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Mad inflation

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Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#421 - 2012-03-14 02:22:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
Liang Nuren wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:

Wormholes are, arguably, the only high-end PvE content (and in general) that isn't hopelessly broken at present.

WHs, L5s, 0.0 Pirate L4s, and FW missions all high end PVE content that isn't hopelessly broken in terms of ISK faucets. The key is that the majority of the player's income comes strictly from player trading. You have to remember that there are ISK faucets and having ISK flow through the economy at a reasonable rate is a good thing.

FWIW, you should be able to personally gauge 99% of the WH ISK faucet by checking out historic trade volumes for blue loot in the larger market hub regions.


Did you see TwoStep's post (link further on in this thread)?

Apparently blue-loot is a bigger faucet than I'd thought (according to that post, anyway), which begs the question, should those be player-traded, too?

A part of me says "yes," but a part of me also says that holies should have some kind of "guaranteed" income given the randomness, risks, and logistical headaches of w-space life (the real money comes from salvaged melted nanoribbons regardless, IMHO, and again, that is dependent on the RNG-Gods, and you not getting urp-sploded in the process of collecting/moving them.)...

Anyway, firing up the client to have a look at blue-loot market history (I've got 3 regions within 3-4 jumps of me, cool!), now.

E: Price history for blue loot is pretty much flat, as expected, as it's price is fixed from NPC buyers. Volume is pretty much all over the place (at least in the last 6 months)...Not my area of expertise, so...what does this mean?

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Skex Relbore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#422 - 2012-03-14 03:29:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Skex Relbore
OMG this is the stupid that will not die

There is no inflation problem. The spike that you saw in December was a material supply shortage due to some changes that happened in the drone lands.

Inflation is not, has not and never ******* will be a problem in this MMO.

People have been crying "OMG TEH inflation!!" for as long as I've played this game and so far except for some material supply issues caused by CCP tinkering with various resource inputs and manufacturing requirements prices have remained stable or dropped.

Don't you think it's kind of strange that prices remained flat for the entire rest of the year? People have been running incursions that entire friggin time but somehow we're supposed to think that some magical ******* tipping point was finally reached in December

Really? Don't you think that if there were an inflation problem due to isk inputs that you would have seen a steady increase in prices as that isk accumulated in the economy

ISK is not a fiat currency! It is a highly portable commodity that is harvested by shooting NPCs. If that commodity is devalued by over supply you'll see people moving to other activities and things will balance out. As isk levels increase demand for other products will increase which will bump prices which will encourage people to activate idle production assets. Hell prices on minerals or Ice get bumped enough and I've got 4 toons that could be out mining tomorrow.

Remember the only reason inflation is a problem in the real world is sticky wages, if wages adjusted automatically with inflation it would never be an issue. They don't which is why it causes pain in the real economy. I'm not going to spend forever explaining this read through my posting history and you'll see multiple explanations of this.

Wages are not sticky in EVE people can increase their wages simply by moving to the more lucrative activities or baring that into supplying resources for those who do engage in those activities. They don't have to talk their boss into a raise they don't have to interview for a new job or go take a certification course or convince someone to give them a chance because the position requires experience but the only way to get experience is to get a position

No you inject a skill book or two invest in some capital assets and set to making your fortune.

Also it's generally better for the isk to flow easily and freely. It's mainly psychological but people tend to be more optimistic and less risk adverse when they feel like they are making more money. Higher bounties means bears who are more willing to buy those fancy faction modules that the Null sec crowd sell to buy their fancy PVP ships. And it's just a fact that a person making 100mil an hour is going to be looser with their money than someone making 10mil an hour or 1 mil an hour

Finally never forget that isk supply is not the sole determiner of inflation, Inflation is a factor of currency supply relative to the production of the economy. Just because your currency supply is increasing does not automatically equal inflation. If your productivity is increasing faster you'll actually end up with deflation. And unlike the real world the only limit on production in EVE is time. Belts replenish, rats respawn, and you can always find new planets to PI on. So as isk increases it simply increases the insentive to go out and harvest/create other resouces
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#423 - 2012-03-14 03:38:03 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Did you see TwoStep's post (link further on in this thread)?

