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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Nullsec Group Anomalies (Sovereignty required)

Vrx Itonula
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-03-23 01:19:19 UTC
The implementation I have in mind could essentially quell a few common complaints regarding both hi-sec incursions and the lack of incentive to hold sov in nullsec.

It is a common complaint that incursions allow hi-sec residents to make much more ISK then individuals who dwell in nullsec. Nullsec incursions do exist, but can't really compete with the accessibility, safety, and ease of hi-sec incursions and the higher payout can generally be offset by using sub-optimal ships due to the risk involved.

Another common complaint is that there aren't enough benefits for sov holding alliances, and let's face it the average player with no leadership role doesn't gain access to any real 'wow' factor other than things like jump bridges. In addition to this, small gangs often complain it is difficult to find fights or groups willing and able to organize in response to their presence.

So my proposal is as follows: The introduction of a structure that requires sov to anchor, and cannot be anchored on a POS. This structure will essentially spawn vanguard-like group oriented anomalies within the system in question, perhaps with the possibility of upgrading to even generate assault or headquarters-esque sites. These could operate the same as incursion sites currently do with a group payout, said payout should exceed the payouts of hi-sec incursion sites and be on par with if not exceed nullsec incursion payouts. An interesting implementation could be to provide pirate LP from these (again on par with nullsec incursion LP payouts) based on the space you inhabit.

So, what does this accomplish?

  • Introduces a nullsec equivalent that can exceed the profitability of hi-sec incursions while remaining readily available and accessible to those who hold space
  • Promotes and rewards group oriented play which goes hand in hand with corporations, alliances, and the whole sov concept in general. In tandem with this is provides a valuable resource and incentive for the 'average' player to live in nullsec.
  • When roaming gangs come to the area, groups will already be formed with relatively proper fleet compositions (they will already have logistics and DPS capable individuals in fleet, as well as an FC who is already in game and ready to go.) This will give people the confidence as well as capability to engage such gangs and could possibly make the days of entering a system and the two active tengus running sanctums warping to a POS or station to sit there until you leave obsolete
  • The structure mentioned earlier can also provide the small gang objectives that have been requested in the past. This structure can possibly be disabled (not destroyed) preventing any new sites from spawning. This could be coupled with a cooldown period of anywhere from an hour to 4 or 5 before the structure could be repped and the sites begin spawning again. A mechanic such as this would promote an active defense rather than a reactive defense.
  • Another possible implementation of promoting engagements could be if x number of neutrals or reds are present in system and uncloaked for a certain amount of time payouts stop or anomalies stop spawning
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#2 - 2012-03-23 12:55:57 UTC
This is certainly a thought in the right direction, in my opinion. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs