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First post
Mr Hellcat
Apocryphal Solutions
#41 - 2011-09-16 10:06:06 UTC
It appears that while doing a mission drones become confused as to what target they are tracking.

For example, if a target is destroyed, or I issue a new attack order on a different target. All five drones will respond and approach the new target to get into firing range. Sometimes between 1 to 5 drones will drop out of attack mode.

What I think is happening is that, some of the drones are still in coldown on their turrets. So when the drone comes out of cool down the turrets are still looking at the old target, even though a new target was specified. The turrets attempt to fire at the old target, which no longer exists. So no target, a stop order is issued by the server and the drones go into a ready state.

So 5 drones are attacking target, 3 have just fired weapons and popped the target, I issue a new attack order, all five drones respond. As drones head into range on new target, 3 come out of turret cool down and realize the target no longer exists. This is interperted as the new target no longer exists, those three go into standby, the other two continue on to attacking new target. Or those three may travel back and attack the old target if it stil exists if I issued a new target while they are in turret cooldown.

That is how it appears to me.

Aelana Anais
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2011-09-16 14:02:36 UTC
Mr Hellcat wrote:
It appears that while doing a mission drones become confused as to what target they are tracking.

For example, if a target is destroyed, or I issue a new attack order on a different target. All five drones will respond and approach the new target to get into firing range. Sometimes between 1 to 5 drones will drop out of attack mode.

What I think is happening is that, some of the drones are still in coldown on their turrets. So when the drone comes out of cool down the turrets are still looking at the old target, even though a new target was specified. The turrets attempt to fire at the old target, which no longer exists. So no target, a stop order is issued by the server and the drones go into a ready state.

So 5 drones are attacking target, 3 have just fired weapons and popped the target, I issue a new attack order, all five drones respond. As drones head into range on new target, 3 come out of turret cool down and realize the target no longer exists. This is interperted as the new target no longer exists, those three go into standby, the other two continue on to attacking new target. Or those three may travel back and attack the old target if it stil exists if I issued a new target while they are in turret cooldown.

That is how it appears to me.

Yep, that is how it looks to me as well. In addition occasionally (even if the drones are keeping up with the target) drones will forget about a very fast target. I.E. there seems to be some bug with loosing lock on a fast target.
Frank Millar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2011-09-17 12:50:28 UTC
Strangely, yesterday evening during some missions my drones were very alert (I was assisting a corp mate who had drawn all aggro, dont know if that makes any difference).

I was multi clicking as usual, but then I noticed they all were attacking at once, and after one click.

Same thing with trying to close windows by clicking on the little "x" in the top right corner. Most of the time the "x" disappears but the window stays open, but yesterday it was working flawlessly.

Why this behaviour would change every so often is beyond me. Is the client lagging at certain moments, for some reason?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2011-09-18 18:07:18 UTC
"Good communication and trust between CCP and the EVE community has always been a fundamental priority for CCP and will continue to be so." -Arnar Hrafn Gylfason, Senior Producer of EVE Online

Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2011-09-18 20:29:01 UTC
Nyio wrote:
I've been noticing drones misbehaving more than usual lately too.

They seem to loose aggro alot, though I have had them set to agressive.
It also takes for the rats to be within very short distance (10-18 km ish) before the drones even realize I'm under attack.

Mobs need to shoot you before you are under attack. Mobs targeting you wont cause drones to engage. This is working as intended.

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Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2011-09-18 20:32:25 UTC
Aelana Anais wrote:

Yep, that is how it looks to me as well. In addition occasionally (even if the drones are keeping up with the target) drones will forget about a very fast target. I.E. there seems to be some bug with loosing lock on a fast target.

It has nothing to do with the target speed. Drones may unlock veldspar asteroid and I'm sure that it doesn't move anywhere.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2011-09-18 20:35:40 UTC
Mr Hellcat wrote:
It appears that while doing a mission drones become confused as to what target they are tracking.

For example, if a target is destroyed, or I issue a new attack order on a different target. All five drones will respond and approach the new target to get into firing range. Sometimes between 1 to 5 drones will drop out of attack mode.

