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Importing to planets?

Dai en Chasteaux
The Blind Ones
#1 - 2011-09-14 12:40:02 UTC
Starting some PI have two planets and know how to export from the planets, but the thing I can't work out is how to import to the planets.

Have had a look in the forums and guides but can't find that last bit of info.

If someone knows of a link to explaining the importing procedure, I can only thank you in advance.

Please understand, I understand the exporting bit. Getting the stuff off of the planets, is easy, it is putting the goods onto the planet, that is the problem for me.

I have read loads of PI guides, as well as a few you tube videos.

Thanks Dai.
Flaming Candle
The White Aces
#2 - 2011-09-14 12:47:00 UTC

  1. You need a launchpad on your planet. (create appropriate routes to/from it)
  2. You fly to the customs office.
  3. You transfer items from your cargohold to the customs office.
  4. There are a few ways to then import/export, I'm sure you can find the others out, but double-clicking on your launchpad is the way I normally do it.

Have a look for the eve-uni PI tutorial, it's pretty good. There's probably good documentation on the official eve wiki too.
Dai en Chasteaux
The Blind Ones
#3 - 2011-09-14 12:52:50 UTC
You say 'transfer from cargo to customs office' dragging the items dose not work??

So how?

Flaming Candle
The White Aces
#4 - 2011-09-14 13:05:37 UTC
Dai en Chasteaux wrote:
You say 'transfer from cargo to customs office' dragging the items dose not work??

So how?

You have to be in space next to the customs office. You can then open the customs office (like any other container in space, by right-clicking on it and selecting the appropriate option, or an button in the 'selected item' window) This gives you a container, into which you can drag items.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2011-09-14 15:10:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Usurpine
Fly to a custom office and open hangar. Drag and drop stuff from your ship into this hangar.
Click on a launchpad and open menue here you can import stuff from hangar to planet.
If you dont have a launchpad, build one, its useful, use even more to have better buffer, i use at least 2, one for the incoming from extractors and one for the endproduct. With level V i even use 3 launchpads to have more place and time because i dont like PI-Tamagochi enough to play it often, my pi production lasts 1 week minimum.
Dai en Chasteaux
The Blind Ones
#6 - 2011-09-14 18:23:53 UTC
Thanks, all sorted.
