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Jita Park Speakers Corner
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
95% of speaker's corner topics are locked. POLICE STATE
Pestilen Ratte
17,32802017.07.31 04:24
Intar Medris Go to last post
Open letter or whatever. To CCP. On the state of EVE
Big Bad Guy
159,336202017.06.22 00:16
Pestilen Ratte Go to last post
Time for the CSM to be Old Yellered [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Mark Marconi
6936,364652017.06.22 00:09
Pestilen Ratte Go to last post
Use Concorde Tax on Suicide Ganked Cargo as ISK Sink
NanDe YaNen
75,46902017.05.18 11:22
NanDe YaNen Go to last post
How to contact CSM XI members
CCP Guard
1411,125162017.05.02 14:12
ISD Fractal Go to last post
Fanfest AAR
Steve Ronuken
23,79302017.04.17 11:42
Steve Ronuken Go to last post
Should "Make X Great Again"-candidates be disqualified for...
Alphea Abbra
56,05802017.03.18 22:20
Alphea Abbra Go to last post
NDA and in game advantages to csm members.
178,645222017.03.17 13:59
Cearain Go to last post
CSM Weekly Review & Attendance Sheet
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
3025,833232017.03.06 18:30
Jin'taan Go to last post
[podcast] CSM XII Candidate Roundtables
Alekseyev Karrde
010,33202017.03.06 01:40
Alekseyev Karrde Go to last post
CSM12 Candidate Interviews & CSM Podcast
54,59602017.02.26 00:28
Apothne Go to last post
Citadel histories
010,93202017.02.22 17:50
Freelancer117 Go to last post
Silly question about CSM summit in Iceland
Knitram Relik
43,48822017.02.16 20:25
Jin'taan Go to last post
Unlimited High Sec War Decs
Matar Ronin
147,38692017.01.18 19:30
Matar Ronin Go to last post
Personalized - Super Kerr-Induced Nanocoatings
Ragged Starkiller
12,72702017.01.16 00:33
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Revisit the impersonation clause
Areen Sassel
34,65302017.01.15 01:03
Matar Ronin Go to last post
Jump clone timers are to long
108,09332016.12.22 22:02
Kenji Noguchi Go to last post
Petition to raise number of stored fittings [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Darth Terona
2612,424182016.11.21 01:52
Darth Terona Go to last post
Dividing the Plex
25,87612016.11.10 14:24
Freelancer117 Go to last post
Balancing the Faction Ship BPC drop rates
Anthar Thebess
1812,26552016.11.07 18:30
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Ganking game mechanic hisec balance
23,20112016.11.07 18:30
Iain Cariaba Go to last post
[UI] monospace and emojis
Niko Zino
23,58402016.11.07 18:19
Iain Cariaba Go to last post
Probably a good time to speak up if you run Linux or a Mac.
Joia Crenca
12,80822016.07.01 02:19
Steve Ronuken Go to last post
@CSM Xenuria + CCP Design Team
Caldari Navy Raven
13,02722016.06.30 14:17
Xenuria Go to last post
Confused by JSC
Codie Rin
12,98512016.05.21 19:24
Nitshe Razvedka Go to last post
Fozziesov is boring
Tian Toralen
23,90822016.05.17 11:39
knobber Jobbler Go to last post
POSes: I am a small portion of the community
[ Pages: 1 ... 151, 152, 153 ]
Two step
3,055979,2098,7402016.05.06 03:31
Balder Verdandi Go to last post
Indirect nerf to drones: anti-drone batteries
Xavi Bastanold
55,15212016.03.31 13:05
Naj Panora Go to last post
Jump fatigue reduced for one direction of travel
Arturo Caliente
23,34302016.03.23 18:22
Agondray Go to last post
Planets and income in EVE
Tian Toralen
018,56402016.03.21 12:29
Tian Toralen Go to last post
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