What I think is happening is that, some of the drones are still in coldown on their turrets. So when the drone comes out of cool down the turrets are still looking at the old target, even though a new target was specified. The turrets attempt to fire at the old target, which no longer exists. So no target, a stop order is issued by the server and the drones go into a ready state.

So 5 drones are attacking target, 3 have just fired weapons and popped the target, I issue a new attack order, all five drones respond. As drones head into range on new target, 3 come out of turret cool down and realize the target no longer exists. This is interperted as the new target no longer exists, those three go into standby, the other two continue on to attacking new target. Or those three may travel back and attack the old target if it stil exists if I issued a new target while they are in turret cooldown.

That is how it appears to me.

This sounds rather good estimation about what is going on. Facts are that drones will not disengage from 1st target they are ordered into. Buggy behauviour starts always when 1st target has died/depleted and drones are commanded to 2nd+++ one.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

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Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2011-09-18 20:46:04 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Hey can someone (or preferably some people) post describing exactly what the problem is, how it manifests and any potential repro steps? Gonna stick a defect on Tuxford once I understand the symptoms properly. (Although as is usually the case, until we can figure out how to consistently reproduce the issue it's really difficult to fix it or indeed to tell whether or not it's actually fixed - the more detail we can collect on the exact circumstances under which this is happening, the better chance we have of reproducing it "in the lab".)

Launch drones, engage target, kill target, immediately on killing said target send the drones after another target. After the time frame it would normally take to pick a new target on their own, they will pick a new target over-riding your orders.

It goes like this:

1. Launch drones.
2. Engage target.
3. Kill (or deplete) target.
4. Immediately after killing (or depleting) said target send the drones after another target
5. All drones follow your command
6. After 10-15 seconds 1-4 drones disengage from target (reason unknown) and do what they usually would do when idling.

In this point:
-> If your combat drones are on agressive mode, the disengaged drones obviously pick some random target what is attacking you.
-> If your combat drones are on passive mode, the disengaged drones return to your ship.
-> If you're using mining drones, they return to your ship.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Aelana Anais
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2011-09-19 14:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Aelana Anais
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Aelana Anais wrote:

Yep, that is how it looks to me as well. In addition occasionally (even if the drones are keeping up with the target) drones will forget about a very fast target. I.E. there seems to be some bug with loosing lock on a fast target.

It has nothing to do with the target speed. Drones may unlock veldspar asteroid and I'm sure that it doesn't move anywhere.

You misunderstand. The scenario:

I put drones out.
I target someone and engage the drones.
The drones MWD to the target and start shooting it.
It is going very very fast (drones are able to keep up while MWD but just).
Drones decide, fuckitall and give up.

Throughout the entire scenario both the target and drones remain within my drone control range.
The target is an NPC and is shooting at me so its not a case of burst ECCM or the like
This is the first target out of the gate for the drones so this is not (though similar) a case of the switch aggro issue.
It only seems to happen this way on fast targets.

Grey Stormshadow wrote:

This sounds rather good estimation about what is going on. Facts are that drones will not disengage from 1st target they are ordered into. Buggy behauviour starts always when 1st target has died/depleted and drones are commanded to 2nd+++ one.

Fact is this is not true in all cases. It is true of the behavior the previous posted described, but there are issues with 1st targets in certain situations. Facts are that there are probably several things wrong with drones.
Talon Kitsune
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#50 - 2011-09-19 15:43:11 UTC
Mining drones are glitchy too, couple of them will just go idle without any cause, issues when retasking, but it's never been that smooth to be honest. Addition of a shortcut key to "mine repeatedly" would be nice, as it's basically the same as in combat sometimes now, have to tell them repeatedly to do something. Hell could just have the engage target key work for mining too, since not alot of us mix combat/mining drones with rats targetting the mining drones as often as combat targets.
Lieyan Electra
#51 - 2011-09-21 07:13:06 UTC
Lord Okinaba wrote:
Still broke...

