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Gnosis - an odd ship name change... Coming soon to your hanger? May 6th?

Epic Ganking Time
#1 - 2012-03-19 22:57:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
So in updating my igb ship list to Crucible 1.5 I had ro reclass a BUNCH of CCP only ships that have been removed from the TQ database (awww... you removed the Infested Dominix CCP... really?). One of the things I noticed is a very cool looking ship got renamed from the generic SOCT Cruiser to the Gnosis... and it got a new description too! Looks like someone is knocking the cobwebs off this awesome ship and readying it for deployment!

Old Description:
The Society of Conscious Thought applies its cruiser when anticipating hostilities or when carrying precious cargo. Despite their objections to violence, they prefer to be the violators rather than the violated when push comes to shove.

New Description
The SoCT's Gnosis-class cruiser is typically used as an exploration, research or training vessel and is well equipped for such activities. It is even better prepared, however, to guard such tasks from interruption and sabotage. Although The Society generally frowns upon violent behavior, extreme (and often, extremely violent) methods are taken to protect its own vessels and the secrets they may carry. This mission of acquiring, deepening and sharing knowledge is key to the philosophy of the SoCT, and one well-served by the capable and fearsome Gnosis.

Think we'll be seeing these in our space lanes soon? Big smile

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Zircon Dasher
#2 - 2012-03-19 23:13:53 UTC
I hope it doesnt get released in that config

Caldari-prereq cruiser with

2 lows
3 mids
5 highs (5L/4G)
25mb drones

Why fly?

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Epic Ganking Time
#3 - 2012-03-19 23:20:12 UTC
Zircon Dasher wrote:
I hope it doesnt get released in that config

Caldari-prereq cruiser with

2 lows
3 mids
5 highs (5L/4G)
25mb drones

Why fly?

Those stats are the same as they were when it was the SOCT Cruiser. They have been unaltered... you might also note the prerequisite skills:
Jove Cruiser 1
- Spaceship Command 3
- Caldari Frigate 4

I was just pointing out that it is getting looked at and revised! I'm sure they will need to revise the fittings and skills significantly unless they... release... Jove... Frigate...

*carefully places tin-foil hat on head....

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#4 - 2012-03-19 23:33:55 UTC
Releasing Jovian ships and modules would unbalance the game beyond repair.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Epic Ganking Time
#5 - 2012-03-19 23:40:25 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Releasing Jovian ships and modules would unbalance the game beyond repair.

Yes. I'm sure the major alliances are terrified of the Apotheosis. That also explains their multi-billion ISK price tag.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Nikola Aivoras
Mercantilist Corporation of New Eden
#6 - 2012-03-20 00:17:00 UTC
The end is nigh!
#7 - 2012-03-20 00:19:31 UTC
Gogela wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:
Releasing Jovian ships and modules would unbalance the game beyond repair.

Yes. I'm sure the major alliances are terrified of the Apotheosis. That also explains their multi-billion ISK price tag.

There's a difference between a limited edition shuttle and full scale Jovian warships.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

#8 - 2012-03-20 00:20:01 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Releasing Jovian ships and modules would unbalance the game beyond repair.

Like T3 ships? For all we know, CCP has grown a pair, err, has a new vision and decided to completely redo ship fitting mechanics. One way to transition to the new system is to obsolete existing ships with some new technology, e.g. the introduction of jet powered aircraft in WWII.

From an RP perspective, it's easy to justify. Maybe we've inadvertently awakened the power behind the sleepers and the Jove are giving us some basic new tech to avoid getting steamrolled. Or maybe the Jove are giving away "free" tech in order to guide Eve's technology down a certain path (i.e. think Mass Relays being seeded by the Reavers in Mass Effect as a means to direct the galactic races' technological progress.) Or maybe there's a liberal hippy free thinking sentient hugging Jove faction that believes that the Jove should take a more active hand in sharing/guiding/loving the lesser developed humans.

Or not. Not is *always* an option.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Epic Ganking Time
#9 - 2012-03-20 01:05:59 UTC
I just really like SoCT ships... they look really unique! If it be a combat ship, I would bet it is balanced against other faction cruisers and wouldn't really throw the game. It's not strictly Jove (race)... it's faction, in my humble view.

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Alara IonStorm
#10 - 2012-03-20 01:13:04 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:

There's a difference between a limited edition shuttle and full scale Jovian warships.

I doubt the SOCT Cruiser is a full scale Jovian warship. Powerful yes but it fly's on the public space lanes and guards schools everyone knows the location to.

