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A serious goons begging for mittens votes posting question

First post
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#161 - 2012-03-20 06:47:21 UTC
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:

And again, the CSM is not the"good idea faeries" of Eve. There are plenty of good ideas from not only me but the player base. In fact everyone that votes should ask themselves how much will a canidate that create huge multi-page bible of how Eve should be can be expected to listen to the players since they already "have Eve all figured out".

Issler Dainze
The Miner's Friend
CSM 7 Candidate

You missed my point. The point of stating your ideas for the game is not because CCP will implement them. Any voter with half a brain knows that. The reason why it's not a bad idea to give some of your ideas is so we get to know you, namely:

What you identify as problems.
How you analyze the problem.
How you plan to solve the problem.
What you perceive as the advantages and disadvantages of said solution..

A proposal is a way of showing your expertise in an area.

For example your platform is based on being the miner's friend. This is meaningless.

What is the problem miners have? How do you plan to solve it? Lets run through some scenarios and you'll see what I actually mean.

"Miners keep getting ganked! I would make concord respond immediately to any attack on a miner and also mining barges should be invulnerable in highsec!"

This approach to improving miners would tell me you are a dumb pubbie with an unrealistic view of the game. I would not vote for you.

"Mining is hideously boring and rewards skill in no way, shape, or form. I would add minigames to mining whose skillful playing could increase mining yield while at the same time making mining interesting. Players would also have the option to mine as they do now. If we implement this at the same time a major push to ban mining bots occurs, mining would become a feasible profession and any shock to the market due to bots being banned could be offset by the implementation of bonus yields through the mini game."

This approach tells me that you think mining is boring, which automatically makes me think better of you. It tells me you understand mining's larger role in EVE and how to adjust mining in a positive manner that will benefit those who enjoy the profession while avoiding causing issues that negatively impact the rest of EVE.

"Kill all miners IRL."

You would get my vote for this one.

Do you see my point though? We need more than just a platform here, we need to see you're a human being capable of intelligent, critical thought that can interact well with others. If you can't provide this you don't deserve to be elected.

I see your point but....

I have posted, for years actually lots of ways I would make mining more interesting, challenging and dependent on skill vs patience. That you claim I haven't says that you haven't bothered to read much of what I have posted for years. I'm going to give you a pass because we swapped forums and now you might have to dig a little to find my posting history prior to the last six months.

There are lots of posts of mine offering everything you have asked me to supply. The fact you don't pull some of the many postings I've made to say something like "This is vague" or "Issler how would comets work?" or "Issler, when you say you want all belts dynamic, how would that work?" or "Issler, how would you make actual real time skill make mining yields better?" or "Issler, could you describe more about how you'd change the mining UI and client internals to make bots difficult to implement?. If you had said anything like that I would know you've tried to see what I've said in the forums because every one of those things are suggestions I've offered in this election.

But all you focus on is my slogan, so I can't take you seriously.

Issler Dainze
The Miner's Friend
CSM 7 Candidate
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#162 - 2012-03-20 06:50:43 UTC
Triskian wrote:
If I recall correctly, sidus, Issler's idea for fixing mining is basically to have mobile refineries you can drag to a belt and to also give non-capitals the ability to compress ore. This goes back to my earlier point of her being outright harmful (if unintentionally so) to nullsec mining given how these two things would benefit hisec the most while making the rorqual effectively more worthless than it already is with regards to it's intended usage in both low and null. She claims to have all areas of the game in mind yet her ideas are not well thought out.

I definitely do not want to make the Roq irrelevant and I made that clear in my response to you earlier. Everything I suggest has to be balanced as I stated to you in my reply based on the core concept, reward increases in direct proportion to the reduction in security levels in Eve.

Bolded so you don't miss that concept this time.

So sorry, your out of context post that misrepresents my position is nonsense.