I commented on it. Extensively. Also, it surprised the hell out of me and I offered an apology to Cipher Jones over me saying that Blue Loot was less of an ISK faucet than Incursions. ;-)


Apparently blue-loot is a bigger faucet than I'd thought (according to that post, anyway), which begs the question, should those be player-traded, too?

A part of me says "yes," but a part of me also says that holies should have some kind of "guaranteed" income given the randomness, risks, and logistical headaches of w-space life (the real money comes from salvaged melted nanoribbons regardless, IMHO, and again, that is dependent on the RNG-Gods, and you not getting urp-sploded in the process of collecting/moving them.)...

It asks the question - and my answer would be yes. They would just need to construct a meaningful "tag" market out of it or make it drop advanced datacores or something. /shrug


Anyway, firing up the client to have a look at blue-loot market history (I've got 3 regions within 3-4 jumps of me, cool!), now.

Let me know how it goes! :D


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Frying Doom
#424 - 2012-03-14 03:41:04 UTC
The level of inflation in the game is getting kind of silly. At this rate it will cost as much for a porno holoreel as it cost for a Battleship a year ago.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#425 - 2012-03-14 04:56:23 UTC
Alice Katsuko wrote:

Speaking of those changes, I assume that CCP will introduce new alloy sources to offset the removal of drone alloys, or else will reduce the amounts of minerals required to build ships.

Unlikely. The smart CCP move would be to gradually (over months) reduce the amount of drone poo drops rather the remove it all at once. That would reduce the shocks and give the economy time to shift away from gun-mining and back to barge-mining.

Plus, the boost to mining incomes means that a long-forgotten career path has suddenly become competitive again with running L3s/L4s. Possibly to the point where null-sec alliances will have to start doing mining ops to take advantage of the now higher valued ABC ores.
Kaivar Lancer
#426 - 2012-03-14 05:59:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaivar Lancer
Aylin Aslim
Memintolar Tombikto
#427 - 2012-03-14 06:22:11 UTC
Skex Relbore wrote:
OMG this is the stupid that will not die

There is no inflation problem. The spike that you saw in December was a material supply shortage due to some changes that happened in the drone lands.

Inflation is not, has not and never ******* will be a problem in this MMO.

People have been crying "OMG TEH inflation!!" for as long as I've played this game and so far except for some material supply issues caused by CCP tinkering with various resource inputs and manufacturing requirements prices have remained stable or dropped.

Don't you think it's kind of strange that prices remained flat for the entire rest of the year? People have been running incursions that entire friggin time but somehow we're supposed to think that some magical ******* tipping point was finally reached in December

Really? Don't you think that if there were an inflation problem due to isk inputs that you would have seen a steady increase in prices as that isk accumulated in the economy

ISK is not a fiat currency! It is a highly portable commodity that is harvested by shooting NPCs. If that commodity is devalued by over supply you'll see people moving to other activities and things will balance out. As isk levels increase demand for other products will increase which will bump prices which will encourage people to activate idle production assets. Hell prices on minerals or Ice get bumped enough and I've got 4 toons that could be out mining tomorrow.

Remember the only reason inflation is a problem in the real world is sticky wages, if wages adjusted automatically with inflation it would never be an issue. They don't which is why it causes pain in the real economy. I'm not going to spend forever explaining this read through my posting history and you'll see multiple explanations of this.

Wages are not sticky in EVE people can increase their wages simply by moving to the more lucrative activities or baring that into supplying resources for those who do engage in those activities. They don't have to talk their boss into a raise they don't have to interview for a new job or go take a certification course or convince someone to give them a chance because the position requires experience but the only way to get experience is to get a position

No you inject a skill book or two invest in some capital assets and set to making your fortune.

