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Nerfs and why they should go away

First post
Caldari State
#21 - 2012-03-18 01:47:52 UTC  |  Edited by: OfBalance
Bloutok wrote:

CCP is thinking of changing the way cruisers are being researched skill wise. One of the first thing people cried about was that they may end up not being able to fly what they were flying before and that they needed a lot of SP to make them happy. Why is it that when CCP nerf something, we do not get the choice to get our SP back ?

Literally not being able to board a ship post-patch is not the same as a role change or stat nerf to that ship.

I'll put it as simply as possible here: CCP does not and should never give a **** what your or my expectations of a ship are. Their job is to make every ship worth flying to some degree or in some situation. If one ship causes a lot of others to be not worth flying, expect that at some point it will be nerfed and don't expect an sp refund.
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-03-18 02:00:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Bloutok
Why is it that having new cruisers to train is different ?

You trained for a ship for a reason, CCP deleted that reason, not the ship. What makes deleting the ship any different ? It's not like you cant get it back ? But cant remove a nerf on your own.

Why is nerfing ok SP wise but not forcing people to train a few more skills ?


By the way, this toon is trained in a way that if CCP was to give free SP for the changes, i'd stand to get a maximum. Just saying because i still think you do not understand that i am trying to talk about this in a more general way, like you are taking it very personal :P
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-03-18 02:07:38 UTC
Bloutok wrote:
Why is it that having new cruisers to train is different ?

I covered that here:

OfBalance wrote:
Literally not being able to board a ship post-patch is not the same as a role change or stat nerf to that ship.

Bloutok wrote:

You trained for a ship for a reason, CCP deleted that reason, not the ship. What makes deleting the ship any different ? It's not like you cant get it back ? But cant remove a nerf on your own.

Why is nerfing ok SP wise but not forcing people to train a few more skills ?

I covered that here:

OfBalance wrote:
CCP does not and should never give a **** what your or my expectations of a ship are.
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-03-18 02:20:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Bloutok
So, having to spend a week or 2 of training to get your ship back is a crime but losing the entire reason why you got a ship in the first place, that is ok ? Seriously ????
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-03-18 02:24:05 UTC
Bloutok wrote:
So, having to spend a week or 2 of training to get your ship back is a crime but losing the entire reason why you got a ship in the first place, that is ok ? Seriously ????

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2012-03-18 02:32:26 UTC
Darth Tickles
#27 - 2012-03-18 02:38:38 UTC
Nerfs happen.

Deal wiz it
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-03-18 02:44:22 UTC
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#29 - 2012-03-18 09:33:02 UTC
Moved from "Ships & Modules".

CCP Spitfire | Marketing & Sales Team @ccp_spitfire

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-03-18 15:00:12 UTC
Looks like your Enter Key hates you, occasionally taking a hit but more often avoiding your blows.

Boraeus wrote:
The logic behind this is to "level" the playing field between the races etc etc. but nothing in eve is or is supposed to be truly equal, if it were it wouldn't matter one bit which race you chose or trained as all would do everything equally well. This is obviously not the case and its NOT supposed to be.

Agreed, but I dissagree with your assement of the Titan Nerf. EVE is not fair and it was a very clever way to utilize a ship (called Sandbox, make the game yours and step on your enemy any way short of using actual exploits). Titans have a huge weakeness when they give so much in up for a tracking mods, so that means stop flying smaller crappy ships and start flying cap ships. Plus, it requires teamwork to web the crap out of those ships as no single titan vs a smaller ship at an optimal orbits will be under those guns.

You have a problem with caps? Don't have them, won't train for them, you don't like them? Tough, that is your problem. Aside from the swapping to tank while being targeted which could be fixed (orca aggression? Obviously fixed, so could Titans), they are still killable....when you bring the right ship for the job. That is called cap ships, so step up and step into a cap ship. BANG! You will kill those Titans fitting tracking mods, forcing them to use DD and actual tanks...which leaves them on grid...bring more caps....and there you have a winning strategy.
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