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Higsec Security and Justice plan?

Sivar Ahishatsu
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-03-17 03:10:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Sivar Ahishatsu
Hello CSM Candidates!

Highsec Security and Justice system is an important Item for me and I suspect many others.

I would like to inquire, if there are any candidates here who have in their platform a plan to introduce or suggest a new and better Security & Justice System for Highsec to deal with Criminals and Criminal behaviours towards weak and innocent Capsuleers.

As a highsec Citizen of Empire space I am interested in seeing Empire space a better place to live in. And currently find that the Security and Justice system in place if very weak. Innocents and unnamed Citizens in all four empires get attacked with impunity.

Miners are in danger, so are Traders and also Citizens working for the various Agents, not to mention new Citizens recently having undergone the transformation to capsuleers.

Pirates dominate the lower sec of Empire space, It is maybe time that Empires do something about it? Ordinary citizens are not able to conduct business in all of empire space.

Please feel fee to reply here with links to your Intro posts so I can look up your plans and better decide on voting.

Please only Candidates who actually have a plan to Improve Security and Justice in Highsec.

Thank you kindly.
Madina Shouna
LOL Corporation ggg
#2 - 2017-03-17 05:26:45 UTC
I suggest a temporary ban from the server for 2 hours for killing a neutral in high sec and after that double the ban up to 1 day of a ban. Or maybe kind of mute button when you can't say **** in local but this way you can't use your weapons. And I suggest griefing report system for ******* gate campers in high sec. Especially near trade hubs. I suggest CCP start doing something against ******* gate campers. I swear to god if Goon swarm or PL complains CCP will listen but if a regular shmuck like me complains CCP does not give a ****. Introduce a ******* griefing system for a ******* gate campers who are killing everyone who is neutral. And don't ******* tell me that this is eve you die in eve. ************, you were newb too and you can't ******* avoid certain systems because the route will become too long. I can't ******* fly jump freighter or freighter. But what I suggest is simply neutralize ******* from killing neutrals. Especially in high sec.

Dear CCP do not disregard my suggestion. And if you can deliver my suggestion to CCP dev I will vote for you.
Lorelei Ierendi
We Care A Lot
#3 - 2017-03-17 18:20:35 UTC
Sivar Ahishatsu wrote:
Please feel fee to reply here with links to your Intro posts so I can look up your plans and better decide on voting.

Please only Candidates who actually have a plan to Improve Security and Justice in Highsec.

Thank you kindly.

if searching through the threads of the 64 candidates is too much work for you:

feel free to post questions in my thread... I don't normally venture into other threads...

Sivar Ahishatsu
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#4 - 2017-03-17 23:33:25 UTC
Hello Miss. Lorelei.

Thank you I read your platform. It is interesting.

I do not come often to the forums, I thought it would be better to just ask instead of trying to read through all the platforms.

Besides, it also shows like this who is actually paying attention to ordinary citizens like myself in the community on top of who is interested in enhancing the game play of Empire space for those that live in it.

Thank you!