Issler Dainze
The Miner's Friend
CSM 7 Candidate
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#163 - 2012-03-20 08:52:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Triskian
Actually we've discussed all of your posts and viewpoints at length on jabber. We've reached the conclusion that you should stop posting and date me, or at least I have. I think you would better understand the goon point of view if you knew one personally as you currently seem unwilling to look past certain prejudices and they are heavily influencing your responses in an almost combative manner.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#164 - 2012-03-20 09:38:21 UTC
Triskian wrote:
Actually we've discussed all of your posts and viewpoints at length on jabber. We've reached the conclusion that you should stop posting and date me, or at least I have. I think you would better understand the goon point of view if you knew one personally as you currently seem unwilling to look past certain prejudices and they are heavily influencing your responses in an almost combative manner.

You had me at Jabber!

So here is an out of Eve bit of trivia about me in RL.

When I'm not fighting for the miners of Eve I also build interactive pieces of electronic art for local gallery shows. My last piece was a wire frame head with a monitor behind the eyes and speakers where the ears were that tried to simulate what goes on in my head.

It had a gigabyte of my favorite media and a bunch of stream of consciousness text I came up with journal-ing for a month that was randomly selected, then linked to google searches that the combined stuff scrapped from the sites that came up from the randomly created searches that were then combined to the local media.

The results were streamed to a Jabber server public chat room. Anyone in the room could see what my art piece was doing and type reactions to the searches which would then take the searches in new random directions! Very fun. The text was also scanned for one of a about a thousand terms I had assigned an emotion to that then ran servos to make the face make emotion! It also had a keyboard so that folks looking at the piece could also interact with the chat room and also affect what the head was "thinking about"!

Only thing I hadn't counted on was the vibration of the big wire eyebrows made the frame fail right at the end of the month it was exhibited. Last day of the exhibit as I was taking the piece down almost all of the solder joints were ready to totally fail.

OK, back to fighting for miners!

Issler Dainze
The Miner's Friend
Owner of a Giant Wire Head
CSM 7 Candidate

Prince Kobol
#165 - 2012-03-20 19:29:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
I have 4 accounts so 4 votes, I have also been playing Eve for just over 2 years.

I am not affiliated to any of the candidates.

As a member of the goons put it (sorry can't remember your name but it was a very good post) I am one of the small number of voters who care enough about Eve to take part in the CSM elections but has no affiliations to any of the candidates, so my votes can go anywhere.

Now after reading the forums for the past couple of years you get to instantly reconsign certain names for what ever reasons.

I can honestly say the name Issler Dainze doesn't ring any bells, that is not to say you have not posted anything, just that whatever you have posted did not stick.

Now when looking at perspective CSM candidates, certain names instantly stand out as I am familiar with their names, forums posts and blogs, others I have no idea who they are.

So the most important thing that I need to see for me to even consider that candidate is that their opening post tells me who they are, what their goals are, and most importantly how they are going to achieve their goals.

Its all well and good saying that Low Sec and Science and Industry need some love but I want details on where think the fault lies and how you would fix it.

Without those details then I won't even get past the first page, let alone consider to vote for you.

So to sum up, if it wasn't for this post I would have no idea who you are so that shows how badly you have failed.

As for my 4 votes, 2 went to Seleene and 2 for the Mittani.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#166 - 2012-03-20 19:40:29 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
I have 4 accounts so 4 votes, I have also been playing Eve for just over 2 years.

I am not affiliated to any of the candidates.

As a member of the goons put it (sorry can't remember your name but it was a very good post) I am one of the small number of voters who care enough about Eve to take part in the CSM elections but has no affiliations to any of the candidates, so my votes can go anywhere.

Now after reading the forums for the past couple of years you get to instantly reconsign certain names for what ever reasons.

I can honestly say the name Issler Dainze doesn't ring any bells, that is not to say you have not posted anything, just that whatever you have posted did not stick.

Now when looking at perspective CSM candidates, certain names instantly stand out as I am familiar with their names, forums posts and blogs, others I have no idea who they are.

So the most important thing that I need to see for me to even consider that candidate is that their opening post tells me who they are, what their goals are, and most importantly how they are going to achieve their goals.

Its all well and good saying that Low Sec and Science and Industry need some love but I want details on where think the fault lies and how you would fix it.

Without those details then I won't even get past the first page, let alone consider to vote for you.

So to sum up, if it wasn't for this post I would have no idea who you are so that shows how badly you have failed.

