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Market Discussions
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
250 bil loan @ 2% for 3 months [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Zahara Cody
3612,91692016.12.29 11:32
Droodid Go to last post
3 Bill Loan @ 4% Per Month
82,29202016.12.29 07:24
Cista2 Go to last post
Kinda new to station trading, need some advice
Eden Raeyne
186,55652016.12.29 04:31
sci0gon Go to last post
Looking to work for cybernetic cosmetics.
Elias Ganning
42,10512016.12.28 18:35
Solonius Rex Go to last post
Loan Request to Raise 10 billion in Capital (250 million minimum) 3 ... [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Aaron Alckschild
319,959322016.12.28 18:29
Dethmourne Silvermane Go to last post
Citadel Scam
187,466102016.12.25 08:17
Spacing Cowboy Go to last post
Christmas.. shrink?
Baichum Nooberino
41,64612016.12.25 03:22
Musashi Date Go to last post
EVE-Mogul and TOS - Unsure
31,35022016.12.24 05:07
Scarlett LaBlanc Go to last post
Please Lock This Thread [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Rogue Halo
7421,788222016.12.23 18:17
Xtreem Go to last post
Charoli Katovia
82,87712016.12.22 23:26
Alexi Stokov Go to last post
Attempting to station trade, think i made a booboo............
Lucifer Saissore
93,55412016.12.22 06:31
Luthor Ikkala Go to last post
100b collateralized loan at 2%/month
Aebe Amraen
31,80502016.12.21 18:54
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
Loan 22B, 3%, 2mo
Skia Aumer
41,67812016.12.21 18:53
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
New advice for a wannabee miner trader
Muri Sirober
21,18112016.12.21 11:49
Saveritas Go to last post
Selling gas, ore, etc
Cory Bowers
54,43622016.12.21 09:17
Do Little Go to last post
What happens with my sell orders in a citadel if I become red
21,52302016.12.20 23:31
Leida FireEye Go to last post
Looking for an upto date guide to create
Lucifer Saissore
086802016.12.20 22:51
Lucifer Saissore Go to last post
Which hub for a new trader
Lucifer Saissore
62,40702016.12.20 10:48
Tipa Riot Go to last post
Today i learned a valuable lesson :) [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Kris Koen
238,129192016.12.20 09:13
Kaddim Klauss Go to last post
**15b Loan Available**
Brock Khanz
51,93302016.12.18 03:03
Princess Adhara Go to last post
Ice prices dropped a bit since patch.
Ded Akara
41,84302016.12.17 17:58
Mimi Ar'Skele Go to last post
Darknesss betrayal [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Scott Ormands
4613,735322016.12.15 20:37
lord xavier Go to last post
Loan needed - J/k - Greetings, Lessons learnt and advice for newbros
11,92902016.12.14 18:30
Keno Skir Go to last post
Looking for a 2 Billion loan - No Collateral - 25% interest per mont... [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Aziel Thanatos
277,484112016.12.12 23:38
Dethmourne Silvermane Go to last post
Anyone know what a 'ligature' integrated analyzer blueprint ...
Dax Shepards
24,37102016.12.12 23:33
Elizabeth Norn Go to last post
Have citadels changed where you set your orders ?
Brock Khanz
61,88802016.12.12 16:12
Brock Khanz Go to last post
New Eden Trade Group in need of loans [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
The Fukuzawa
7719,664232016.12.12 16:09
flakeys Go to last post
Nanoka Kohinata
01,14702016.12.11 01:02
Nanoka Kohinata Go to last post
How to get into loans?
Brock Khanz
102,96922016.12.10 10:09
Sabriz Adoudel Go to last post
Capital Production Service - Low Pricing
Kyra Wynter
21,38502016.12.10 06:42
Kyra Wynter Go to last post