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Sidus Sarmiang for CSM 7

Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-02-25 23:37:18 UTC
Last year I ran, or I thought about running, or I made a post about running somewhere for CSM 6. I dunno, I was drunk a lot during that time and don't remember much stuff I do anyways like what I did last night or why there's a bunch of dried blood on the front of my car.

Anyways, I think the past year has validated a lot of my original points and really shown the importance of the foundations for my CSM campaign; namely, that there aren't any fish tanks in our captain's quarters. I'm sure everyone spends a lot of time in their captains quarters like me and wonders why there isn't a fish tank or where we can take a shower or just use the restroom (I like to pretend I poop off the balcony onto the captains quarters below me which probably belongs to someone without a titan because they're subhuman). I'm pretty sure all three of these issues could be solved with a fish tank, though. Plus, fish tanks could add an exciting new dimension to the game, namely, acquiring and maintaining your fish.

People get caught up in getting new ships and new stuff for their ships, but what about fish? I want to find a Dread Guristas Wrasse, or maybe a Sansha's Modified Clownfish. In wormholes, there could be various mysterious Sleeper fish that were originally sold in the dark, shadowy pet stores of a long dead civilization to tired Sleeper parents and their annoying kids who wouldn't shut the hell up after school and would probably just end up killing their fish in a week anyways. Also, there could be special contraband fish in lowsec which would be nice because those poor folks in lowsec get a pretty raw deal anyways; I've seen local there and that posting is terrible.

I would encourage proper fish acquisition and maintenance by tying various rewards to it like not being shot by Concord ever. I dunno about you guys but I respect a man who can keep a good fish tank and I think the police feel the same way at least I hope that's the case when the police finally catch up to me.

In summary, I think CCP should devote the next couple expansions and iterative development to fish tanks in captains quarters because they're really good at doing stuff in a clean, iterative fashion, and I should probably be on the CSM to oversee it and to smuggle weed into Iceland.
Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-02-25 23:41:21 UTC
I also think we should tie the sov system into World of Tanks.
Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-02-25 23:52:53 UTC
I think we need to redo the EVE soundtrack by region as well.

If you're in America, you get Journey.

If you're in Russia, you get the sounds of an obscenely drunk man cursing incoherently while throwing up and smashing things.

If you're in Italy or Greece, you no longer get a soundtrack due to austerity measures. Germany and France will get extra nice soundtracks, though.
Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-02-26 00:00:38 UTC
I'm a better candidate than Vile Rat because unlike Vile Rat, I don't like any member of my family enough to give up a free trip somewhere to visit them in the hospital. Darius III back me up here bro.
Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-02-26 00:21:58 UTC
You have me hook, line and sinker as a candidate with a "reel" expertise for tackling all the angles.

Lets just hope its not a fishermans tale eh? But then Goons and fish are alike….they both get into trouble when they open their mouths.

I do hope good things come to those who bait, however. Blink

Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-02-26 00:29:37 UTC
Thank you for your vote of support. Good things do come of baiting in my experience.

I also decided to use this as my official campaign video.

I wasn't involved in it in any way, but I feel I'm best represented IRL as an unpleasant, spherical thing that explodes whenever something vaguely female is near.
Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-02-26 00:44:24 UTC
Serious CSM Platforms here guys:

1. Bring back scamming in the recruitment channel.

2. Remove the German forums.
Alavaria Fera
#8 - 2012-02-26 02:57:58 UTC
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Anyways, I think the past year has validated a lot of my original points and really shown the importance of the foundations for my CSM campaign; namely, that there aren't any fish tanks in our captain's quarters. I'm sure everyone spends a lot of time in their captains quarters like me and wonders why there isn't a fish tank or where we can take a shower or just use the restroom (I like to pretend I poop off the balcony onto the captains quarters below me which probably belongs to someone without a titan because they're subhuman). I'm pretty sure all three of these issues could be solved with a fish tank, though. Plus, fish tanks could add an exciting new dimension to the game, namely, acquiring and maintaining your fish.

Musn't lose to mass effect 3, support fishtanks in captain's quarters today!

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-02-26 03:31:20 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Anyways, I think the past year has validated a lot of my original points and really shown the importance of the foundations for my CSM campaign; namely, that there aren't any fish tanks in our captain's quarters. I'm sure everyone spends a lot of time in their captains quarters like me and wonders why there isn't a fish tank or where we can take a shower or just use the restroom (I like to pretend I poop off the balcony onto the captains quarters below me which probably belongs to someone without a titan because they're subhuman). I'm pretty sure all three of these issues could be solved with a fish tank, though. Plus, fish tanks could add an exciting new dimension to the game, namely, acquiring and maintaining your fish.

Musn't lose to mass effect 3, support fishtanks in captain's quarters today!

