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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Captain's Quarters, where?

Rolf Ulrich
CORPLEX Multitech Resources And Development
#1 - 2012-04-21 13:42:45 UTC
When I go into Hangar View, where are the Captain's Quarters supposed to be in the scene? I've tried flipping In & out between the CQ view and Hangar View to pin down where but I can't seem to correlate their position in the hangar view.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-04-21 16:33:22 UTC
Answer is no where
You won't see the balcony from the hanger
Either it's too small in relation to a ship, or more likely CCP never modeled it in.

There is a fine line between a post and a signature.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-04-22 09:37:10 UTC
Rolf Ulrich wrote:
When I go into Hangar View, where are the Captain's Quarters supposed to be in the scene? I've tried flipping In & out between the CQ view and Hangar View to pin down where but I can't seem to correlate their position in the hangar view.


The things that now a days keep the new players wondered. When I started you only had questions about your ship in space, not about where the balcony was.

As for your question, it has been answered. It's now there, cause the hangar view is the old way stations looked and CCP added the captains quarters. So it's not that both are made together with eachother, you first had station spinning (aka Hangar mode) and then CCP added space barbies (aka Captain's Quarters).

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