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New Names! ...AGAIN?! o.O

Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#61 - 2012-03-16 04:20:09 UTC
Mr LaForge wrote:
I didn't see this in the notes either and am very disappointed, especially in the shield module renames. I don't understand why they're insisting on these name changes for everything when they were just fine and people learned them just fine/

People read, the items inside eve is code base.. So you have code 1 = name here. Code 2 = naam here. And so on you got the idea.

However The items is inside a Boxs there is a list code that can hold 10000 or more items if eve online is expanding like it doing now the need to increase the HOLD code or boxs or whatever you like to call it.

If the Box is FULL the can not add more inside that boxs. So the only way to make room inside that boxs is to shift names to the otherboxs.

This will say that there is a massive new expand with allot of new items perhaps new ships or even bigger things.

Thats the good point however now for now its sucks because of the rename items the need to do. If you dont like it wait till there is a new patch or new expand and this will be over...... So short words deal with it. For now.

Ettu Brute II
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#62 - 2012-03-16 05:41:34 UTC
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
One would assume that invuln would go to adaptive.
Er . . . , why?
Aggressive Nutmeg
#63 - 2012-03-16 05:51:25 UTC
Johan Civire wrote:
Mr LaForge wrote:
I didn't see this in the notes either and am very disappointed, especially in the shield module renames. I don't understand why they're insisting on these name changes for everything when they were just fine and people learned them just fine/

People read, the items inside eve is code base.. So you have code 1 = name here. Code 2 = naam here. And so on you got the idea.

However The items is inside a Boxs there is a list code that can hold 10000 or more items if eve online is expanding like it doing now the need to increase the HOLD code or boxs or whatever you like to call it.

If the Box is FULL the can not add more inside that boxs. So the only way to make room inside that boxs is to shift names to the otherboxs.

This will say that there is a massive new expand with allot of new items perhaps new ships or even bigger things.

Thats the good point however now for now its sucks because of the rename items the need to do. If you dont like it wait till there is a new patch or new expand and this will be over...... So short words deal with it. For now.

This post is... fascinating.

Never make eye contact with someone while eating a banana.

Z'aan Pulsar
#64 - 2012-03-16 07:20:51 UTC
Jovan Geldon wrote:

Absolute GOLD.
Caldari State
#65 - 2012-03-16 07:56:21 UTC  |  Edited by: lollerwaffle
Cindy Marco wrote:
And when we shot this down in the Dev blog thread about it they said they would reconsider.

I guess they really don't care what we think. I like this game but I'm really tired of getting pissed on.

Personally I'm going back down to 1 account.

OH NOES THEY CHANGED THE NAMESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE UUUU CCPPPPPPPPP WTF I'M GONNA UNSUB AND GO BACK TO WOW BECAUSE THEY CHANGED THE NAMEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (although they modules itself wasn't changed and it in no way affects what happens in space......)

/sarcasm (in case you missed it)
Cindy Marco
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#66 - 2012-03-16 11:31:05 UTC
lollerwaffle wrote:
Cindy Marco wrote:
And when we shot this down in the Dev blog thread about it they said they would reconsider.

I guess they really don't care what we think. I like this game but I'm really tired of getting pissed on.

Personally I'm going back down to 1 account.

OH NOES THEY CHANGED THE NAMESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE UUUU CCPPPPPPPPP WTF I'M GONNA UNSUB AND GO BACK TO WOW BECAUSE THEY CHANGED THE NAMEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (although they modules itself wasn't changed and it in no way affects what happens in space......)

/sarcasm (in case you missed it)

Perhaps you don't care if you are treated with respect. Any company that I don't feel treats me without it gets less, or none of my business. So yes, instead of keeping all my accounts active, I'll just keep one active.

Some name changes are good, but alot of the names are already awesome. We were arguing for the names that are great, to stay that way. Thankfully they did end up keeping the best name the same : the target painters. Bland names are not an improvement.

They lied to us, out right. They said they would reconsider some of the names, and they didn't. Everything went live as was originally planed. I didn't see any new naming schemes tried out on Sisi. I didn't get any new dev blogs.

They lied to us simply to placate us until they could stealth patch it onto live without complaint.
Plaude Pollard
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2012-03-16 12:23:35 UTC
Nova Fox wrote:
Crucible 1.5 Patch Notes wrote:

•All Kinetic missiles now have the name ‘Scourge’ back.
•All scripts now carry the suffix ‘Script’ after their name. This affects Focused Warp Disruption, Optimal Range Disruption, Tracking Speed Disruption, Scan Resolution, Targeting Range, Optimal Range and Tracking Speed.
•Shield hardeners, Shield resistance amplifiers, Armor hardeners, Energized plating and Resistance plating will all have their damage type inserted into their names.
•Three classes of missile launcher have been renamed to better indicate the type of missile they fit. Assault Missile Launchers are now Rapid Light Missile Launchers, Standard Launchers are now Light Missile Launchers and Siege Launchers have become Torpedo Launchers.
•All skill hardwirings in the game have had their names changed to conform to a particular scheme, where the name of the implant's affected skill is followed by a numerical appellation that indicates first the implant's slot and second the implant's percentage bonus.

