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Market Discussions
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Margin scammers in Citadels now a thing?
103,43442016.10.18 15:06
Tipa Riot Go to last post
Citadels with Standup Market Hub in Wormhole
arkadis Igunen
11,33322016.10.18 02:39
Deckel Go to last post
Courier contracts | Jettisoning plastic wrap
62,36612016.10.18 01:59
Knitram Relik Go to last post
Looking to fund start-ups, ventures, or anything you have an idea fo... [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Makeleth Riatu Solette
6621,230422016.10.16 15:01
ISD Buldath Go to last post
EVE Trading Diary
Johans Chara
112,39712016.10.16 07:35
Johans Chara Go to last post
a question about ISK loans
lythe Tokila
61,65712016.10.13 20:11
Bobb Bobbington Go to last post
New design on the price history graph
51,71232016.10.13 13:32
Bad Bobby Go to last post
P2P Lending in Eve
Gillian Roibos
133,28412016.10.12 16:10
Solonius Rex Go to last post
Reselling T2 bpo's not a viable business model anymore?
Karen Humphrey
62,87262016.10.11 17:02
Phoenix Pryde Go to last post
Zoltan Lazar
229,823152016.10.11 16:18
Lord Ra Go to last post
Predictive Analytics - Let's Tell the Future
Plleasure Hub
114,59252016.10.10 12:25
Jdestars Go to last post
November Update - Will Mining Drone Prices increase?
TheGuy Akachi
73,98662016.10.09 08:39
Piugattuk Go to last post
Why are ships usually unprofitable in industry? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Caesar Shepherd
2713,365292016.10.07 15:45
Tipa Riot Go to last post
TradeHubAnalyst - Windows app for trading between major trade hubs
Bretonis Thellere
11,92022016.10.05 15:41
Bretonis Thellere Go to last post
StationAnalyst - Windows app for Jita station trading
Bretonis Thellere
01,65112016.10.05 15:41
Bretonis Thellere Go to last post
Loan offers
Charlotte Rothschild
52,01372016.10.02 22:34
Webecca Bwack Go to last post
Collateral - where it is provided
Galinius Valgani
102,85312016.10.02 18:22
Galinius Valgani Go to last post
Thoughts on Dread Spawns in Null Anomalies
Sheeth Athonille
42,26502016.10.02 14:46
Dethmourne Silvermane Go to last post
Avatar walking in stations
Chiano Aldard
31,34932016.10.01 02:17
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Looking for investor [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
stuls serohw
214,39852016.09.27 23:03
Toobo Go to last post
People with Tycoon 4/5: do you actually use (most of) all orders?
Harry Flowerpot
114,20002016.09.23 19:29
Winter Archipelago Go to last post
Researching the BPC/BPO market
Harry Flowerpot
64,07422016.09.21 21:08
Tipa Riot Go to last post
Delocalizing the market through regional export isk sinks. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
214,975152016.09.21 15:29
Bobb Bobbington Go to last post
Bond Idea Feedback Request (Closed)
41,01742016.09.21 12:46
Toobo Go to last post
Looking for 30b loan at 3% interest: (ALL PAID BACK NOW)
61,52702016.09.20 23:14
Toobo Go to last post
.01 and how to GET RID OF IT [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Parker Rush
3411,954462016.09.20 22:51
Alexi Stokov Go to last post
Any prediction on the value of plex going forward with F2P features? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Super Captain Hindsight
209,743142016.09.20 16:45
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Where can I "invest" my 70 Bill to make more isk?
146,75972016.09.20 08:01
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Faction standings tax chart for updated taxes question
63,29342016.09.19 02:59
Sheeth Athonille Go to last post
ā˜… [Repaid] AE09 // 1 TRILLION at 1,7% // 100%+ collateral ā˜… [ Pages: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ]
Angelica Everstar
12238,356132016.09.18 12:07
flakeys Go to last post