We'll counter-attack as soon as
we properly outnumber them
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EVE Gate is temporarily unavailable, in the meantime we can recommend the following sites to keep you entertained:
Official EVE Online Facebook page
Keep yourself up to date with the most recent news, Dev Blogs and events from EVE Online.
Official CCP Twitter page
Twitter is a rich source of instantly updated information and you can read the latest tweets from the EVE team.
Official CCP YouTube page
Catch up on the latest EVE Trailers, Alliance Tournament, Fanfest and behind the scenes videos from CCP Games.
The official wiki to support EVE Online. This resource is the one stop center for all information relating to EVE.
EVE Radio
Tune into the DJ’s who play non stop music for the masses.
Explore killboards, forums and even player-created tools like EVEmon.
Keep yourself up to date with the most recent news, Dev Blogs and events from EVE Online.
EVE Search
Even when the EVE forums are down, EVE Search allows players to read the most recent EVE Online forum threads.
The official wiki to support EVE Online. This resource is the one stop center for all information relating to EVE.
Thank you for your patience and please come back later when the EVE website will be fully functional.
Facebook and Twitter will have the most up to date information regarding the status of our website.