post
Bond - Rova Capital - Collateralized 25b - 2% monthly
Robby Rova
93,03532016.09.14 01:10
Robby Rova Go to last post
"Ligature" and "Zeugma" Price Crash
Damjan Fox
32,04912016.09.13 19:20
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
Contracts from Crest
Reileen Kawahara
163102016.09.13 18:20
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
What is considered a fair rate for Courier moves per jump (all high ...
95,47532016.09.13 12:58
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Looking for a loan: 2B for 5% for 90 days, 2B Collaterized
Amyclas Amatin
102,70412016.09.13 12:52
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Mineral prices will go up. The dirty reason no one is talking about....
Knitram Relik
185,13262016.09.13 05:38
Blinky Jimmy Go to last post
EVEBoard not updating
Tyrone Red
21,00602016.09.12 21:08
Tyrone Red Go to last post
Negative standing and broker fee
Tipa Riot
51,87202016.09.11 18:13
Rhivre Go to last post
SP Farming, Too late....?
114,94352016.09.11 16:46
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Upcoming update , and changes in the market.
Sprzedam Nerke
21,11822016.09.10 16:21
Bobb Bobbington Go to last post
Gnosis and Apotheosis for free in November...
erg cz
32,83322016.09.10 13:18
erg cz Go to last post
Regional Market wont allow me to modify my buy order?
Nano Lothbrock
152302016.09.10 11:15
Tipa Riot Go to last post
gas failing in price....
March rabbit
31,36652016.09.08 20:15
TheSmokingHertog Go to last post
125B bond - 2% - 110%+ collateral - 3 months [Running] [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Aaron Honk
247,98132016.09.08 14:34
Karen Avioras Go to last post
I made a thing: quick price comparison between trade hubs
Messenger Of Truth
54,86522016.09.07 12:55
Messenger Of Truth Go to last post
Economic tide incoming [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
William Legrand-Marx
308,753192016.09.06 08:46
Bad Bobby Go to last post
Biggest bet / hedge
173,894172016.09.06 01:23
TheSmokingHertog Go to last post
Clone States Economy Predictions
SuperHanz Solo
113,738202016.09.05 05:28
Bad Bobby Go to last post
Collateral Loans available
31,09202016.09.04 23:08
Cooyaw Go to last post
Back after almost 2 years
290702016.09.04 23:07
Cooyaw Go to last post
Question about market prices being removed from low/high history.
Nina Lowel
51,39302016.09.02 09:10
Do Little Go to last post
Hypothetical Scam via Citadel Market?
Leida FireEye
112,999292016.09.01 21:22
Vartan Sarkisian Go to last post
A question about remembering your purchases...
Caduceus Vex
112,90632016.09.01 01:29
Nina Lowel Go to last post
Might Be Stupid Question
paintballlawss Padecain
31,15802016.08.29 22:24
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
selling extractors - newbie
Ficus McCloud
72,74432016.08.29 19:17
Ficus McCloud Go to last post
Is there a way to evaluate multiple contracts?
Lyra Everstar
21,26412016.08.28 02:47
Tiddle Jr Go to last post
Markets with citadels
72,64112016.08.27 10:09
Bad Bobby Go to last post