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Tripwire - Sig Mapping Tool

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Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-02-08 18:18:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Daimian Mercer
Tripwire is a signature/wormhole mapping tool - developed for w-space, expanding to k-space and developed by me for the past 4 years.

Tripwire uses e-commerce level security standards along with constant EVE API checks to ensure data is secure.

Tripwire is still in BETA form and is constantly being improved, please send me any suggestions/complaints/ideas/feedback because it is what drives Tripwire to be the best mapper.

Featured On:
Podside #182 @ 35:00
Down the Pipe #29

Screen Shot
Tutorial Video by WingspanTT
Quick Tutorial Video by Kraesk


  • Constant background updating - all information is updated every 5 seconds
  • Detailed system information (security, local pirates, wormhole effects, region, static connections)
  • System activity graph ranging from 24 hours to 1 week (ship jumps, NPC kills, ship kills, pod kills)
  • EVE server status and player count
  • Auto-mapper for building wormhole connections as you jump in-game (ALPHA)
  • Dynamic Chain map with detail information:
  • Connecting lines colored to show wormhole status (critical/destabilized/eol/frigate)
  • Systems labeled (HS, LS, NS) from connection type, system
  • Icons for wormhole effect and player location (hover-over for details)
  • Last hour activity for ship jumps, NPC kills, ship kills and pod kills (colored dots)
  • User ability to "Flare" a system (right-click) to bring focus for others (colored red, green or yellow)
  • Currently viewed system colored blue
  • Ability to toggle jump calculations to currently viewed system (Home icon)
  • Copy & Paste scan results will insert and update when needed (paste as much as you want) just give focus to window
  • Notes section for each system
  • Customize layout by re-arranging sections or re-size them as you like (toggle via lock icon)
  • Layouts saved per browser - have a IGB layout and a OOG layout
  • Sharing of data in your control, instantly share/un-share as you need it

  • Tripwire is currently FREE to use so sign-up now and never pay to use it! It is expected to go fully public sometime in 2015.


    I am subscribed to the "Help" section of Tripwire forums. If there is an emergency post in there and I will be notified by cell phone - I have full control over Tripwire and the servers via cell phone.

    In-game Public channel: Tripwire Public

    Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

    Twitter |

    Legio Prima Victrix
    #2 - 2014-02-08 18:24:27 UTC  |  Edited by: AdZc
    Excellent tool, used by my old corp for years, cannot recommend enough!
    Honestly We didnt know
    #3 - 2014-02-08 18:24:29 UTC
    Confirming this is a great tool
    Hans Bonderstadt
    #4 - 2014-02-08 18:26:37 UTC
    Vouching for this tool, very well made.

    the trap is our venue pussy is on the menu

    Hidden Fremen
    L A Z E R H A W K S
    #5 - 2014-02-08 18:27:59 UTC
    Thanks, Daim. Tripwire makes my wildest dreams come true.
    Zeras Allyndar
    Mass Disruption
    #6 - 2014-02-08 18:31:39 UTC
    That services does not appear to allow me to mix up my chain map to troll my corp mates. I do not approve.

    Actually it looks pretty slick. May have to give it a try, thanks for the post.

    ISD Ezwal: "Well, lets put it this way, if I would clean this thread by the forum rules, there would be very little left."

    Edward Harris
    Inner Geek
    #7 - 2014-02-08 18:35:44 UTC
    Best chain mapper out there. Too bad we are sharing it now :/
    Kal Zek
    Vandaley Industries
    #8 - 2014-02-08 18:46:24 UTC
    Daimian's a great tool.
    The New Eden Yacht Club
    The New Eden Yacht Club.
    #9 - 2014-02-08 18:51:59 UTC
    Best mapping tool available!
    #10 - 2014-02-08 22:22:39 UTC
    Does it auto map systems when jumped to them?
    Daimian Mercer
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #11 - 2014-02-08 22:38:57 UTC
    Winthorp wrote:
    Does it auto map systems when jumped to them?

    Yes it can - both when using In-game and when using out-of-game with an in-game instance open to get character data.

    Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

    Twitter |

    #12 - 2014-02-09 01:12:33 UTC
    Hidden Fremen wrote:
    Thanks, Daim. Tripwire makes my wildest dreams come true.

    Wait, I thought I did that.

    But tripwire is pretty cool. Made life much easier.
    Daimian Mercer
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #13 - 2014-02-09 01:21:08 UTC
    Thanks everyone for their endorsements!

    Tripwire is now fully protected by a certified 256-bit SSL encryption. It is now the safest wormhole mapping tool out there.

    Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

    Twitter |

    Jack Tronic
    #14 - 2014-02-09 08:19:37 UTC
    Daimian Mercer wrote:
    Thanks everyone for their endorsements!

    Tripwire is now fully protected by a certified 256-bit SSL encryption. It is now the safest wormhole mapping tool out there.

    Since you were paranoid about someone doing packing sniffing on a network, you are still vulnerable to a MITM attack.
    Lippstadt Creed
    Solyaris Chtonium
    #15 - 2014-02-09 08:26:15 UTC
    Tripwire is something i've used for years and i can only recomend it!

    Good work Daimian!
    Daimian Mercer
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #16 - 2014-02-09 16:35:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Daimian Mercer
    Jack Tronic wrote:
    Daimian Mercer wrote:
    Thanks everyone for their endorsements!

    Tripwire is now fully protected by a certified 256-bit SSL encryption. It is now the safest wormhole mapping tool out there.

    Since you were paranoid about someone doing packing sniffing on a network, you are still vulnerable to a MITM attack.

    Tripwire is not vulnerable to an MITM attack because it uses a certified SSL, not some cheap SSL that just encrypts the connection.
    One of many sources to prove my point

    Here is further information on that security exploit we spoke of: Firefox Plugin makes hijacking easy

    Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

    Twitter |

    Doom Generation
    Best Intentions.
    #17 - 2014-02-09 20:52:10 UTC
    I just started using this mapper...absolutely amazing!
    Merlin Sadalbari
    Oberon Incorporated
    #18 - 2014-02-09 22:33:56 UTC
    This was awesome when I was still living in wormholes and it even got improved by a lot since then.

    Can only be recommended!
    L A Z E R H A W K S
    #19 - 2014-02-10 00:14:57 UTC
    Vouched. It is easily the cleanest out there, so shiny
    Steven Hackett
    Overload This
    Escalation Theory
    #20 - 2014-02-10 02:00:00 UTC
    Confirming - this is the next gen chain mapper, constantly developed and updated with cool flashy features!
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