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Test Server Feedback

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"Could not connect to login server"

No Risk No ISK
#1 - 2017-07-27 21:26:12 UTC
Is anyone else having issues connecting to the test server? I keep getting the message "Could not connect to login server" in the launcher, although I see that there are people connected to the test server. Btw I'm in germany.
Chuck Urkel
Northern Highway Paper Pushers
Northern Coalition.
#2 - 2017-07-28 00:59:53 UTC
Yeah having the same problem here. :(
Eddi Jett
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2017-07-28 01:29:34 UTC
Yeah, I'm having a login issue as well.

When I try to get to the test server, I can see that it is online, but from the game launcher I am getting a 'Connection was Reset' message where the login/play box should be.
I submitted a support ticket to see if they knew of any current problems, but was told that they do not deal with any issues on the test servers and that I will just have to wait for the next mirror event. : /
No Risk No ISK
#4 - 2017-07-28 02:00:34 UTC  |  Edited by: zitellona
Eddi Jett wrote:
Yeah, I'm having a login issue as well.

When I try to get to the test server, I can see that it is online, but from the game launcher I am getting a 'Connection was Reset' message where the login/play box should be.
I submitted a support ticket to see if they knew of any current problems, but was told that they do not deal with any issues on the test servers and that I will just have to wait for the next mirror event. : /

And this is the **** we get for our money.
They waste your subscription money to develop useless stuff (walking in stations, dust, valkyrie, etc) but they don't have the money to hire staff with an IQ above 85.
No wonder the amount of subscriptions is in free fall. People are tired of CCP's bullsvhit customer disservice. You are just a number to them. "We can just attract more new players to make up for the loss of old ones". Well good luck CCP.

PS.: This is not just a problem with CCP. The entire game industry is full of unscrupulous corporations that want to make profit while delivering a subpar product. And guess what, I'm not buying any recent game without it having stellar reviews.
Vote with your money, that's the only thing that will really hurt them.
Eddi Jett
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2017-07-28 03:07:24 UTC
zitellona wrote:
Eddi Jett wrote:
Yeah, I'm having a login issue as well.

When I try to get to the test server, I can see that it is online, but from the game launcher I am getting a 'Connection was Reset' message where the login/play box should be.
I submitted a support ticket to see if they knew of any current problems, but was told that they do not deal with any issues on the test servers and that I will just have to wait for the next mirror event. : /

And this is the **** we get for our money.
They waste your subscription money to develop useless stuff (walking in stations, dust, valkyrie, etc) but they don't have the money to hire staff with an IQ above 85.
No wonder the amount of subscriptions is in free fall. People are tired of CCP's bullsvhit customer disservice. You are just a number to them. "We can just attract more new players to make up for the loss of old ones". Well good luck CCP.

PS.: This is not just a problem with CCP. The entire game industry is full of unscrupulous corporations that want to make profit while delivering a subpar product. And guess what, I'm not buying any recent game without it having stellar reviews.
Vote with your money, that's the only thing that will really hurt them.

Unfortunately, the majority of game companies do not seem to care about a solid, long-term, paid subscription player base anymore.
................ that's sooo 10 years ago.

Now, it's all about the enticing "free-to-play" model with the ever-so-convenient "Micro Transactions".

Continuously pull in new players with a with a F2P subscription model.

Now, steadily release add-ons and trinkets to that game that have a relatively low development cost associated with them.

Then, make most of those add-ons/items/etc... really difficult to get in-game......BUT.....easily available through a micro-transaction.

POW.....instant profit for quarterly numbers.

(sound familiar)

With that being said.......I still can't get into Sisi, and I really do not feel like waiting until the next mirror event (whenever that will be), as was 'suggested' that I do. Especially now, as I had just discovered the joys of the test server.

Oh well. Maybe I'll go back to playing Fallout least I won't have to worry about being told "Too bad.....come back later." :P

Eddi J.

Matthew Edier
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2017-07-28 12:09:50 UTC
hey guys, im having issues logging in also it keeps saying "could not connect to login server" as well befour this i tried 4-5 times to log on and it kept sating there was issues with my log on, this is a first for me and its about 1 hour past downtime as well i cant submit a suport ticket either the site is unreachable (convienient) so its kind of anoying when stuff like this happens because if something works why brake it!

On a side note to and i know this has nothing to do with this but why remove POS's from the game it adds extra things to do in game for a relitivly low cost, this is a mistake in my opinion because with POS's there would be more things for people to do in game why not just remove the moon moduals and the reaction stuff instead.
No Risk No ISK
#7 - 2017-07-28 12:15:30 UTC
Matthew Edier wrote:
hey guys, im having issues logging in also it keeps saying "could not connect to login server" as well befour this i tried 4-5 times to log on and it kept sating there was issues with my log on, this is a first for me and its about 1 hour past downtime as well i cant submit a suport ticket either the site is unreachable (convienient) so its kind of anoying when stuff like this happens because if something works why brake it!