See, the first of these changes,I can live with. It makes it easier to search for Scripts now, if you want to look at what scripts you can build. And I've been hoping they'd add "Script" to all Script-names for some time now, so that's good too.

Hardeners... Well, it's actually nice enough, since it was a bit confusing that the Kinetic Shield Hardener and Amplifier had way more different names than any of the other types.

Launcher-renaming... Assault Missile Launchers are now named Rapid Light Missile Launchers. Makes plenty of sense, honestly. It is more fitting, either way, since I first thought you needed Assault Missiles for those, but Assault Missiles go in Heavy Assault Missile Launchers. Now they've clarified it for us. Thank you, CCP. And Siege Missile Launchers. Seriously? We don't have Siege Missiles. All other Launchers are named after the missiles they are used with. It was only about time CCP changed Siege to Torpedo, really. Now newbies don't have to spend hours looking for Siege Missiles.

Hardwirings... I already know the names of the ones I use. Why should I need to adapt to new names?

New to EVE? Want to learn? The Crimson Cartel will train you in the fields of _**your **_choice. Mainly active in EU afternoons and evenings. Contact me for more info.

Jovan Geldon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2012-03-16 17:49:57 UTC
Plaude Pollard wrote:

Hardwirings... I already know the names of the ones I use. Why should I need to adapt to new names?

You are literally dumb, the hardwiring name change was the best one of the bunch by far
Wilhelm Riley
#69 - 2012-03-16 18:30:31 UTC
Please tell me they didn't change the names of Target painters?
Tanya Powers
#70 - 2012-03-16 18:32:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanya Powers
Potamus Jenkins wrote:
killboard stealth nerf

Bots will love.

Me too.
Shade Millith
Tactical Farmers.
Tactical Farmers
#71 - 2012-03-17 05:18:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Shade Millith
I wholeheartedly agree.

This mass of name changes stinks to high heaven of "Changing names simply because we can". And is a pain in the arse.

Some of them I get, and understand. But things like the Invul make no sense.
Caldari State
#72 - 2012-03-19 04:03:22 UTC
Cindy Marco wrote:
Perhaps you don't care if you are treated with respect. Any company that I don't feel treats me without it gets less, or none of my business. So yes, instead of keeping all my accounts active, I'll just keep one active.

Some name changes are good, but alot of the names are already awesome. We were arguing for the names that are great, to stay that way. Thankfully they did end up keeping the best name the same : the target painters. Bland names are not an improvement.

So what you're saying is that since CCP didn't listen to you and your band of merry whiners, therefore they don't respect you?

Cindy Marco wrote:
They lied to us, out right. They said they would reconsider some of the names, and they didn't. Everything went live as was originally planed. I didn't see any new naming schemes tried out on Sisi. I didn't get any new dev blogs.

They lied to us simply to placate us until they could stealth patch it onto live without complaint.

You go on to claim that CCP lied to you. As you claim, they said they would 'reconsider' some of the renaming. Despite what you would like to believe, 'reconsider' does not mean "we'll do exactly as you're asking us to do".

Dev Blog

Guess what? Looks like CCP DID tell you that they were going to make these changes in advance. What else would you like them to do? Write you a personal email to let you know that, yes they received your feedback and they decided to go ahead with the changes anyway, and explain their reasons for not listening to you? Maybe even write a new devblog about it?

Geez, the self-entitlement is going too far when you have crying about name-changes and threatening to unsub their accounts because of immaterial, non-impacting changes to the game made by producers of said game.

/Fanboy mode off
Ettu Brute II
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2012-03-21 17:32:01 UTC
Nova Fox wrote:

Crucible 1.5 Patch Notes wrote:

•All Kinetic missiles now have the name ‘Scourge’ back.

Well they lied. I can't find missiles of any sort called 'Scourge' and the only kinetic ones I see are called 'Trauma'.
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#74 - 2012-03-21 18:12:06 UTC
I put a Fiat sticker on my Ferrari.

Obsidian Dagger
Nitrus Nine
#75 - 2012-03-22 08:34:22 UTC
I would rather have CHARACTER renames tbh. Would improve my game experience a lot.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#76 - 2012-03-22 10:26:05 UTC
Much cheaper that introducing new content is making users think that new content has been introduced.
Expect more name changes in the future.
Karim alRashid
#77 - 2012-03-22 10:30:06 UTC
Welcome change. I remember having a trouble as a new player to remember which was "deflection", which was "dissipation", which was "scattering" and which was "dampening". Typing simply "explosive" in the search box returns all sorts of unneeded things.

The worst is, of course the ECM modules and batteries. "ECM - Ion Field", "ECM - White Noise" etc. WTF?!

Compare to "ECCM - Gravimetric", "ECCM - Magnetometric" ...

Much easier to remember.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#78 - 2012-03-22 10:32:08 UTC
Read the dev blogs and patch notes. All questions relevant to name changes can be found in CCP's media outlets. That is all.