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What's the time????

Amarr Empire
#1 - 2013-09-05 16:27:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Rahool
Hey people!

I am going to fly from QYZM-W at the very North of the map to LX5K-W in the very South and am starting a lottery whereby you guess how long it will take me to do this. The time lost from being blown up by gate camps and what not will be taken into consideration. And, if/when I'm blown up, I shall re-ship and start from the place I left off. I shall be flying a Navy Slicer.

The prizes are as follows;

1st: BS of your choice or ISK equivalent.

2nd: BC of your choice or ISK equivalent

3rd: Frigate of your choice or ISK equivalent

Each guess will cost you 10 million ISK and you can guess as many times as you like. The person who gets closest to the time it takes me will win followed by second best and 3rd best, obviously.

Send ISK to "Rahool" ingame and then post your guess in this thread.

I was going to make this a live streaming event, however, this would mean I would have to stop the guessing as soon as I started as it wouldn't be fair on those who guessed beforehand. Therefore, I am going to start sometime on Friday the 13th of September. I'm not saying the exact time as it's more than probable a few people will turn up to try and spoil the fun!

Good luck!
Raven Firestar
Hidden Treasure's
#2 - 2013-09-06 11:47:47 UTC
You can record the stream then either delay it by a day or post it up with the winners