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Something New To Fight Over. Something To Scare The Beegebers Out Of Worm Dwellers :)

Gun Runners Inc
Antisocial Social Club For Tax Reduction
#1 - 2012-01-21 11:25:53 UTC
Ok. After a very long read of the CCP CSM meeting I have a suggestion regarding what to fight over besides Tech Moons.

This idea also covers a few Worm Hole arguments relating to heavily fortified, seemingly impossible to penetrate worm hole communities.

Here begins my back story.

A startling discovery was made today by a deep space science vessel in the XYZ region of New Eden.

A discovery of a new constellation was barley uncovered by a faint detection of large quantities of equipment and vessels in the constellation. This discovery quickly made its way around the scientific community with the presumption that maybe they had finally found a lost community possibly from the Jovian Empire days.

This constellation had eluded detection for many generations due to of high levels of radiation and spatial distortion caused by several nearby nebula and collapsed stars in the area.

A wealthy entrepreneur inside the science and exploration community “who wishes to remain anonymous” invested heavily into several long range beacons in a attempt to enhance the signal and contact the inhabitants.

Enduring much skepticism the science team succeeded in part in uncovering the system. After the beacons had been anchored and activated remotely a small unmanned vessel after several attempts finally locked onto the built in cyno generator and jumped into the system.

Much to everyone’s surprise they had not found a lost Jovian Community after all. What they did find was a system hidden by natural phenomena for several generations that to date has only been accessible through recently discovered worm holes.

The inhabitants apparently used worm holes to get in and out of the constellation for a undetermined amount of time avoiding detection and allowing them to build a isolated and prosperous community.

As fate would have it many interesting developments have come from this discovery. The inhabitants as you would expect are now on the map and must decide whether to stay and fight for what they have built or abandon it in fear of local alliances trying to assimilate them into their ranks.

The decision was made even more difficult for the inhabitants when scientists discovered that the beacons they had deployed stabilized the constellation interference enough that highly valuable resource rich asteroid belts became detectable on standard instruments.

Not only was rare varieties of ore such as Vitreos Mercoxit or Crimson Arkonor discovered but new uncategorized varieties of Arkonor, Bistot, Crokite and many other ores with incredible compositions and condensed quantities never before seen in New Eden.

The science community can only speculate that the same phenomenon that shielded the constellation from detection also had unimaginable effects on the properties of the ore.

Many have also speculated that the planets and other resources also have huge undiscovered abundances and rarities based on these contributing factors.

The down side of this huge discovery is also quite amazing. Since the area is so volatile with natural spatial phenomena cyno beacons, communications, warp drives and power based counter measures have limited, interrupted and unreliable functionality.

It is further speculated at this time that even if the constellation was known back in the days when star gates had been deployed that they would not have functioned properly thus the builders just went onto more hospitable constellations.

To further complicate matters the sleeper ships seem to have been affected by the beacons as well. The first indications of this manifested when a unclassified vessel of sleeper designed homed in on the portable cyno signal of one of the beacons and obliterated it in one shot.

It would seem at first glance that we have awakened a new breed of sleepers, discovered a treasure chest and complicated the lives of hundreds of settlers with this new discovery…

Only time will tell if anyone has the true grit it will take to harness the riches of this new constellation and tame it while at the same time deal with the logistics of navigating a constellation only able to be reached via worm hole or unreliable cyno beacons that attract a deadly response when turned on.

Pilots who decide to stay will no doubt have to try over and over like the unmanned craft to get a lock while fending off a brutal attacks by a new and deadly enemy. Much has yet to be determined about this constellation and its ancient inhabitants and no doubt many will die trying to unlock its secrets and run off with its ungodly wealth.

--- Reported By Eve News ---

This story opens the possibility to many things.

> A rich new unpredictable playground to fight over
> A new and deadlier NPC to deal with
> Logistic and Industry hurtles to overcome to reap the rewards that are available
> A way to bring the long lasting bunkered worm holes inhabitants into known space with rewards beyond their wildest dreams if they can survive
> A uncertain future for the largest and longest squatters to worm space as they may be next to be discovered
> CCP can determine what area needs a wakeup call and one morning after down time… SURPIRISE
> Alliances will have something new to fight for besides Tech Moons while facing a inevitable learning curve attributed to this long lost space.
Gun Runners Inc
Antisocial Social Club For Tax Reduction
#2 - 2012-03-14 21:16:43 UTC
Interesting no replies. Makes one wonder if pilots can read or it was a PVP weekend :P
Shovel Bros
#3 - 2012-03-14 21:22:24 UTC
Few people are interested in reading what appears to be a large block of nothing more than flavor text. Either make your point short and concise or include a tl;dr, otherwise people will just skip your post for something less mind-numbing. Also, necroing a post that got 0 responses two months later (even your own post) is frowned upon.

From skimming the bullets at the end of your post, it looks like you're suggesting something to try to tempt people out of wormholes and away from Tech moons without really understanding why people go into WHs or alliances want Tech moons.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-03-14 23:36:01 UTC
for once i actually agree with mxzf

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Alternative Enterprises
#5 - 2012-03-15 00:13:33 UTC
you buried a really bad idea in a whole bunch of flufffy role play crap. The role play alone will get you ignored. And the idea is so buried I am not even sure its there.

Are your sleepers killing cyno's one shot? In game already. Once fc's know its not their cyno, fast support rushes to kill it. And that cyno only needs to be up 1-3seconds to hot drop assuming fleet has people quick with the mouse clicks (unless really drunk I can right click titan decently fast). Your sleepers need travel time....that hot drop or logistics drop is still coming. Hint: most cyno pilots know once lit up they will die if any non blues in system....this is not stopping hot drop. Decent(smart) carrier pilots on ops usuallu pack a few of these to keep cyno's stocked for when the cyno pilots get the pod out alive. Cyno frigs are cheap and plentiful and if smart...the pilot of said frig is a low sp alt to be cheaper to maintain.
Vanessa Serenity
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-03-17 13:39:41 UTC
I actually like the idea of having a new, uncharted, NPC-controlled part of wormhole space. A place that is difficult to reach and even more difficult to survive in

The NPC faction should be able to defend their space so capsuleers would have to work together to even be there

Maybe even have the NPCs kill pods

Not just the old crap rats. Make them more like incursions but without the predictable patterns of attacking. And make them camp places where capsuleers recently have been spotted. Make them detect the cynosural fields that pop up in their space and have them gather their fleet to fight off anyone jumping in. Make them tracking disrupt dps and drain/scramble logis. make them switch target if the current one is being repaired more than they are damaging it

If you want a station here you will have to defend it against both other corporations and the NPCs

And why not have their attacks scale with the amount of their territory being taken over. First few spots might be easier to get a hold of but if you want more of their space they will have an ever increasing force to fight you back

And of course their goal should be to get all their space back.
Gun Runners Inc
Antisocial Social Club For Tax Reduction
#7 - 2012-03-17 15:14:41 UTC
Thanks Vanessa.

Refreshing to see someone look at it as an idea and try to expand on the thought rather than...

The trolls who knock everything, do nothing and want the isk making machine to be untouched or undiversified Shocked

For those who didn't like the story, oh I am so hurt you cant read lol

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#8 - 2012-03-17 15:42:13 UTC
TexasWARlord wrote:

For those who didn't like the story, oh I am so hurt you cant read lol

I read the first few lines, saw it was terrible and then skimmed the rest looking to see if there was a good idea anywhere. There was not.