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Is Suicide Ganking suddenly a problem?

Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2012-03-12 21:27:47 UTC
Or are all these new threads just alts on alt accounts of alt accounts?

After the insurance fraud fix, Tempests lost favor and Thrashers and Ruptures became the norm. Now, Tornados seem to be a great middle-option but i still see most ganks done by thrasher/rupture gangs, not 'nados.

What are these people's evidence that suicide ganking is now a new problem? Or have the carebears just gotten tired of complaining about cloaks?

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Denying You Access
#2 - 2012-03-12 21:30:58 UTC
This topic could certainly use a few more threads to discuss it.

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2012-03-12 21:32:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Terminal Insanity
THE L0CK wrote:
This topic could certainly use a few more threads to discuss it.

I wholeheartedly agree.

All the threads i see never explain why Suicide Ganking has BECOME a problem. They just complain ABOUT suicide ganking in general. I fail to see whats really changed that now causes it to be a bigger problem then it was 6 months ago.

Personally, i would love to see haulers get an HP buff -AND- add a grace-period before concord shows up to allow player assistance first. (Putting the policing more into the hands of the players) I would like it to become more interesting, but dont make it harder/impossible. Suicide ganking is part of eve and should always be.

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Petrus Blackshell
#4 - 2012-03-12 21:50:13 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Personally, i would love to see haulers get an HP buff -AND- add a grace-period before concord shows up to allow player assistance first.

"Solved" by an extra few Thrashers on the gank.

And nah, this is just another wave of complainers. Next week it will be titan tracking again.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Karn Dulake
#5 - 2012-03-12 21:59:01 UTC
suicide ganking is only a problem when im being ganked
I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-03-12 22:14:33 UTC
If suicide ganking was hurting even the most alert players it would be a problem. But most people getting suicide ganked has less to do with actually being unfairly killed, but more to do with a lack of situational awareness?

For example, why the hell would anyone undock a hauler carrying billions of ISK worth of stuff without even checking to make sure the area outside is safe? And then these people complain when they are greated by 20 Tornadoes.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Wektis Sunji
Tzestu Corporation
#7 - 2012-03-12 22:16:22 UTC
So I've only been playing eve for around 2 months now, from a newbs perspective:

Wormhole space is safer than highsec space.

To be honest I'm not sure how to process that any further. Does this mean that the suicide ganking "mechanics" need to be changed or that wormhole space needs to be more difficult?


Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2012-03-12 22:28:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Terminal Insanity
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
If suicide ganking was hurting even the most alert players it would be a problem. But most people getting suicide ganked has less to do with actually being unfairly killed, but more to do with a lack of situational awareness?

For example, why the hell would anyone undock a hauler carrying billions of ISK worth of stuff without even checking to make sure the area outside is safe? And then these people complain when they are greated by 20 Tornadoes.

Because they're WOW players and believe they should be safe as they travel through highsec, like they could when they travel through WOW.

Its not "just WOW". The vast majority of games will babysit you the whole way through and never let another player hurt you. Guildwars is another good example.

The only games i can think of that was eve-like/pvp, would be some oldschool MUDs and NWN..

I remember TFC MUD you could summon OTHER players directly to your location and then kill them. I remember playing Neverwinter Nights as a Sorc/Bard/Shadowdancer, i'd sneak into the middle of town, suddenly appear before a bunch of newbies and cast Wail of Banshee, killing them all instantly. Higher level players would gather and run me out of town, and hunt me for hours. It was incredible fun.

Eve is where i came after those two games, specifically for its PvP content. I really dont understand why people play a multiplayer game and then just run NPC missions all day in highsec. If you want PvE, play Fallout or Baldurs Gate or somethnig

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Karn Dulake
#9 - 2012-03-12 23:12:14 UTC
I have only been ganked once and it was completely my own fault.

it cost me 4 billion isk and it will never happen again due to my own laxness.
I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-03-12 23:27:59 UTC
Blaster buff reduced the cost of insta popping all the tinfoil tanks in high sec.
Mackinaw, Hulk, Any T1 industrial or barge are now pretty much open season.
#11 - 2012-03-12 23:35:18 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
What are these people's evidence that suicide ganking is now a new problem? Or have the carebears just gotten tired of complaining about cloaks?

I don't think it's a problem but I am quite sure it happens more often then it used to. The arti-boost combined with the Tornado allows to pop stuff solo that was pretty much safe before. It was possible but you had to wait for your buddies to show up to gank stuff. Now you and your scanning alt will do.

The insurance nerf didn't really do much as nowadays there are piles of targets where there used only a handful in the whole of empire a few years ago. Incursions, Sanctums and sleepers are filling wallets with a rate only T2 BPO owner could enjoy back then.

Again, that's not problem. We used to explode T2 BPO owners, why not pop Incursioniers now?

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Aggressive Nutmeg
#12 - 2012-03-12 23:59:15 UTC
gfldex wrote:
I don't think it's a problem but I am quite sure it happens more often then[sic] it used to.

From my observations it's not happening more than it used to. But it's certainly being discussed on the forum more frequently.

Never make eye contact with someone while eating a banana.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-03-13 00:30:07 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:
This topic could certainly use a few more threads to discuss it.


To the OP, I don't think suicide ganking became an more prevalent - we just get waves of complaints about all sorts of topics every now and then. As others have mentioned, next week it may very well be titan tracking, the following week it could be afk cloaking, etc etc...
Istvaan Shogaatsu
Guiding Hand Social Club
#14 - 2012-03-13 01:38:49 UTC
I'd like to state in no uncertain terms that this spike of complaints re: suicide ganking has nothing whatsoever to do with the GHSC's recent suicide gank campaign, or the buttloads of carebear 10gu we've blapped.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#15 - 2012-03-16 21:14:58 UTC
Istvaan Shogaatsu wrote:
I'd like to state in no uncertain terms that this spike of complaints re: suicide ganking has nothing whatsoever to do with the GHSC's recent suicide gank campaign, or the buttloads of carebear 10gu we've blapped.

Those PvE-gu fits are all "eerily" similar, and a lot of 1-man shell corps.


Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#16 - 2012-03-16 21:20:16 UTC

People are just increasingly fooling themselves that highsec is a safe place, and get upset when their illusions are shattered.
Epic Ganking Time
#17 - 2012-03-16 21:23:14 UTC
Tippia wrote:

People are just increasingly fooling themselves that highsec is a safe place, and get upset when their illusions are shattered.

This ^

Highsec is getting safer and safer every year. People are starting to forget that nowhere should be safe.

Safe highsec is bad for the game. It really is.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

#18 - 2012-03-16 21:23:29 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Istvaan Shogaatsu wrote:
I'd like to state in no uncertain terms that this spike of complaints re: suicide ganking has nothing whatsoever to do with the GHSC's recent suicide gank campaign, or the buttloads of carebear 10gu we've blapped.

Those PvE-gu fits are all "eerily" similar, and a lot of 1-man shell corps.


'gu' what's that?

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#19 - 2012-03-16 21:30:53 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Those PvE-gu fits are all "eerily" similar, and a lot of 1-man shell corps.


No outraeg in local, no convos, and the fact that three other guys got hit and they all keep going about their merry business would seem to indicate so. Plus, three of the KMs I've seen from the same day were pretty much the exact same failfit from two different corps.

Tobiaz wrote:
'gu' what's that?


A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Zircon Dasher
#20 - 2012-03-16 21:41:26 UTC
More ganks? Meh probably not.

More people making troll threads because they are bored? I could see that.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

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