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Drifter Battleship stats?

Buggy Khardula
Replicator System Lords
#1 - 2016-11-08 02:40:01 UTC
I've been trying to find this for a while, but I've had no luck - does anyone know the stats for the drifter boss at the end of c5 and c6 combat sites?

It's not this, that's the boss which shows up at the Jove stations in KS, they're separate. I'm talking about the Arithmos Tyrannos

It's really rather hard to design and optimize ships to kill them when you don't know what they're actually capable of, so I'd really appreciate it if anyone could give me some firm stats on it - total dps, cap drain/s, etc.
Brown Pathfinder
Black Spot on Parchment
#2 - 2016-11-08 12:50:27 UTC
See this thread already posted on the subject.
Buggy Khardula
Replicator System Lords
#3 - 2016-11-08 19:54:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Buggy Khardula
Oh, my mistake. But that thread doesn't have any info on them either.

Edit: nevermind, I found it.