Aelana Anais
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2011-09-21 13:12:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Aelana Anais
Had a really bad case of this last night that seems to add yet another symptom set. (I might start just running the debug tools incase it happens again)

I launched drones, targeted an NPC with the drones, they started attacking.
I went wait a minute, I would rather kill this other PC and directed them to the new PC before the first died.
I had to re-direct them something like 6 times back onto the new target because they kept going back to the original.

Note this does not involve ship deaths and involves multiple "cycles" so it does not seem consistent with other behavior.
It was utilizing sentries.

Non-definitive observation: It seems to happen more when using keyboard shortcuts, but that might just be subjective.
Rules of Acquisition
#53 - 2011-09-22 01:48:03 UTC
In addition to the problems already mentioned I'd like to also point out that drones used to act as a solid unit. Somewhere between dominion and incursions, drones stopped functioning as a solid unit. What I mean is that whenever a target was destroyed when drones were set to agressive and focus fire, all the drones would for a split-second become idle, then they would all start microwarping to the next target at the exact same time and once they arrived on target they would all fire in unison on that target. They had a sort of "volley damage" effect that they lack now and it's really made killing elite frigates in missions take quite a bit longer. Now it seems that when a target is destroyed one drone out of the pack will lead the charge while the others at their own pace try to catch up: Drone 1 starts engaging target, up to a whole second later Drones 2 and 3 start to engage, split-second later drones 4 and 5 start to engage. When these drones are finally all on target they have all started firing upon arriving and they are not in any kind of unison, in effect operating much like ungrouped turrets. I'm glad to see a response from a CCP employee on the matter, I thought the day would never come. I can only hope that the issue is tested for more than just a few minutes as it can take some time for the problems to manifest while other times it's right off the bat.

Also, I'd really appreciate it if when I take the time to type out a semi-long post, that when I hit the post button I wasn't immediately brought back to the "Post a reply" page and the whole of my post gone forever without even being posted. Having to copypasta my posts into notepad before hitting the post button just to be safe every time is really getting annoying. Straight

BTW this is post attempt #4
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2011-09-22 09:53:01 UTC
bongpacks wrote:
In addition to the problems already mentioned I'd like to also point out that drones used to act as a solid unit. Somewhere between dominion and incursions, drones stopped functioning as a solid unit. What I mean is that whenever a target was destroyed when drones were set to agressive and focus fire, all the drones would for a split-second become idle, then they would all start microwarping to the next target at the exact same time and once they arrived on target they would all fire in unison on that target. They had a sort of "volley damage" effect that they lack now and it's really made killing elite frigates in missions take quite a bit longer. Now it seems that when a target is destroyed one drone out of the pack will lead the charge while the others at their own pace try to catch up: Drone 1 starts engaging target, up to a whole second later Drones 2 and 3 start to engage, split-second later drones 4 and 5 start to engage. When these drones are finally all on target they have all started firing upon arriving and they are not in any kind of unison, in effect operating much like ungrouped turrets. I'm glad to see a response from a CCP employee on the matter, I thought the day would never come. I can only hope that the issue is tested for more than just a few minutes as it can take some time for the problems to manifest while other times it's right off the bat.

Also, I'd really appreciate it if when I take the time to type out a semi-long post, that when I hit the post button I wasn't immediately brought back to the "Post a reply" page and the whole of my post gone forever without even being posted. Having to copypasta my posts into notepad before hitting the post button just to be safe every time is really getting annoying. Straight

BTW this is post attempt #4

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2011-09-22 13:55:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Svaste
Today we received the second patch to fix invisible Barbies. Another patch day has come and gone without so much as a word from CCP on the drones issue. We did get one Dev to ask for a reiteration of information that was already posted on the forums and already contained within bug reports. Then nothing since. Nothing. It raises the question: Just how useful are bug reports?

Why is it so hard to answer the question in the OP?
Why did CCP choose to break drones? What was the big “feature” that was added to FiS that caused drones to go idle?
Why does CCP choose to remain silent on the drones issue?