As for my 4 votes, 2 went to Seleene and 2 for the Mittani.

I didn't ask why you didn't vote for me, I don't care. I asked why you voted for mittens, which you didn't explain other than you recognize his name.

Issler Dainze
The Miner's Friend
CSM 7 Candidate
Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#167 - 2012-03-20 19:47:42 UTC
Name recognition is a big deal, if you didn't know.

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#168 - 2012-03-20 19:50:26 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
I didn't ask why you didn't vote for me, I don't care. I asked why you voted for mittens, which you didn't explain other than you recognize his name.

Name recognition plays a big part in democratic success.

efb :argh:
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#169 - 2012-03-20 19:52:26 UTC
HELIC0N ONE wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
I didn't ask why you didn't vote for me, I don't care. I asked why you voted for mittens, which you didn't explain other than you recognize his name.

Name recognition plays a big part in democratic success.

efb :argh:

Well, if that is your only criteria for support life must be very simple for you!

Prince Kobol
#170 - 2012-03-20 19:52:38 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:

I didn't ask why you didn't vote for me, I don't care. I asked why you voted for mittens, which you didn't explain other than you recognize his name.

Issler Dainze
The Miner's Friend
CSM 7 Candidate

Funny enough because he is honest.

He doesn't pretend to care for everyone, for example he wont make promises to improve mining because he doesn't give a **** about mining so long as he can gank them, he doesn't apologise for the way he plays the game and unlike most care bears (which I current am) I understand that null sec needs to thrive for all the other area's of the game to improve.

There is nothing worse then a candidate declaring that they are the saviour of care bears and then not outlining what is broke, why they think its broke and what they are going to do to fix it.

You know that any candidate who does that is talking bullshit and that they have no idea.

I have respect for The Mittani simply because he does not try to panda to all players, in fact he is the complete opposite.

Prince Kobol
#171 - 2012-03-20 19:59:12 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
HELIC0N ONE wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
I didn't ask why you didn't vote for me, I don't care. I asked why you voted for mittens, which you didn't explain other than you recognize his name.

Name recognition plays a big part in democratic success.

efb :argh:

Well, if that is your only criteria for support life must be very simple for you!


If you do not understand the concept behind having people recognize your name then you truly have no idea.

I will give you an example and I hope he does not mind using him :)

Liang Nuren

A name that most people who use the forums will recognize, why, because he is very knowledgeable in the aspect of the game play he enjoys and also because his PvP video 's and blogs are both fantastic.

For you to have that recognition it means that you have contributed in some way, shape or form. You might be well know for your forum posting, work on 3rd party apps, scams, pirating, knowledge of the game etc..

It mean that what ever you have done, it has been worthy of making a mental note of.

On a side note the fact that you do not care why people have not voted for you shows that you would be a very bad choice for CSM

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#172 - 2012-03-20 20:02:39 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
HELIC0N ONE wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
I didn't ask why you didn't vote for me, I don't care. I asked why you voted for mittens, which you didn't explain other than you recognize his name.

Name recognition plays a big part in democratic success.

efb :argh:

Well, if that is your only criteria for support life must be very simple for you!


If you do not understand the concept behind having people recognize your name then you truly have no idea.

I will give you an example and I hope he does not mind using him :)

Liang Nuren

A name that most people who use the forums will recognize, why, because he is very knowledgeable in the aspect of the game play he enjoys and also because his PvP video 's and blogs are both fantastic.

For you to have that recognition it means that you have contributed in some way, shape or form. You might be well know for your forum posting, work on 3rd party apps, scams, pirating, knowledge of the game etc..

It mean that what ever you have done, it has been worthy of making a mental note of.

On a side note the fact that you do not care why people have not voted for you shows that you would be a very bad choice for CSM

I don' care why mittens supporters don't vote for me, a very different thing.

Issler Dainze
The Miner's Friend
CSM 7 Candidate
Goonswarm Federation
#173 - 2012-03-20 20:13:07 UTC
a wiser CSM candidate might consider it relevant how mittani poached someone from their target demographic, who has no ties to goonswarm

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Prince Kobol
#174 - 2012-03-20 20:15:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Issler Dainze wrote:

I don' care why mittens supporters don't vote for me, a very different thing.

