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Belt Ratting stealth nerf? chaining stealth nerf? mistake by ccp?

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Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#101 - 2012-03-15 01:35:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
highonpop wrote:

More ISK is distributed through RAT BOUNTIES than Incursions and Level 4 missions COMBINED

And the fact that who knows how much of that former proportion is botted by the nullsec horde 23.5/7, whereas Incursions can't be botted (yet), are done by a very small fraction of characters, and yet account for ca. 25% of all new ISK in the game in the last 6-odd months, with no commensurate ISK-sink surely has nothing to do with that. Surely, nothing!

And so, the ca. 50% price-rise of...well, damned near everything, basically...we've all seen in the same time-frame: No worries, display-bug only!



Learn to reason and think critically, cheerleader.


E: And no, not-too-subtly-disguised appeals to authority won't do it, either.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2012-03-15 01:48:36 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Taedrin wrote:
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but belt ratters are *NOT* the problem - because hardly anybody belt rats anymore.

The amount of whine in this thread would seem to indicate you are wrong

Mr Epeen [:8)

I'm sure that the whining highsec pubies, think belt rats are the only source of npc bounties in EVE online. They sure present their "facts" as if it were true. Conflating the total NPC Bounty payout, as all coming from Nullsec is simply idiotic. Untill we get a breakdown of bounty payouts by region, this will all be, "He said, she said."

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#103 - 2012-03-15 01:53:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Falin Whalen wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Aquila Draco wrote:
In the month of Feb:

~8.6T ISK in Incursion Payouts
~4.8T in Mission Rewards + Mission Bonuses
~32T in NPC bounty

Now you do your math.

Wormhole blue books Source $10,430,000,000,000
Incursions Rewards Source $8,566,015,400,900
Mission Rewards Source $2,470,815,985,076
Misson Bonuses Source $2,346,410,541,970
Insurance Payouts Source $3,366,455,121,035
NPC Bounties Source $32,083,329,999,805
For a more complete picture. Numbers are part of a compilation from CCP Diagoras' twitters compiled by Two step.

The thing is that the NPC Bounties are all lumped together. You have all NPC bounties that were payed out to people; Running L4s in highsec, belt ratters, anom runners, DED complexe runners, any one killing anything that had a NPC bounty. There is no diferentiation as to where it all comes from, it was all lumped into one big pile and counted. Untill we get some hard numbers, broken down by at least region of NPC bounty payouts, I sugest you shut your pie hole about "nullbears" causing inflation.

Um, whose post are you reading? I've already mentioned once that not all of them come from null or a singular activity, nor did I insinuate in any way shape of form that null was problematic as far as isk generation. I posted numbers. Plain and simple.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2012-03-15 02:00:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Falin Whalen wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Taedrin wrote:
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but belt ratters are *NOT* the problem - because hardly anybody belt rats anymore.

The amount of whine in this thread would seem to indicate you are wrong

Mr Epeen [:8)

I'm sure that the whining highsec pubies, think belt rats are the only source of npc bounties in EVE online. They sure present their "facts" as if it were true. Conflating the total NPC Bounty payout, as all coming from Nullsec is simply idiotic. Untill we get a breakdown of bounty payouts by region, this will all be, "He said, she said."

Yes, highsec mission runners and explorers have no clue what bounties are or where they come from.
c4 t
Cosmic Psychedelics
#105 - 2012-03-15 06:21:33 UTC
Buff belt ratting!
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#106 - 2012-03-15 08:31:36 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
Ratting is by far the largest faucet in EvE and it needs to be toned down a bit. This would be a good way of doing just that.

Umm, are you kidding me? Yeah, there's no way incursions are an even larger faucet without any of the inherent risks associated with being in 0.0. I hope that was sarcasm.
c4 t
Cosmic Psychedelics
#107 - 2012-03-15 08:50:40 UTC  |  Edited by: c4 t
I've been testing this out, and I may be wrong but this is my initial observation. The spawns are static in the sense that if you kill the 3 battleships in a tripple bs spawn, the same battle ships will reappear.

I don't know if this has been made clear yet, but 0.0 belt ratting doesn't need to be nerfed.
The Guardian Knights
#108 - 2012-03-15 11:43:28 UTC
Has anyone found out if a faction ship can spawn in a chained belt now?
Asuri Kinnes
Caldari State
#109 - 2012-03-15 12:22:58 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
I'm sure that the whining highsec pubies,

"pubbie" is only an insult on SA and various other forums... Since everyone pays to be here, it doesn't apply.....

Bob is the god of Wormholes.

That's all you need to know.

Ager Agemo
Rainbow Ponies Incorporated
#110 - 2012-03-15 13:16:20 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Ager Agemo wrote:
actually i like this, i hear this works for missions too? so now i wont know by memory what spawns in a mission? O_O

kudos to CCP for making something more dynamic and less static.