Also it's generally better for the isk to flow easily and freely. It's mainly psychological but people tend to be more optimistic and less risk adverse when they feel like they are making more money. Higher bounties means bears who are more willing to buy those fancy faction modules that the Null sec crowd sell to buy their fancy PVP ships. And it's just a fact that a person making 100mil an hour is going to be looser with their money than someone making 10mil an hour or 1 mil an hour

Finally never forget that isk supply is not the sole determiner of inflation, Inflation is a factor of currency supply relative to the production of the economy. Just because your currency supply is increasing does not automatically equal inflation. If your productivity is increasing faster you'll actually end up with deflation. And unlike the real world the only limit on production in EVE is time. Belts replenish, rats respawn, and you can always find new planets to PI on. So as isk increases it simply increases the insentive to go out and harvest/create other resouces

the problem is, we have to play more mindless grindful PVE than PVP to increase our "wages".
Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#428 - 2012-03-14 06:24:33 UTC
Aylin Aslim wrote:
Skex Relbore wrote:
OMG this is the stupid that will not die

There is no inflation problem. The spike that you saw in December was a material supply shortage due to some changes that happened in the drone lands.

Inflation is not, has not and never ******* will be a problem in this MMO.

People have been crying "OMG TEH inflation!!" for as long as I've played this game and so far except for some material supply issues caused by CCP tinkering with various resource inputs and manufacturing requirements prices have remained stable or dropped.

Don't you think it's kind of strange that prices remained flat for the entire rest of the year? People have been running incursions that entire friggin time but somehow we're supposed to think that some magical ******* tipping point was finally reached in December

Really? Don't you think that if there were an inflation problem due to isk inputs that you would have seen a steady increase in prices as that isk accumulated in the economy

ISK is not a fiat currency! It is a highly portable commodity that is harvested by shooting NPCs. If that commodity is devalued by over supply you'll see people moving to other activities and things will balance out. As isk levels increase demand for other products will increase which will bump prices which will encourage people to activate idle production assets. Hell prices on minerals or Ice get bumped enough and I've got 4 toons that could be out mining tomorrow.

Remember the only reason inflation is a problem in the real world is sticky wages, if wages adjusted automatically with inflation it would never be an issue. They don't which is why it causes pain in the real economy. I'm not going to spend forever explaining this read through my posting history and you'll see multiple explanations of this.

Wages are not sticky in EVE people can increase their wages simply by moving to the more lucrative activities or baring that into supplying resources for those who do engage in those activities. They don't have to talk their boss into a raise they don't have to interview for a new job or go take a certification course or convince someone to give them a chance because the position requires experience but the only way to get experience is to get a position

No you inject a skill book or two invest in some capital assets and set to making your fortune.

Also it's generally better for the isk to flow easily and freely. It's mainly psychological but people tend to be more optimistic and less risk adverse when they feel like they are making more money. Higher bounties means bears who are more willing to buy those fancy faction modules that the Null sec crowd sell to buy their fancy PVP ships. And it's just a fact that a person making 100mil an hour is going to be looser with their money than someone making 10mil an hour or 1 mil an hour

Finally never forget that isk supply is not the sole determiner of inflation, Inflation is a factor of currency supply relative to the production of the economy. Just because your currency supply is increasing does not automatically equal inflation. If your productivity is increasing faster you'll actually end up with deflation. And unlike the real world the only limit on production in EVE is time. Belts replenish, rats respawn, and you can always find new planets to PI on. So as isk increases it simply increases the insentive to go out and harvest/create other resouces

the problem is, we have to play more mindless grindful PVE than PVP to increase our "wages".

And this, my fellow Eve players, is the WISDOM THAT MUST NOT DIE!

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom

#429 - 2012-03-14 11:50:39 UTC
DarthNefarius wrote:

Look up at the numbers again incursions are 25% of NPC bounties ( where are you getting this 50% inflo?!?! besides out of your BUTTOCKS??? ) TALKING ABOUT CHERRY PICKING STATISTICS THERE ARE LIES THEN THERE ARE LIES THEN ARE YOUR SUPER WHOOOPERS WHICH YOU PRESENT AS STATISTICS!!!
THE INFLOW OF BOUnTIES IS NOW 32 TRILLION your 19 trillion just does not translate into todays numbers. Go back to school & take a real math class.