Issler Dainze

Again you have failed.

Like I said previously, I have no affiliation with any of the candidates.

At the beginning of the voting process The Mittani had as much of a chance of gaining my votes as the other candidates who I knew off.

As for the others like yourself, you could of still of gained my vote so long as you put together a well thought out opening post which you completely failed to do.

Let me put it this way to you. Here are last years results

5,365 The Mittani
3,813 Seleene
3,320 UAxDEATH
3,306 Trebor Daehdoow
2,925 Killer2
2,539 White Tree
2,240 Vile Rat
2,086 Meissa Anunthiel
1,986 Draco Llasa

1,747 Elise Randolph
1,341 Prometheus Exenthal
1,090 Krutoj
956 Two Step
921 Darius III

Now lets say for arguments sakes that out of the total number of votes, 1000 belonged to players like me, hell make it 500, players who have no affiliation to any of the candidates.

The difference from being a CSM Delegate and Alternative during CSM 6 was only 239 votes.

The vast majority of votes during a CSM election are already accounted for before day 1, so players like me are the players that candidates like YOU need to convince.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#175 - 2012-03-20 20:22:24 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:

I don' care why mittens supporters don't vote for me, a very different thing.

Issler Dainze

Again you have failed.

Like I said previously, I have no affiliation with any of the candidates.

At the beginning of the voting process The Mittani had as much of a chance of gaining my votes as the other candidates who I knew off.

As for the others like yourself, you could of still of gained my vote so long as you put together a well thought out opening post which you completely failed to do.

Let me put it this way to you. Here are last years results

5,365 The Mittani
3,813 Seleene
3,320 UAxDEATH
3,306 Trebor Daehdoow
2,925 Killer2
2,539 White Tree
2,240 Vile Rat
2,086 Meissa Anunthiel
1,986 Draco Llasa

1,747 Elise Randolph
1,341 Prometheus Exenthal
1,090 Krutoj
956 Two Step
921 Darius III

Now lets say for arguments sakes that out of the total number of votes, 1000 belonged to players like me, hell make it 500, players who have no affiliation to any of the candidates.

The difference from being a CSM Delegate and Alternative during CSM 6 was only 239 votes.

The vast majority of votes during a CSM election are already accounted for before day 1, so players like me are the players that candidates like YOU need to convince.

You voted for them because they were the top two last time. You don't get credit for voting for a winner.

What did they do or do you expect them to do to have gained your support. That is the question.

Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#176 - 2012-03-20 20:42:24 UTC
This thread is now about snail facts.

The largest land snail recorded weighed only 2 pounds and was 15 inches long. It was discovered in 1976. Others are extremely small being only a few centimeters long when they are adults and weighing just a couple of ounces.
Goonswarm Federation
#177 - 2012-03-20 20:50:12 UTC
if only you had presented an obvious and logical reason i would not have jumped straight to crazytown reasons, it's really your own fault i say these crazy things

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Commander McSpacepants
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#178 - 2012-03-24 16:52:38 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
So looking at the huge number of pro mittens for CSM 7 goon posts I have a serious question. We know why goons support mittens and we can sure expect them to vote for him.

But does anyone expect non-goon aligned or non-pro-goon pilots to be convinced to support him by the pro goon posts?

It seems pretty unlikely to me and in fact the volume of them might have a backlash.

Not an attack, just a pondering about the expectations of the pro mittens brigade and maybe a request from the non-aligned player base as to the affect the pro mittens post had on their voting choice.

Just wondering...


The Mittani - 10058. Looks like the pro-mittens poasting worked out pretty well. Hail to the King of Space!
Alavaria Fera
#179 - 2012-03-24 18:50:22 UTC
Commander McSpacepants wrote:
The Mittani - 10058. Looks like the pro-mittens poasting worked out pretty well. Hail to the King of Space!

King of Space! King of Space!

Smugposting will blot out all the badposts.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#180 - 2012-03-24 19:03:58 UTC
I wish CCP could show a break out of the votes by corp/alliance so people can see how much non-goon support he got.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.