On one hand I'm excited about the prospect of fish tanks in Mass Effect 3. On the other hand, I'm worried that because it's made by Bioware there'll be a romance option for at least one of the fish.
Di Mulle
#10 - 2012-02-26 11:58:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Di Mulle
You are kinda late into the clowns competition... and you are not especially entertaining even...
<<Insert some waste of screen space here>>
Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-02-26 22:34:20 UTC
I'm sorry my posting is not at the level that pubbies like you have come to expect and demand on these excellent forums. Also, I have a theory that the amount of emphatic fonts someone uses in their sig is directly proportional to how big of a tool they are. Care to weigh in?
Di Mulle
#12 - 2012-02-27 07:05:01 UTC
<<Insert some waste of screen space here>>
Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-03-02 14:25:06 UTC
Di Mulle wrote:

Get out, fish hater.
Zixie Draco
Goonswarm Federation
#14 - 2012-03-02 16:13:59 UTC them your new forum vocabulary word

It'll be great Shocked

Would you like a kitten?

Franklin D Roosevelt
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-03-02 21:02:46 UTC
Sorry that you were too late because otherwise I would have voted for you.
Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-03-02 21:15:05 UTC
Franklin D Roosevelt wrote:
Sorry that you were too late because otherwise I would have voted for you.

Next election we're running together. President and Vice President. Bodyguard and Long Lost Pal. We'll bring Democracy, Integrity, and Gay Facism all back in one go.
Franklin D Roosevelt
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-03-02 21:17:33 UTC
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Franklin D Roosevelt wrote:
Sorry that you were too late because otherwise I would have voted for you.

Next election we're running together. President and Vice President. Bodyguard and Long Lost Pal. We'll bring Democracy, Integrity, and Gay Facism all back in one go.

Do you ummm... You know ummm... Prefer oysters or clams?
Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-03-02 21:19:48 UTC
Franklin D Roosevelt wrote:
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Franklin D Roosevelt wrote:
Sorry that you were too late because otherwise I would have voted for you.

Next election we're running together. President and Vice President. Bodyguard and Long Lost Pal. We'll bring Democracy, Integrity, and Gay Facism all back in one go.

Do you ummm... You know ummm... Prefer oysters or clams?

Squid. I like the weird ****.
Franklin D Roosevelt
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-03-02 21:23:13 UTC
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Franklin D Roosevelt wrote:
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Franklin D Roosevelt wrote:
Sorry that you were too late because otherwise I would have voted for you.

Next election we're running together. President and Vice President. Bodyguard and Long Lost Pal. We'll bring Democracy, Integrity, and Gay Facism all back in one go.

Do you ummm... You know ummm... Prefer oysters or clams?

Squid. I like the weird ****.

asidburn Enaka
The 501st Legion
#20 - 2012-03-08 08:47:39 UTC
i just want to let everyone know about this scammer claming to be giving plex for votes dont be caught falling for this scam vote aganist darius III member of interstellar eXodus {IE-EX} they are scaming people pass the word on to everyone you can and vote aganist these undeserving jerks here is a copy of the chat log as proof of there unworthy actions!!!!!!!!

asidburn Enaka > what do i need to do
Darius III > go there
Darius III > vote for me then paste the message you got after vote cast into this chat
asidburn Enaka > your vote has been registered. We thank you for your participation.
Darius III > Thanks man
Darius III > that concludes our business
Darius III > Fly safe
asidburn Enaka > and what about the contract
asidburn Enaka > i will have my alliance vote aganist you about 250 people
asidburn Enaka > and then where will you be
asidburn Enaka > send me the contract and i will have them vote for you
asidburn Enaka > this is what we call a test of charecture
Darius III > Have them vote against me
Darius III > Sorry for the ssam
Darius III > But I wouldnt sleep at night if I didnt do everything in my power to make syure that Goons dont ruin this CSM
asidburn Enaka > your an idiot all your going to do is send more votes to the goons
Darius III > not really
Darius III > Goons will win chairman nbo matetr what, doesnt matter
Darius III > nothing can stop them
Darius III > and thats a real shame
asidburn Enaka > well you just lost 243 votes
asidburn Enaka > got 1 lost 243
Darius III > Didnt have them anyway
Darius III > didnt lose anything
Darius III > Just please dont make forum post about me, it would ruin my campaign
asidburn Enaka > not to mentone att the isk spam bans you r about to get
asidburn Enaka > too late
asidburn Enaka > and i just copyed this conv
asidburn Enaka > so i can post
Darius III > You wouldnt dare do it
Darius III > You too lazy anyway
Darius III > I dont have a thing to worry about
asidburn Enaka > haha i play eve 8 hrs a day and im retired all i have is time
Darius III > no lazy bones like you would waste their time. LOL so much for your empty threats LOL

rember i dont care who you vote for just dont voter for the