I seriously doubt it contains any secret Jove Tech that they would risk falling into the hands of the Empires, Pirates or Corporations.
Logan LaMort
Screaming Hayabusa
#11 - 2012-03-20 01:22:55 UTC
'The SoCT's Gnosis-class cruiser is typically used as an exploration, research or training vessel and is well equipped for such activities.'

Yep, says Jovian warship right there Lol

This is actually one of my favourite NPC ships and I admit it would be a wet dream if it was released as a ship with exploration type bonuses, the same way the Noctis was released as a dedicated salvage ship.

After all it is a SoCT cruiser, it's as Jovian as the capsules we fly in or the Apotheosis, hell, even Angel Cartel ships are rumoured to be based on Jovian technology. You even blow up one of these during the SoE epic arc, you know, with a frigate as a newb.

At most this is equal to a pirate faction cruiser.
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#12 - 2012-03-20 01:24:34 UTC
Interesting. Not the ship, but the title. Society of Conscious Thought's Gnosis.

I'm Gnostic so this is what caught my attention.

The meaning behind the name is significant because Gnosis is Greek for "knowledge" or "knowing" and it is an ancient, philosophical, and religious movement that believes in knowing one's self and understanding the god or kingdom within than the mainstream god or kingdom from without that many of you know today. For a better explanation of this religion, Religious Tolerance offers many details of the system of thought. Also, the works of Elaine Pagels and Marvin Meyer provide more in-depth details regarding issues that are too complex to describe in a single post.

Other than that, I'm not sure if it's safe to even introduce Jovian ships to the market considering their nature.

Adapt or Die

#13 - 2012-03-20 01:27:11 UTC
Logan LaMort wrote:
'The SoCT's Gnosis-class cruiser is typically used as an exploration, research or training vessel and is well equipped for such activities.'

Yep, says Jovian warship right there Lol

This is actually one of my favourite NPC ships and I admit it would be a wet dream if it was released as a ship with exploration type bonuses, the same way the Noctis was released as a dedicated salvage ship.

After all it is a SoCT cruiser, it's as Jovian as the capsules we fly in or the Apotheosis, hell, even Angel Cartel ships are rumoured to be based on Jovian technology. You even blow up one of these during the SoE epic arc, you know, with a frigate as a newb.

At most this is equal to a pirate faction cruiser.

Well equiped is relative. At one time wooden warships were considered "well equipped".

Things are only impossible until they are not.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-03-20 01:34:48 UTC
I'm pretty sure the Jovians would never let anything they couldn't counter easily, fall into any of the nations and alliances hands. A Jovian ship from 5000 years ago is probably as powerful as our ships today. This ship is an old design, dating before the failed Amarrian invasion of Jovian space.

It's probably not even truely Jovian and was probably reversed engineered from the wreckage of one of the very few Jovian ships destroyed during the battle of Vak'Atioth. Hell this thing wasn't even designed to be a combat ship according to the description. It probably held some poor fellow who was trying to GTFO from the battle site.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Mortis vonShadow
Balanaz Mining and Development Inc.
#15 - 2012-03-20 01:36:44 UTC
Henry Haphorn wrote:
Interesting. Not the ship, but the title. Society of Conscious Thought's Gnosis.

I'm Gnostic so this is what caught my attention.

The meaning behind the name is significant because Gnosis is Greek for "knowledge" or "knowing" and it is an ancient, philosophical, and religious movement that believes in knowing one's self and understanding the god or kingdom within than the mainstream god or kingdom from without that many of you know today. For a better explanation of this religion, Religious Tolerance offers many details of the system of thought. Also, the works of Elaine Pagels and Marvin Meyer provide more in-depth details regarding issues that are too complex to describe in a single post.

Other than that, I'm not sure if it's safe to even introduce Jovian ships to the market considering their nature.

As you all know I'm all knowing and I know that if I were to talk to any of you in a one on one basis, you're head would implode from my all knowing. I could try and tell you a little something about being all knowing, but you wouldn't get it and just sit there with the perplexed look on your face as if you did know. But you wouldn't know. I know it, and you know it. So, when someone says to you I'm Gnostic, they don't really know. They just want you to think they know. You know?

Some days you're the bug, and some days your the windscreen.                   And some days, you're just a man with a gun.

Epic Ganking Time
#16 - 2012-03-20 01:39:01 UTC
Mortis vonShadow wrote:
Henry Haphorn wrote:
Interesting. Not the ship, but the title. Society of Conscious Thought's Gnosis.

I'm Gnostic so this is what caught my attention.

