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INFERNO What can we expect ?

Epic Ganking Time
#21 - 2012-03-20 20:51:16 UTC
cerbus wrote:
this inferno teaser video may help: Big smile

Nice baller cap on your alt. Big smile

I think CCP should offer you a job... you are clearly already working full-time Lol

The docking psudo-cutscenes are pretty cool too. Nice +1

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Minmatar Heavy Industries
#22 - 2012-03-20 20:52:56 UTC
I expect my video card to start melting then go up in an inferno the first patch day if today was any indication of the future patchesLol
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Critical Mass Inc
#23 - 2012-03-20 21:06:40 UTC  |  Edited by: MadMuppet
5% bounty cut across the board
New wardec mechanics that will either protect bears for good and enrage gankers or vice versa.
Projectile ammo will be called, Thermal Shells, EM Shells, Kinetic Shells, and Explosive Shells with a Long Range and Short range variant for each.
The Neocomm will still blink endlessly for stuff we don't care about.
Widescreen mode will return so we can clearly read our target information (yeah right)
The Drake nerf will be insignificant enough to not warrant changing to a different ship, but people will grumble endlessly about it.
NPC corp taxes will rise to 20%
Wardec resistant corps will need to pay a 10% tax rate to CONCORD
Wardecced corps can counter-bribe CONCORD to call off a dec if they do it before the war actually starts. Will redefine sniping.
Command ships will be the better that Strategic Cruisers for Command modules.
Drone poop will become drone diarrhea and bounties will be added.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Kate Lockwell
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#24 - 2012-03-20 21:11:46 UTC
renaming more modules.
Jace Errata
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-03-20 21:42:17 UTC
Module renaming
New ship models
War stuffs
Launcher models (fuckyeah)
Rogue drone stuffs
DUST stuffs
Missile models (slightly obvious, but probably missed otherwise)
Custom skins (maaaaaybe)
UI stuffs
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Player discontent (every. goddamn. patch.)

That's all pretty much definite.

Supercap balancing
Incursion balancing
FW stuffs
Complete and total WoW-ification of EVE (/sarcasm)


One day they woke me up so I could live forever

It's such a shame the same will never happen to you

Dbars Grinding
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-03-20 22:00:26 UTC
Nothing interesting thats for sure.

I have more space likes than you. 

Andrea Griffin
#27 - 2012-03-20 22:04:26 UTC
Tanuki Kittybeta wrote:
Cat ears in the nex store! :3
Confirming that I would pay lots of Aurum for a full-body fur suit. Not a cat though. Cats are lame.
Yoma Karima
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-03-20 22:08:10 UTC
-PvP stuffCool

-ship balencing (a job never done if you ask some players)Roll

-forums blowing upRoll

-NEW SHIPSShocked umm......not likely as they just gave us the new BCs to play with.

Those who wish to end War wish to end what it means to be human. Those who advocate War do not know its power. Yet Those who learn from War will be remembered for all time.

The Adam's Family
#29 - 2012-03-20 22:24:48 UTC
Torpedo launching Bewbies

Iron Maiden posters for CQ

Winmatar will still be winmatar.

Everyone else will try and find an excuse to justify thier 60 mill SP not in winmatar.

Dream team Patch:

Modified T2 production using meta 4 base rather than Meta 0
Modified T2 Ship production using Navy base rather than T1

PI Armies using Dog Tag formula to slaughter dust bunnies.

True Sansha Diamond Commander leads 200 Sansha Diamond soldiers in a raid on the console Kiddies and slaughters 70% of them before being wiped out.
Shogun Archer
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-03-20 22:25:17 UTC
Assless leather chaps in the NEX store, please!

If you run into more than 2 a**holes in a day, you should probably look in the mirror.

Nimbus Cloud Liebrum
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2012-03-20 23:03:38 UTC
Simple Miner
Silas Kautsuo
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#32 - 2012-03-20 23:23:40 UTC
Magic wheelbarrows full of lung butter
Tear Miner
#33 - 2012-03-20 23:25:17 UTC
We cannot expect the Spanish Inquisition.
Xenophon Zateki
#34 - 2012-03-20 23:25:23 UTC
Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#35 - 2012-03-20 23:26:09 UTC

Epic Ganking Time
#36 - 2012-03-20 23:35:15 UTC
Xenophon Zateki wrote:

Space keg'er @ my place... we'll have 70's A-Team reruns on the big screen and quafe for mixers is all we have so bring your own if you don't drink Space Guinness.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

#37 - 2012-03-20 23:39:14 UTC
Given CCP's recent development since last summer: Any stuff released from them now will be (poorly balanced) populistic iteration and nonsensical addition of bling bling ships. And more blob incentitives.

Not sure, but I might actually start to change my mind and prefer WiS over the recent 'development'/'progress'. What?

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Borun Tal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-03-20 23:51:57 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
Several unscheduled server reboots due to "database issues".

No, we're talking about the next expansion, not the last couple days.

Silly pilot...
Silas Kautsuo
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#39 - 2012-03-20 23:54:34 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:


ISD Eshtir says 'GEROOOOT'
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-03-21 00:01:46 UTC

R32 moon alchemy
Alliance Taxes
Anti-blob projected area of effect weapons
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