CCP if you think basic FiS mechanics are lower priority than non-alphanumeric characters in file paths causing inviso-Barbie then you demonstrate an out of touch with the player-base mindset.
Blue Dreams Plus
#56 - 2011-09-23 12:46:20 UTC
Svaste wrote:
Today we received the second patch to fix invisible Barbies. Another patch day has come and gone without so much as a word from CCP on the drones issue. We did get one Dev to ask for a reiteration of information that was already posted on the forums and already contained within bug reports. Then nothing since. Nothing. It raises the question: Just how useful are bug reports?

Why is it so hard to answer the question in the OP?
Why did CCP choose to break drones? What was the big “feature” that was added to FiS that caused drones to go idle?
Why does CCP choose to remain silent on the drones issue?

CCP if you think basic FiS mechanics are lower priority than non-alphanumeric characters in file paths causing inviso-Barbie then you demonstrate an out of touch with the player-base mindset.


CCP Greyscale wrote:"OK, I've read every post up to page 200, and we're getting to a point in this thread where there's not a lot of new concerns or suggestions being brought up. There will be future threads (and future blogs) as we tune details, but for now I want to thank you for all of your constructive input, and wish you a good weekend :)"

Aelana Anais
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2011-09-23 13:02:34 UTC
Svaste wrote:
Today we received the second patch to fix invisible Barbies. Another patch day has come and gone without so much as a word from CCP on the drones issue. We did get one Dev to ask for a reiteration of information that was already posted on the forums and already contained within bug reports. Then nothing since. Nothing. It raises the question: Just how useful are bug reports?

Why is it so hard to answer the question in the OP?
Why did CCP choose to break drones? What was the big “feature” that was added to FiS that caused drones to go idle?
Why does CCP choose to remain silent on the drones issue?

CCP if you think basic FiS mechanics are lower priority than non-alphanumeric characters in file paths causing inviso-Barbie then you demonstrate an out of touch with the player-base mindset.

Not to bend over too far to defend it, having submitted a bug report in the past on the subject and talking to the person who responded to it, this appears to be a difficult problem to nail down. I can definitely understand how that could be given how drones function.

As for why did CCP choose to break drones, etc... This has been a problem for well over two years and it waxes and wanes in severity. I think this is definitely the most reproducible and noticeable it has been in years tho, so if we can get dev interest in the problem, we may stand a chance of having them figure it out.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2011-09-23 17:09:33 UTC
Aelana Anais wrote:
if we can get dev interest in the problem, we may stand a chance of having them figure it out.

If you have a plan to inspire a CCP Dev to take a small measure of pride in his or her work then I will gladly help.

(assuming of course that the plan is legal, does not violate the EULA, etc)
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#59 - 2011-09-23 17:32:24 UTC
Ok, so the three things I'm seeing repeatedly are:

* Drones picking their own targets/going idle (based on aggressive/passive setting I'm assuming) after a fairly consistent delay once you've issued a command
* Drones failing to focus fire
* Drones catching a fast target, dropping to normal speed and immediately getting left behind

Am I missing something or are those the major problems?

Wa'roun wrote:
Another OMG...How about actually playing the game and see? It doesn't take long to see the crap we have endured for years, and even more intensely now since Incarna.

I shouldn't have to keep my finger on my Drones Attack key all the time.

I mainly fly Amarr, we don't usually get a whole lot of drones Smile
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2011-09-23 17:36:36 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Ok, so the three things I'm seeing repeatedly are:

* Drones picking their own targets/going idle (based on aggressive/passive setting I'm assuming) after a fairly consistent delay once you've issued a command
* Drones failing to focus fire
* Drones catching a fast target, dropping to normal speed and immediately getting left behind

Am I missing something or are those the major problems?

Wa'roun wrote:
Another OMG...How about actually playing the game and see? It doesn't take long to see the crap we have endured for years, and even more intensely now since Incarna.

I shouldn't have to keep my finger on my Drones Attack key all the time.

I mainly fly Amarr, we don't usually get a whole lot of drones Smile

And this.Smile