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Some ideas for the Aurum Noble Exchange Store and apparel that could make the store more appealing

Marelda Ambramotte
Kiosk Cartel
#1 - 2012-03-14 01:32:32 UTC
Hello there,

I had a great idea that I wanted to share with CCP about the Noble Exchange store. I was thinking that it would be awesome if the Aurum store had a lot more of a variety of things to choose from in the future. For example, most other science fiction based MMO's have plenty of different clothing options ranging from cool space jumpsuits and robes to oxygen and gas masks that the player can equip when playing the game.

I was thinking that it would make the Noble Exchange store a better place to shop if the store had a wide range of items such as full body jumpsuits, oxygen masks, cybernetic augmentations that actually are able to show on your character, and anything else that might be applicable. Also, these new features could be made race specific. For example, a oxygen mask for the Amarr might look different from a mask that you can buy for the Caldari. Same deal with other items and clothing.

Since these items are quite exclusive, they could be made a little more expensive, but I am sure that the players of EVE would be happy to buy them. Finally, if you wanted to make a very high priced apparel item, a clothing item that could be customized to the players specifications could be brought in. This would allow for the player to make a one time customizable item for any part of the body. I think that a lot more of the EVE community would be drawn to the Noble Exchange store if these changes were implemented. I for one would shop there more often and buy those items if they existed. Anyway, thanks for listening and any feedback about this idea would be much appreciated.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-03-14 04:17:52 UTC
Throw in long-hair for male characters. I'd spend aurum (or whatever the hell they call it) to get something at least similar to my original character picture pre-Incarna.

"As long as space endures,

as long as sentient beings exist,

until then, may I too remain

and dispel the miseries of the world."

~ Vremaja Idama

Udan Funaila
#3 - 2012-03-14 04:38:57 UTC
Sex and / or name changes?
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-03-14 04:43:12 UTC
Udan Funaila wrote:
Sex and / or name changes?

That would be abused so much.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Ja'thaal Deathbringer
The Directionally Challenged
#5 - 2012-03-15 15:21:16 UTC
I'd like to see them put racial build types to certain objects. Such as a "Gasmask - Minmatar" (Sort of a "I threw this together with the O2 scubber that fell off my ship" Style), a "Gasmask - Amarr" (It's made of gold because God says I'm better than you, also, lasers", "Gasmask - Caldari" (It's standard issue, now get back to making my lunch woman!), "Gasmask - Gallente" (I'm free to wear this because the government tells me it's ok). We all know what I'm talking about with the bracketed stuff, but you all get the idea.

Also, I'd like to see a full length black leather trenchcoat and a pistol in the Noble Exchange. I mean, that'd be pretty damn sweet.
Marelda Ambramotte
Kiosk Cartel
#6 - 2012-03-24 18:20:27 UTC
Any other ideas for this post? I would be interested to hear what ou guys have Big smile
Susiqueta Muir
NEXUS Holdings Inc.
#7 - 2012-03-29 10:03:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Susiqueta Muir
As I've just posted in another topic:-

Without turning this into "Space-Barbie", I do miss the range of options available in comparison to the older Char-gen system where we had masks, robes, headgear and even dresses for the girls :). (the first ever portrait for this toon under the old system looked like she'd been hurredly dragged out of a pod, hair still wet and crammed grumpily into a dress for her passport photo :) ).

yes it doesn't matter at this stage to the wider game what we are wearing in CC, but what self-respecting (arrogant and pompous the lot them as they are truly gods amongst men) pod-pilot would be seen wandering about wearing such bland and non-descript gear unless they were trying to keep a low profile?

As a suggestion, as the WOD MMO is using the same tech then the avatar clothing/compatable art assets could be ported across (nothing Genre or lore breaking however, let's not go crazy) for players here to review and use.

Susiqueta Muir
NEXUS Holdings Inc.
#8 - 2012-03-29 10:08:10 UTC
I'm also missing the Long hair option for my Gallente male toon. :). Dreadlocks just don't cut it...
Marelda Ambramotte
Kiosk Cartel
#9 - 2012-04-13 22:30:24 UTC
One thing that I also would like is to be able to do sculpture augmentations. That would certainly be a nice thing in addition to the clothing options.