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[WTB] Accounting Software {Programmer Required} 5Bil ISK

Destruction Inc
#1 - 2012-04-10 00:06:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Destruction Inc
Hey guys/gals.

I am in need of some software that connects via the API, looks at my purchases (Expenses) and then subtracts that from my sales to get gross profit.

I want this software customized to MY needs and not some tool that has already been created before.

Options Required for this software
-Must be able to handle manual Manufacturing Overhead/Period Cost figure inputs
-Must be able to show Net Profit for a manufacturing batch using the API
-Must be able to factor in brokers fees and sales tax (manual input or taken from the api is fine)
-Must have the ability for me to choose the option to see daily, weekly, monthly and yearly net profit (monthly and yearly should have an estimate option based on profit history)
-A graph feature that depicts my net profit per day which automatically updates by storing daily net profit figures

I know I'm asking alot, but what I'm willing to do for you:
-Pay up to 5Bil ISK for a bug free/easy to use program
-Write a letter of recommendation that lays out what I needed, and how you took care of those needs (could be useful for someone who is in college or looking to join a programming company, who knows)

I need this program within 30days.

If you can code such a program, post here or email me in-game so we can start talking about details
Destruction Inc
#2 - 2012-04-11 00:25:09 UTC
Still looking, and probably will be looking for a while lol
Destruction Inc
#3 - 2012-04-13 04:31:06 UTC
Still looking.