YOu still dont get it. Introducing incursions has icnreased about 40-50% isk retained in the economy.

And most of this isks comes in form of concord protection gameplaye.
Its broken !!!!
Cass Lie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#430 - 2012-03-14 12:43:47 UTC
Darth Gustav wrote:
Aylin Aslim wrote:
Skex Relbore wrote:
...stuff making sense...

the problem is, we have to play more mindless grindful PVE than PVP to increase our "wages".

And this, my fellow Eve players, is the WISDOM THAT MUST NOT DIE!

You both missed his point. If what you are currently doing steadily loses value relative to the overall economy, what you are supposed to do is change what you are doing, not do more of the same.

If everyone and their dog did only belt ratting, mining would suddenly be quite profitable etc.
Aylin Aslim
Memintolar Tombikto
#431 - 2012-03-14 13:05:01 UTC
actually we don't want to do anything ( except pvp loots ) to keep up with our playing style.
Currently im "working" more than 3 years before to keep up my "wage". No ı don't want to join mindlesslyubercrapboringnpcshooting bullshit. But i have to; because i can make 100mils per hour with a BS with t1 fit with only clicking gunz & warp button. But it DRAINS the life out of me. Its uber boring. There are ofc other ways like ninja lvl5s and other "thrilling" stuff but still;

Our motto is "the more pve(boring not even chilling stresful and noisy) i play the less pvp(game-eve online etc) i play".
So higher the plex price, lesser time to play.
#432 - 2012-03-14 13:21:23 UTC
Skex Relbore wrote:
Don't you think it's kind of strange that prices remained flat for the entire rest of the year? People have been running incursions that entire friggin time but somehow we're supposed to think that some magical ******* tipping point was finally reached in December

There is one. It's more of an area then a point, tho. I'm pretty sure you will come up with the right answer yourself. There is a complex interaction between PLEX, ISK, minerals/sleeper goo and the number of active accounts. There are sort-of-tipping points and I believe we have hit one.

In 0.0 your available time to NPC scales with the distance to empire. Paragon is a nice place to chill out. :) With incursions you don't have that.

On the notion that it's easier to change profession in EVE then on Earth I do not agree. Well, for us 100M+SP folk it is. For the waste majority of active accounts it's not. They have to skill for a few month to be competitive.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

EL Bernays School of Strategic Communication
#433 - 2012-03-14 15:43:37 UTC
gfldex wrote:
Skex Relbore wrote:
Don't you think it's kind of strange that prices remained flat for the entire rest of the year? People have been running incursions that entire friggin time but somehow we're supposed to think that some magical ******* tipping point was finally reached in December

There is one. It's more of an area then a point, tho. I'm pretty sure you will come up with the right answer yourself. There is a complex interaction between PLEX, ISK, minerals/sleeper goo and the number of active accounts. There are sort-of-tipping points and I believe we have hit one.

Yes are correct something tipped over. But it was the amount of Russian RAAAAGE that built up and up and up until it finally tipped over into the DRF war.

Faction battleships, logistics, shield hardeners and boosters, armor hardeners and reppers, shield armor and energy transfer arrays, tech2 turrets and launchers, these are all the sorts of things that Incursion runners would be intensely buying. But these are all acting in trends against what you're claiming. The Machariel, for example, is going up in price, but that's an exception. Rattlesnake, that little darling PvE ship, is going down in price. The volumes and prices of these items are not showing a free-run state, and are actually working counter to what they'd do if you were correct.

If there was an inflation induced price tipping point, what you would be seeing is a generalized increase in demand that you would see as rising volumes, with spikes in prices followed by dips in prices (demand outstripping supply, followed by supply temporarily catching up before getting outstripped again), this would occur until eventually demand outstripped supply and the price went into free run. But we're not seeing that.

