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Warfare & Tactics
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Warfare and Tactics Resources
CCP Falcon
023,11902015.01.12 11:38
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Most well known small gang pvp corps? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Beat General
289,71372011.12.01 16:04
Lady Spank Go to last post
Supercaps in low [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Baron SE
3511,587132011.12.01 03:22
Julia Connor Go to last post
Letting the cat out of the bag!! [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Global Bullets
3611,477132011.11.30 12:53
Global Bullets Go to last post
I've noticed that the majority of Alliances... [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Terminal Insanity
4314,015262011.11.30 08:09
adriaans Go to last post
Charging in
Kesarin Davamos
92,51832011.11.30 01:03
Kesarin Davamos Go to last post
question about .4sec
Rodney Spears
113,29612011.11.29 23:21
Dradius Calvantia Go to last post
CCP Fits [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Nalha Saldana
2510,314162011.11.29 23:14
Luvvin McHunt Go to last post
Destroyers in new patch [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Hidden Snake
247,61462011.11.29 20:42
Luvvin McHunt Go to last post
Attn Pubbies: Come at Us [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Gooba Budd
288,578242011.11.29 07:45
Jamradar Go to last post
Possible Tweak to tactics involving Drones?
Derzul Yvormes
41,77312011.11.28 20:00
Bad Messenger Go to last post
Drone Aggressive Stance.
Nila 35
53,26512011.11.28 18:07
Tamiya Sarossa Go to last post
Hope I'm in the right place... TEST and Chribba? [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
5417,436832011.11.28 14:08
Sutskop Go to last post
Improving a rating...
Mu'ad Diib
31,42412011.11.28 10:34
Bad Messenger Go to last post
LF People to do PvP/Pirating with. (Alson lf someone with skype or T...
Goa'Uld Raa
62,44232011.11.28 06:40
Galenwade Go to last post
How do you know the capacitor status of your enemy?
Substantia Nigra
57,42932011.11.27 23:58
kasai zenpachi Go to last post
Varius Zamayid
41,42822011.11.27 20:04
Varius Zamayid Go to last post
2 Ship PVP 'Fleet' [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
True Shot
2010,26932011.11.26 15:03
Slade Hoo Go to last post
EVEDEATHMATCH LAUNCH!!! Don't miss this opportunity to make seri...
Zaokdi Menom
143,66642011.11.26 10:58
CCP Navigator Go to last post
EAF in new patch
Ren Angust
62,30812011.11.25 13:36
Lady Spank Go to last post
Test Officially under attack by pubbies [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Sebero Sinak
7628,8882212011.11.25 06:41
Vandiilo Go to last post
Caldari PVP needs a serious buff. [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
5218,477392011.11.25 00:28
Katie Frost Go to last post
I did it, and I hate myself... [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Emily Poast
269,14192011.11.24 13:35
Tawa Suyo Go to last post
solo pvp'ing question
Mr Lea
93,95612011.11.24 07:07
Mr Lea Go to last post
Thinking about getting into hisec pvp, fit suggestions...
Yogyog Yubby
93,07132011.11.24 06:24
Cannibal Kane Go to last post
Pirating Vs High Sec War Decs. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
228,714172011.11.24 04:13
Gogela Go to last post
Scanning someone in a POS question
Mister Brutus Kanenald
41,84202011.11.24 02:25
Sebero Sinak Go to last post
Faction Warfare-a request. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Ragnarok Knight
308,38222011.11.23 14:44
Damar Rocarion Go to last post
Damar Day
Cat Casidy
124,15252011.11.23 14:18
Amber Thetawaves Go to last post
Warning to Red Alliance [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Sebero Sinak
319,549172011.11.23 07:36
Alisarina Go to last post