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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

WTS 38 M skill point perfect gunner Palladin etc

First post
Deanoris Seksilaska
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-04-15 13:30:38 UTC
WTS my character

Passowrd 4321

Start price 23,5 B

Maizie Fields
Eden Ranch Injector Spa
#2 - 2017-04-15 13:43:30 UTC

Thinking of selling? Eden Ranch is now buying characters. Please contact me for an offer!


Maizie Fields, Chief Injection Officer

#3 - 2017-04-15 16:23:36 UTC
Deanoris Seksilaska
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2017-04-16 07:33:40 UTC
29 B and its yours ;)
Allsales Final
Stars in No Sky
Backward Time in a Strange Land
#5 - 2017-04-16 20:18:34 UTC
Deanoris Seksilaska
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2017-04-17 12:55:00 UTC
BUMP auction end 22.04.17 after that biggest offer win;)
Holdari Akiga
Caldari State
#7 - 2017-04-17 15:16:42 UTC
29bisk b/o ?
ISD Chanisa Nemes
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#8 - 2017-04-17 15:23:30 UTC

Character Bazaar rules

11. The character being sold must be in an NPC corporation at the time of posting, and for the entire duration of the sale/auction thread being active.

Please drop to an NPC corp and remake your post

ISD Chanisa Nemes


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department