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Character Bazaar

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34mil SP Very Focused Tengu/Golem - Standings

#1 - 2011-09-22 09:10:38 UTC
Eveboard Skill Sheet

Some highlights:

Caldari BS V

Caldari cruiser V

8mil+ in missiles

Very strong shield skills

Can fly Golems

Salvaging V (tech 2 salvagers)

Negotiation/Sec. Connections V (max mission payouts)

Tengu Subs V

Reasonable scanning skills

Gas cloud harvesting V (5 t2 harvesters, mmm C320)

All prerequisites for Logistics (Basilisk)

Advanced Weapon Upgrades V

Lvl 4 Agent access Minmatar/Gallente/Sisters of Eve

8+ Caldary Navy standing (perfect if you wish to change your missions faction, or balance out bad standings, or just do something different)

A very caldari focused character with the exception being Amarr frigate, trained mainly to gain access to the Purifier. A much more favored bomber over the Manticore.

Golem + t2 Salvagers, mmm.

Pretty much a perfect tengu pilot for missions, 0.0 ratting, wormholes. Has all the skills for the usual wormhole RR tengu gangs. Of course with such great Tengu skills, the character has great PVP potential also. Can easily be your new main, or your alt bo... npcer :)

Reserve: 10bil

Buyout: up to you. Over reserve, naturally. Anything under, is a "bid".

I'll give this until Sunday 25th, downtime. Unless a good buyout comes along beforehand. No trade offers please.

Also, don't be a crybaby if I don't respond to you immediately. I live in the Aussie timezone :)

Iamoto Miko
Moon Fart
#2 - 2011-09-22 10:14:45 UTC
#3 - 2011-09-23 00:10:10 UTC
Thank you for meeting my reserve. Nice to see a serious bidder first up. Smile
#4 - 2011-09-23 09:34:05 UTC
creepin and crawlin... bump
Indigirl Isu
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-09-23 12:30:02 UTC
As we agree ingame: 11.5 bil b/o
#6 - 2011-09-23 12:32:07 UTC
Indigirl Isu wrote:
As we agree ingame: 11.5 bil b/o

Buyout accepted from Indigirl Isu/Elder Chance (alt talked with in game). Awaiting isk.
Indigirl Isu
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2011-09-23 12:33:59 UTC
Isk sent. Waiting char transfer.
#8 - 2011-09-23 12:43:42 UTC
Indigirl Isu wrote:
Isk sent. Waiting char transfer.

Isk received and character transfer started. "You have chosen to transfer the character lowcrawl to the account named *******."

Should be on your account roughly 10 hours from this post.