The meaning behind the name is significant because Gnosis is Greek for "knowledge" or "knowing" and it is an ancient, philosophical, and religious movement that believes in knowing one's self and understanding the god or kingdom within than the mainstream god or kingdom from without that many of you know today. For a better explanation of this religion, Religious Tolerance offers many details of the system of thought. Also, the works of Elaine Pagels and Marvin Meyer provide more in-depth details regarding issues that are too complex to describe in a single post.

Other than that, I'm not sure if it's safe to even introduce Jovian ships to the market considering their nature.

As you all know I'm all knowing and I know that if I were to talk to any of you in a one on one basis, you're head would implode from my all knowing. I could try and tell you a little something about being all knowing, but you wouldn't get it and just sit there with the perplexed look on your face as if you did know. But you wouldn't know. I know it, and you know it. So, when someone says to you I'm Gnostic, they don't really know. They just want you to think they know. You know?

Well... I found it informative Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#17 - 2012-03-20 01:41:47 UTC
Mortis vonShadow wrote:
Henry Haphorn wrote:
Interesting. Not the ship, but the title. Society of Conscious Thought's Gnosis.

I'm Gnostic so this is what caught my attention.

The meaning behind the name is significant because Gnosis is Greek for "knowledge" or "knowing" and it is an ancient, philosophical, and religious movement that believes in knowing one's self and understanding the god or kingdom within than the mainstream god or kingdom from without that many of you know today. For a better explanation of this religion, Religious Tolerance offers many details of the system of thought. Also, the works of Elaine Pagels and Marvin Meyer provide more in-depth details regarding issues that are too complex to describe in a single post.

Other than that, I'm not sure if it's safe to even introduce Jovian ships to the market considering their nature.

As you all know I'm all knowing and I know that if I were to talk to any of you in a one on one basis, you're head would implode from my all knowing. I could try and tell you a little something about being all knowing, but you wouldn't get it and just sit there with the perplexed look on your face as if you did know. But you wouldn't know. I know it, and you know it. So, when someone says to you I'm Gnostic, they don't really know. They just want you to think they know. You know?

*head explodes from knowing what this man knows, you know?*

Adapt or Die

Alara IonStorm
#18 - 2012-03-20 01:44:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Are the Jove even all that tough?

What evidence do we have of that. They curb stomped an Amarr Fleet of 200 ships with a fleet 1/3 their size and still took loses.

* The Amarr Fleet was modernized after the Elder War. Before that most of their ships were old and out of date.
* The Jove are a very small empire. 200 Ships isn't a good measuring rod. Kador's personal Fleets that attacked Gallente was something like 1500 and was not even considered Navy but a personal Fleet.
* 200 Amarrian non Capsuler Ships. Sounds like a job for 5 Capsulers. It is like 3 Lvl 4 Missions worth. 2 Logi and 3 Battleships have got this.
* Jove society has said to have stagnated. The other Races have developed T2 and T3 Ships, Rigs, T2 Modules, Ammo, Drones, Supercapitals, Covert Ops Cloaks and Implants since then. The Gap may have closed quite a bit. 200 strong of Legions or Tengu's may have had a different impact.

I say that the Jove might not be so strong now by comparison.
#19 - 2012-03-20 01:46:40 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Are the Jove even all that tough?

What evidence do we have of that. They curb stomped an Amarr Fleet of 200 ships with a fleet 1/3 their size and still took loses.

* The Amarr Fleet was modernized after the Elder War. Before that most of their ships were old and out of date.
* The Jove are a very small empire. 200 Ships isn't a good measuring rod. Kador's personal Fleets that attacked Gallente was something like 1500 and was not even considered Navy but a personal Fleet.
* 200 Amarrian non Capsuler Ships. Sounds like a job for 5 Capsulers. It is like 3 Lvl 4 Missions worth. 2 Logi and 3 Battleships have got this.
* Jove society has said to have stagnated. The other Races have developed T2 and T3 Ships and T2 Modules since then. The Gap may have closed quite a bit. 200 strong of Legions or Tengu's may have had a different impact.

I say that the Jove might not be so strong now by comparison.

Devs flew jove ships for lulz. They permatanked a 500 man fleet.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Epic Ganking Time
#20 - 2012-03-20 01:51:37 UTC
Every time I get a new ship I'm pumped. The Apotheosis was a cooler ship than most of the navy BS that came out around that time. It was based on SOCT 1.

There is a possible frigate they could release (and I am really stretching here... this whole thread is based on a slight update after all...) a frigate to go along with the Gnosis too. There's another frigate in the database called SOCT 2 that CCP could rebrand as well... makes me start to wonder what an SoCT Battleship would look like! Novafox could probably do up a mockup... Big smile

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