That is fine but you do realize that unless they made the MAX spawn for missions the same or lower than it was before people are going to lose ships. And not in a good way.

Because after the Drake (Which nearly or really melts in some missions) You have to go up to some really expensive stuff to tank. No problem for a bot for for the average newer player it could be disaster to the point of saying "Frak it I'm out"

Not saying dynamic is bad. But it does have cons.

I would MUCH rather have less incoming DPS and more variation in their tanking so that picking ammo is no longer so easy.

i believe lvl 4 missions were never intended to be run by newbies anyway, drake is a battlecruiser only, the fact it can run lvl 4 missions is just because it is way overtanked, not because is a ship intendede to do so, this missions have been always supposed to be done in groups or in battleships. most battleships will run lvl 4 missions without any problem.
Crucis Cassiopeiae
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#111 - 2012-03-15 14:01:52 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Aquila Draco wrote:
In the month of Feb:

~8.6T ISK in Incursion Payouts
~4.8T in Mission Rewards + Mission Bonuses
~32T in NPC bounty

Now you do your math.

Wormhole blue books Source $10,430,000,000,000
Incursions Rewards Source $8,566,015,400,900
Mission Rewards Source $2,470,815,985,076
Misson Bonuses Source $2,346,410,541,970
Insurance Payouts Source $3,366,455,121,035
NPC Bounties Source $32,083,329,999,805
For a more complete picture. Numbers are part of a compilation from CCP Diagoras' twitters compiled by Two step.

Thnx for those numbers.

Vote Issler Dainze for CSM7! 

Verge of Collapse
#112 - 2012-03-15 18:11:17 UTC
How is it less isk per hour? are you fukin stupid or just pissed your bot account cant chain belts?

I have seen 950k, 1.4mil and a 1.8mil bs rat spawn in a -0.2 sec status system.

If anything its fukin amazing for sec grind/isk per hour due to the fact you can rat anywhere and get high value spawns.
c4 t
Cosmic Psychedelics
#113 - 2012-03-16 07:27:54 UTC
Gibbo3771 wrote:
How is it less isk per hour? are you fukin stupid or just pissed your bot account cant chain belts?

I have seen 950k, 1.4mil and a 1.8mil bs rat spawn in a -0.2 sec status system.

If anything its fukin amazing for sec grind/isk per hour due to the fact you can rat anywhere and get high value spawns.

Can we get a SS of this? I haven't seen any 1.85m spawns in anything other than 0.8 and above.
Darius III
Interstellar eXodus
The Initiative.
#114 - 2012-03-16 10:23:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Darius III
CCP Bettik wrote:
Yes I can confirm this has changed. It totally got missed in the patch notes and I will try to remedy that now.

We were refactoring how npc‘s through groups spawned and this was one small fix on that. So now you are not guaranteed to get always the same type of npc of the same size in the group. This applies to missions and belt rats.

The only "real" problem with the changes is that they hit Gurista belt ratters much harder than any other group. Instead of having a 30% ish chance to get jammed, now you have around 85%ish chance to get jammed. I do love the initial "Nothings changed" though-just shows you how far away from the playerbase-and the truth-that CCP really is.

#1 Nothings changed

#2 Yes we changed that and working as intended



So you want to be a Hero
#115 - 2012-03-16 12:17:17 UTC
so basically this still applies:

Capsuleer ∞ - NPC 0

nothing new there unless you drunk and fall asleep at the keyboard Bear

Please vamp AI for all npc's to 1st gen sleeper level (2nd level being sansha npc's in incursions)

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Boob Heads
#116 - 2012-03-17 17:59:52 UTC
Crucis Cassiopeiae wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Aquila Draco wrote:
In the month of Feb:

~8.6T ISK in Incursion Payouts
~4.8T in Mission Rewards + Mission Bonuses
~32T in NPC bounty

Now you do your math.

Wormhole blue books Source $10,430,000,000,000
Incursions Rewards Source $8,566,015,400,900
Mission Rewards Source $2,470,815,985,076
Misson Bonuses Source $2,346,410,541,970
Insurance Payouts Source $3,366,455,121,035
NPC Bounties Source $32,083,329,999,805
For a more complete picture. Numbers are part of a compilation from CCP Diagoras' twitters compiled by Two step.

Thnx for those numbers.

Mission Rewards and bonuses.. you still get bounties from the rats in the missions.. they arent classed as mission rewards but are instead classified as NPC bounties... after spending some time ganking tengus in high sec i can tell you there is a big mission Botting problem that i would say is much much worse than the belt ratting one.

just to clarify, if a CCP dev thats in the know can comment it would be awesome but i believe this is how it is.