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40Mil SP pilot looking for a good home in WH space

Ellente Fervens
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-02-19 23:32:30 UTC
Hi there,
thanks for reading. I am active in the Australian timezone, generally for a couple of hours on weeknights before downtime. I am sporadically on at other times but I cannot and will not guarantee my time outside the pre downtime slot. I have wormhole raided a little I generally make my living through known space exploration (currently focusing on low sec).

I am interested in a WH corp for the following reasons.
-small gang PvP on occasions
-making mega-iskies
-challenge and uncertainties of living in a dynamic environment
-making/being part of something bigger than I can currently do as a dual boxer (Harder plexes, hold and defend a POS, loot others POSs etc)

Prepared for the usual recruiting hoopla, api submission, interview, trial period etc.

Have fun,