On a side note to and i know this has nothing to do with this but why remove POS's from the game it adds extra things to do in game for a relitivly low cost, this is a mistake in my opinion because with POS's there would be more things for people to do in game why not just remove the moon moduals and the reaction stuff instead.

If CCP were to reply to you, it would be something like "If you don't like it how we conduct our business, feel free to unsub and never come back. We will recruit new players to replace you. Fvuck you and your money."
Eddi Jett
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-07-28 12:38:47 UTC

Oh, look! I can now get back into the test server.....what a surprise.

So much for my connection problem being something that only a mirror update will solve. P

The sad part, is that when I ran a ping trace to the test server, it clearly showed that the last 2 hops to the test server were unresponsive....and I even included that trace information in my support ticket.

Eddi J.
Alice Ampueda
Lotek Academy
#9 - 2017-07-28 13:14:47 UTC
I am currently having the same issue. This issue has been intermittent since Wednesday.
Eddi Jett
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2017-07-30 16:39:34 UTC

Are people still having problems with this, or is it just me?

As of yesterday afternoon, SiSi is not even showing in my launcher as being online. And when I run a traceroute, hops 10-12 are showing as being unresponsive, but the last hop IS responsive. ??

Does anybody know what's going on?

Eddi J.
Aeon Herzog
Haven's Reach Core
#11 - 2017-07-30 23:59:42 UTC
zitellona wrote:
Eddi Jett wrote:
Yeah, I'm having a login issue as well.

When I try to get to the test server, I can see that it is online, but from the game launcher I am getting a 'Connection was Reset' message where the login/play box should be.
I submitted a support ticket to see if they knew of any current problems, but was told that they do not deal with any issues on the test servers and that I will just have to wait for the next mirror event. : /

And this is the **** we get for our money.
They waste your subscription money to develop useless stuff (walking in stations, dust, valkyrie, etc) but they don't have the money to hire staff with an IQ above 85.
No wonder the amount of subscriptions is in free fall. People are tired of CCP's bullsvhit customer disservice. You are just a number to them. "We can just attract more new players to make up for the loss of old ones". Well good luck CCP.

PS.: This is not just a problem with CCP. The entire game industry is full of unscrupulous corporations that want to make profit while delivering a subpar product. And guess what, I'm not buying any recent game without it having stellar reviews.
Vote with your money, that's the only thing that will really hurt them.

Did you just make an autistic rant about a test server being down for a while? I think I just laughed so hard I killed brain cells from oxygen deprivation.
Akarani Xeibei
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2017-07-31 00:04:11 UTC
Eddi Jett wrote:
zitellona wrote:
Eddi Jett wrote:
Yeah, I'm having a login issue as well.

When I try to get to the test server, I can see that it is online, but from the game launcher I am getting a 'Connection was Reset' message where the login/play box should be.
I submitted a support ticket to see if they knew of any current problems, but was told that they do not deal with any issues on the test servers and that I will just have to wait for the next mirror event. : /

And this is the **** we get for our money.
They waste your subscription money to develop useless stuff (walking in stations, dust, valkyrie, etc) but they don't have the money to hire staff with an IQ above 85.
No wonder the amount of subscriptions is in free fall. People are tired of CCP's bullsvhit customer disservice. You are just a number to them. "We can just attract more new players to make up for the loss of old ones". Well good luck CCP.

PS.: This is not just a problem with CCP. The entire game industry is full of unscrupulous corporations that want to make profit while delivering a subpar product. And guess what, I'm not buying any recent game without it having stellar reviews.
Vote with your money, that's the only thing that will really hurt them.

Unfortunately, the majority of game companies do not seem to care about a solid, long-term, paid subscription player base anymore.
................ that's sooo 10 years ago.

Now, it's all about the enticing "free-to-play" model with the ever-so-convenient "Micro Transactions".

Continuously pull in new players with a with a F2P subscription model.

Now, steadily release add-ons and trinkets to that game that have a relatively low development cost associated with them.

Then, make most of those add-ons/items/etc... really difficult to get in-game......BUT.....easily available through a micro-transaction.

POW.....instant profit for quarterly numbers.

(sound familiar)

With that being said.......I still can't get into Sisi, and I really do not feel like waiting until the next mirror event (whenever that will be), as was 'suggested' that I do. Especially now, as I had just discovered the joys of the test server.

Oh well. Maybe I'll go back to playing Fallout least I won't have to worry about being told "Too bad.....come back later." :P

Eddi J.

you realize the test server is going to have things wrong with it that's why its the test server
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2017-07-31 03:56:06 UTC
I guarantee the people who are complaining about it being down are the ones who are constantly on it as if it's the tq server.