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Warfare & Tactics
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Warfare and Tactics Resources
CCP Falcon
023,12002015.01.12 11:38
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Mine in Safety
41,45012012.05.08 16:49
ISD Eshtir Go to last post
Questions on PvP and RvB [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
297,47112012.05.08 11:29
Ursula Thrace Go to last post
New Blood
Idris Maelfa
61,79212012.05.08 06:39
DeBingJos Go to last post
Hunting the hookbill
Peter Daniel's
159,69812012.05.07 23:35
CaptainOnDeck Go to last post
Station Lockout - A Compromise
Susan Black
102,990142012.05.07 18:49
WolfeReign Go to last post
Moving to Low sec, should I join the FW?
Ank Parkor
163,78822012.05.07 14:40
Meditril Go to last post
Is Fleet/Wing command broken?
21,14302012.05.07 08:33
Mfume Apocal Go to last post
Locator Agent invulnerability ideea
AKilla Sunday
122,69932012.05.07 01:13
Silas Shaw Go to last post
game mechanics bug?
Eve Goldman
31,01802012.05.06 20:33
ShahFluffers Go to last post
Effects of proposed war mechanics
Demonfuge Malevolent
81,80102012.05.06 15:45
Mobadder Thworst Go to last post
Elitist PVP [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Deen Wispa
5011,691152012.05.06 04:59
No More Heroes Go to last post
traveling in high sec with LOW sec status
Lady Mariko
1913,78872012.05.05 13:01
Raubrey Go to last post
What if a alliaince has so much isk that;
Caldari Citizen20110707
72,20022012.05.05 02:39
XIRUSPHERE Go to last post
Orca Escape [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
0Lona 0ltor
4715,310242012.05.04 18:04
Katalci Go to last post
How did they target me?
143,99162012.05.04 09:13
Katie Door Go to last post
Travel thru 0.0 is not always dangerous
Carton Mantory
92,90912012.05.03 14:06
Metal Icarus Go to last post
Looking for PvP corp to join
Maximus Hashur
163,415112012.05.03 01:59
Trinkets friend Go to last post
What happens to a Carrier's assigned fighters when the carrier e...
Amee Lee
64,44202012.05.02 21:24
FloppieTheBanjoClown Go to last post
WAR! UH! What is it good for? [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
5412,763512012.05.02 20:41
Lharanai Go to last post
Are the market changes affecting your PVP habits? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Deen Wispa
388,928122012.05.02 17:45
Lucas Schuyler Go to last post
War Dec Followed Me
Anna Khurelem
112,65052012.05.02 14:33
Ravnik Go to last post
Ninja Salvaging
Maximus Hashur
74,69922012.04.30 02:58
Valkyrie D'ark Go to last post
Map statistic delay
Trading Unknown
21,25002012.04.29 21:39
Mfume Apocal Go to last post
What skills/loadout/implants are required to scan boosting t3
123,87922012.04.29 20:59
Jack Miton Go to last post
Occupy Jita? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Jeyson Vicious
359,680152012.04.28 22:27
Hidden Snake Go to last post
Cloaks Must Have Timer!!!!!!! [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
4711,819422012.04.28 19:51
ISD LoneLynx Go to last post
minmitar weaknesses
Varukka Sault
72,21342012.04.28 16:57
Vyktor Abyss Go to last post
Burn Jita Kill Mail Thread
Ms Scrootie McBoogerball
21,63602012.04.28 14:51
Ms Scrootie McBoogerball Go to last post
new militia academy starting up this weekend [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Marcus Foederatus
3510,557392012.04.27 18:32
TRUE ZER0 Go to last post