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Warfare & Tactics
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Warfare and Tactics Resources
CCP Falcon
023,11902015.01.12 11:38
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Cloaky ship to kill PVE Tengus, solo....?
103,95502011.11.13 16:15
laffbot Go to last post
Drone vs. Drone
22,09012011.11.13 14:53
Dark Pangolin Go to last post
Importable Overview Settings?
Xornicon Altair
32,53402011.11.13 07:07
Nyla Skin Go to last post
Help me understand jamming please...
Captian FruitLoop
83,55622011.11.13 00:49
Alara IonStorm Go to last post
Should a tackled ship be able to self destruct? [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
The Bear08
7722,941312011.11.12 11:26
The Bear08 Go to last post
Griefing Tactics for Non-Pirate Scum : How to Be a Hero [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Lyris Nairn
2113,199762011.11.12 08:36
Illyena Rovask Go to last post
155,66742011.11.12 02:27
Jitas Prostitute Go to last post
found answer - ty
Sebero Sinak
31,57602011.11.11 21:05
Derath Ellecon Go to last post
LOGI Ganking in Inursions [ Pages: 1 ... 3, 4, 5 ]
Elho Prime
9627,342372011.11.11 18:40
FloppieTheBanjoClown Go to last post
Battleships still relevant? [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
4617,279392011.11.11 15:21
ChromeStriker Go to last post
High Sec Aggro question
Araceli Gabriela
62,20902011.11.11 09:26
Araceli Gabriela Go to last post
0.0 bombing near NPC stations - possible?
YipKai Foon
94,75022011.11.10 16:46
YipKai Foon Go to last post
PVP Frigate **** Video From Crimson Empire
21,36302011.11.10 10:21
Wolfensrevenge Go to last post
Tactics against Neutral Logistics [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
4013,817442011.11.10 09:56
Lyris Nairn Go to last post
Where's the PvP at?
Salo Aldeland
155,85902011.11.10 02:26
Maren Kar Go to last post
FW mission questions
73,22302011.11.09 22:50
Barrak Go to last post
Shadow of xxDeathxx wardec
Sebero Sinak
84,20042011.11.09 19:41
Killstealing Go to last post
FW Questions
11,11402011.11.09 16:05
Karl Planck Go to last post
Post your hilarous new Gallente fits.
White Tree
63,68532011.11.09 15:07
Dirk Magnum Go to last post
Gate Guns in Low-Sec
Vin Ott
126,77992011.11.09 09:49
tofucake prime Go to last post
3 v 3 Cruiser Tactics. I need of advice...
Astraeus Svarog
93,25812011.11.08 23:57
Desudes Go to last post
Destroyers 4 PVP
Julian Darklight
126,40042011.11.08 17:39
Gizznitt Malikite Go to last post
POS Salvage op
Johnny theBuilder
42,38702011.11.08 00:54
Cur Go to last post
Pirate/PvP Fit for the Raptor.
Goa'Uld Raa
1320,29902011.11.07 22:12
Andrea Griffin Go to last post
Takor Ma
114,46362011.11.07 21:46
Lord Ryan Go to last post
Sensor Dampening - Which is best?
513,92722011.11.06 21:18
Roime Go to last post
Military PvP VS Economic PvP
Praxis Astra
168,386262011.11.06 20:25
Skarned Go to last post
Shield-trained looking for ideas for PVP fits
Fozzy Dorsai
124,44262011.11.06 11:10
Sylar Reuwich Go to last post
Tornado vs C1
Smiley Smile
84,84402011.11.06 01:01
Tenris Anis Go to last post