The Tech 1 ship and module price increases didn't show that generalized increase in demand either. It's been a steady price increase but with the same volume of sales. Tech 1 gear matches the mineral trend.

Tech2 gear shows the usual price fluctuations (generally). Someone decided to stock up on AHACs (Zealot and Vaga prices have gone up). But, logistics, recons, command ships, are really stable. The tech2 mods are staying pretty level. Eventually even tech2 gear will be effected by a rising mineral cost as the basic mineral costs start to become a large percentage of the overall value of the product, but it will be by a lesser extent than tech 1 gear obviously and it would take long times for existing products to get flushed through the system.

What's going on is just not that hard to figure-out. Mineral prices have gone up. Likely because of the DRF war. With the DRF war the citizens out there will be less efficient at collecting drone wrecks and they'll have a harder time moving their transport ships into empire because the major POS networks will be camped and so will the empire gate systems.

There's just no obvious tipping point evident in the market.
Plus 10 NV
#434 - 2012-03-14 16:17:28 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Laura Dexx wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
highonpop wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
We're looking at the economy constantly and looking at our options.

One of the fundamental issues we have is that we're making everyone "better" at making money, so the effect kind of snowballs. Right now we're considering everything form increasing taxes to lowering bounties across the board.

or maybe do the 1 thing you KNOW will regulate the flow...

Switching Incursions from ISK to LP payout...

Or tell the Sansha to go home...

Incursions are not a big issue in terms of isk globally.

Instead of looking at it globally, look at it per-person. Good luck getting more than 50-60m/h missioning or ratting, but no problem getting 100m+ /h /person doing Incursions.

Fixing one issue and ignoring another is not fixing, it's a band aid.

Not saying that Incursions don't need adjusted, but considering the entire draw of incursions is partially dependent on making the effort of grouping worthwhile, if they don't make more than solo activities, what is the point?

Allot of people think they are entertaining. So they would continue to do them even if they didn't pay several times what every other income source paid.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#435 - 2012-03-14 16:36:19 UTC
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
More like 30% for many of the ships I build. CCP need to turn turn the Incursion tap off before it's too late.

True. What's happening is that the real value of mission rewards (ISK) is declining every day. Over time, people will need to run more and more missions just to buy the same stuff until they reach the point of exhaustion and give up.

PLEX was around 350m a year ago. It is now hovering at 500m. You'll need to run at least 40% more missions than a year ago just to buy a PLEX.

only people that rush them. and if you are rushing level 4's you are still making plenty of isk anyway. the people that actually salvage and loot them all got a raise proportional to the inflation. When the noctis didnt exist missions took 40% longer.

Secondly, plex prices were 350 mil a year ago but they were suffering deflation at the time as they had previously been more than 350 mil. If you are going to complain about the economy don't leave out key details like that.

Sleeper loot still brings in more isk than incursions. People say "but its not a direct injection". You sell to NPC buy orders so inflation sees it exactly the same.

And anyone that says "but theres less risk" can stfu about it in regards to inflation. Its not relevant.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Skex Relbore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#436 - 2012-03-14 17:33:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Skex Relbore
gfldex wrote:
Skex Relbore wrote:
Don't you think it's kind of strange that prices remained flat for the entire rest of the year? People have been running incursions that entire friggin time but somehow we're supposed to think that some magical ******* tipping point was finally reached in December

There is one. It's more of an area then a point, tho. I'm pretty sure you will come up with the right answer yourself. There is a complex interaction between PLEX, ISK, minerals/sleeper goo and the number of active accounts. There are sort-of-tipping points and I believe we have hit one.

In 0.0 your available time to NPC scales with the distance to empire. Paragon is a nice place to chill out. :) With incursions you don't have that.

On the notion that it's easier to change profession in EVE then on Earth I do not agree. Well, for us 100M+SP folk it is. For the waste majority of active accounts it's not. They have to skill for a few month to be competitive.

