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graphic card meltdown

Snowflake Tem
The Order of Symbolic Measures
#1 - 2011-09-24 08:55:01 UTC
My nVIDIA graphics card overheated and was damaged over a week ago leaving figure of eight blocks displayed in textures and models of the burned out memory locations. I put it down to resource intensive Captains Quarters, but, I've just learned that my father has experienced exactly the same problem with his ATI card at a similar time. He is not an EVE player and uses Windows 7 exclusively.

Ironically EVE no longer runs at all on my VISTA partition, but manages to scrape by on Ubuntu Natty via Wine.
I'm curious to know if any exclusive linux users have had to deal with overheating recently in an effort to understand the cause and perhaps bolster my suspicion that is is a M$ thing.
Crunchy Crunchy
#2 - 2011-09-27 19:55:35 UTC
Well eve does boost the temperature of my graphics card, I've got a gtx280, but I use an app, I think it's nvclock, I use it and turn the gpu fan to 100%, it keeps it down cooler.