PLEX prices have more to do with the real economy than the EVE economy. The reason being that the less real money people have due to real economic hardship will result in a greater demand from people trying to pay for their play in ISK rather than real world currency putting upward pressure on the ISK price of a plex, this also results in fewer people trying to sell plex for isk reducing the supply of plex and putting upward pressure on price.
The fact that the cost of plex is influenced by the real world economy means that it's a useless metric for measuring monetary inflation in game.

Oh and it's much easier to change professions in EVE compared to real life. or are you really going to pretend that injecting some skills and waiting out the training is harder than going back to school to learn a new profession? As to the argument that newbies and low skilled characters can't avail themselves of other opportunities the simple fact that those 100m sp vets can will balance matters out for those who remain in a given profession because they lack the skills.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#437 - 2012-03-14 17:44:44 UTC
A few things.

Myrmidons were always around 40 million isk, even a year or two ago (hell they were more when they first came out).

Tritanium price has doubled, I suspect its because people don't like mining (especially mining Veldspar.)
Prices overall has risen. Stuff I would have sold 2 years ago for 1000 are now selling for 10000. Tags were worth nothing, a bulk of the modules were crap, but people are finding uses for it now.

Caps won't do a damn thing. You can reduce Incursion bounties but prices will still rise. Even if they still rise, and Tritanium goes from 5 to 10 isk, remove a zero, and your back at 1 isk tritanium. The fact that there is inflation is not the issue, the SPEED is the issue. Allot of it has to do with Incursions. Some tweakage of how they function, such as killing everything, instead of gifting a payout immediately, might help.


Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#438 - 2012-03-14 17:51:17 UTC  |  Edited by: mackluver
Liang Nuren wrote:
mackluver wrote:

as for null-sec..

Mining arkonor, I max out at about 50 mil, literal 54 mil but again i knock a bit off for mining cycle imperfection. Same deal with a maxed Orca, maxed Rorqual can net you another 5 mil an hour

Ratting in belts with the occasional faction spawn ignored, and disregarding the use of capitals, I can squeeze about 50 mil an hour in good bounty space with the system to myself in order to chain 1+ mil BS spawns. This disregards the loot, as I don't salvage in null, but say it's another 10 mil in good circumastances so 60 mil/hour altogether

Mining is a mineral faucet and ISK sink (via market and construction costs)


Now i take that same ship into havens/sanctums, I'm looking at closer to 90 mil an hour, again not using caps for reasons I will touch on later

This is both an ISK and mineral faucet via bounties and loot drops


Above all, the biggest income I have generated in the game comes now...

Doing 8/10 - 10/10 Plexes, I could score as much as 600 mil in an hour, that's with an alt in a Logi so you could say 300 mil split between 2 people. of course, you can find the occasional crap plex, or the occasional OMGWTF smart bomb drop at well over a bil

This is a smallish ISK faucet (bounties) combined with a smallish ISK sink (market taxes on the loot drop)


Recap time
high-sec mining <27 mil/hour
high-sec missions (level 4's) +- 40 mil/hour
0.0 mining < 55 mil/hour
0.0 ratting +- 60 mil/hour
0.0 anoms +- 90 mil/hour
High DED plexing 100 mil - 3 bil/ hour, averaging 300 mil/hour

So the topic of discusion is inflation, leading to "we hate incursions", leading to "we hate leet null-sec people" leading to, "can't we just blame the bots?

Its cool to discuss various ISK/hr opportunities (and I encourage you too) but making 500M ISK/hr doing exploration injects far less ISK into the economy than making 500M ISK/hr doing Incursions or Anoms. Think about where your ISK comes from - from another player (via trading) or from the game itself (via a bounty or reward payout)


CCP are developing an MMO, not remodeling bathrooms, so the endless mention of faucets and sinks is mederately useless

1. Are you implying that mineral collection through mining is also damaging to the economy? That wouldn't make much sense as it's commonly known that mining only accounts for 25-30% of minerals that are injected into the game. If that's not what you're implying, then please clarify the purpose..

2. Yes, ratting in anomolies does add isk and minerals to the game. Interesting thing is that if you take away these things then players would have no way of producing income other than missions, which are not for everyone. Again, your statement seems to lack a purpose

3. Yes, it is a smaller percentage of minerals and income flow into the game... Not hard to determine that

Thanks for agreeing with the coolness of my numbers :) As far as my isk, as I stated earlier I am primarily a builder, making ships to earn isk, which as you know is not a way of introducing new isk or minerals into the game, but instead actively removes both through the purchase of BPO's and skillbooks from NPC corps, the cost of researching in stations, and the loss of minerals in the process of construction (small as it may be once proper research has been done).

Of everything in your reply, all I gather is that we agree about incursions being excessive in the amount of new isk that they introduce. Not that this would be a problem if they fell in line with the risk=reward factor that everything in eve is supposed to have.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#439 - 2012-03-14 18:05:34 UTC
Luba Cibre wrote:
mackluver wrote:
Recap time
high-sec mining <27 mil/hour
high-sec missions (level 4's) +- 40 mil/hour
0.0 mining < 55 mil/hour
0.0 ratting +- 60 mil/hour
0.0 anoms +- 90 mil/hour
High DED plexing 100 mil - 3 bil/ hour, averaging 300 mil/hour

lol no. you don't make 90m isk/h in 0.0 anoms.

That is about one hour of doing sanctums (i run 2 ring sanctums) in a -0.9 System with a T2 fitted Tengu.

So you make roughly 75 mil in isk in bounties from anomolies, minus the sad 15% your corp takes. That doesn't count looting and salvaging. Maybe your numbers would be closer to my own if you factored that in...

As for your T II Tengu, grats on the cool ship \o/ but I hope you're not implying that it is the absolute ultra max sub-capital PVE ship/fit you can have for anomolies... Because there are better ships/fits resulting in faster anomoly completion, not to bust your 'Leet' bubble or anything...

about that 15% corp tax.... I'm guessing that's because you don't partake in PVP? if so then you are a part of the economic problem as making 75/mil isk an hour without losing stuff in PVP is part of the foundation of rapid inflation and supercap proliferation, especially since that 15% probably goes to some bittervet players and their supercap blob.
Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#440 - 2012-03-14 18:13:43 UTC
mackluver wrote:
Luba Cibre wrote:
mackluver wrote:
Recap time
high-sec mining <27 mil/hour
high-sec missions (level 4's) +- 40 mil/hour
0.0 mining < 55 mil/hour
0.0 ratting +- 60 mil/hour
0.0 anoms +- 90 mil/hour
High DED plexing 100 mil - 3 bil/ hour, averaging 300 mil/hour

lol no. you don't make 90m isk/h in 0.0 anoms.

That is about one hour of doing sanctums (i run 2 ring sanctums) in a -0.9 System with a T2 fitted Tengu.

So you make roughly 75 mil in isk in bounties from anomolies, minus the sad 15% your corp takes. That doesn't count looting and salvaging. Maybe your numbers would be closer to my own if you factored that in...

As for your T II Tengu, grats on the cool ship \o/ but I hope you're not implying that it is the absolute ultra max sub-capital PVE ship/fit you can have for anomolies... Because there are better ships/fits resulting in faster anomoly completion, not to bust your 'Leet' bubble or anything...

about that 15% corp tax.... I'm guessing that's because you don't partake in PVP? if so then you are a part of the economic problem as making 75/mil isk an hour without losing stuff in PVP is part of the foundation of rapid inflation and supercap proliferation, especially since that 15% probably goes to some bittervet players and their supercap blob.

Actually if you stop ratting to loot/salvage, your ISK/hr drops significantly. You earn nothing while in warp, and most of the modules from anomalies wind up getting melted down and turned into PVP ships (and modules) in nullsec.

You're right that a Tengu isn't the be-all-end-all. But it isn't far from it, either.

I like how you presume that the corp tax is because the poster doesn't PVP. Can you explain the causal relationship between corp taxes and a failure of an individual to engage in PVP activity?

I'm literally on the edge of my seat. Maybe I can use corp taxes as a type of index to see if my victims know what they're doing?

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom